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Book online «Titan: A LitRPG Adventure (UnderVerse Book 4) Jez Cajiao (top ten books of all time TXT) 📖». Author Jez Cajiao

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on the floor, and my weapon glanced off his hastily raised shield.

There were at least a dozen more people in the corridor, although most of them huddled back, trying to keep clear of the fighting, while the small group of soldiers battled frantically to take down my own far more highly trained and equipped force.

I glanced over, seeing the way that Jian deflected an attack from one woman, then lashed his scythes lightly across both of her shoulders, drawing a crunch of mail as the blades sliced through them. When she tried to raise her suddenly numb arms to block his next strike, he stabbed out instead, the point of one blade sinking into his opponent’s gut.

She cried out, dropping her weapon, and reached for the blade impaling her. He slashed his second blade across her throat and kicked her over, freeing himself to find another soldier to face.

Grizz had gone from the happy-go-lucky guy he always seemed to be, into the deadly, focused killing machine the Legion had made him into. Three soldiers were down and he wasn’t even breathing hard as he kicked a fourth’s knee, staggering him. The hulking Legionnaire punched him in the face, then hooked his leg, sending him to the floor, where he finished him off with a single efficient strike.

Others were falling, arrows sprouting from eyes and throats, and I spun, knowing I had only seconds before my overdrive ended.

The pair of mages were still out of it, one bleeding, but both reeling in shock and unable to cast again, with a single soldier standing between me and them.

I reached down, swept up my naginata, and stepped back, leaving the soldier with the half-severed leg to bleed out on the floor.

He couldn’t reach me, and I didn’t need to waste more time on him. I shook the buzzing kill-stick at the soldier between me and the mages, spattering him with blood before dropping it into a bag of holding and stabbing out with the naginata.

The man I faced had a sword and shield, and he deflected my strike easily, lunging forward and slashing at me. I stepped back, lashing my right hand around to bring the butt up, and slapped the sword blade aside, hard.

Then I hooked the butt in behind his shield and yanked, stepping forward and putting my left foot behind his right.

He tried to step back, attempting to gain room to free his shield and bring his sword around, and instead, he fell, not expecting my foot. I released my right grip on the naginata, yanking with my left and tugging it clear as he fell, then grabbed it again and drove the butt down hard.

Not at his head or chest, where he’d pulled the shield over to protect himself… no, I slammed it down hard on his left foot, just to the side of the toes, smashing his foot sideways.

His boots were all one piece, and I heard a grisly crack as his ankle broke. He screamed, slashing downwards with his sword, and I stepped back, flipped my weapon over, and stabbed out, aiming for the chainmail that covered the inner thigh, just below the groin.

I’d open that artery and…

Something hit me from behind, a blade punching into my lower back and tearing into my kidney. Staggering, I screamed, then collapsed, as my ‘Mana-Overdrive’ expired, taking the last of my mana with it. A migraine exploded, the pain minor compared to the kidney stab, but as it flared, I was blinded, and I hit the floor, crying out again as the dagger that was embedded in my side, held in place by the bent metal plates that had been layered to protect me, jarred against the ground.

I lashed out blindly, hitting nothing but the corridor and wall, as I reeled in shock. Suddenly hands were hauling at me as a body dragged itself up me, and a leather glove-encased fist slammed into my face.

My head rocked back again, the back of my skull slamming into the floor and rebounding, and light flared again.

The animal broke free then, panic letting it out as I flailed blindly. My left hand felt something, and I grabbed at it, punching with my right as I squinted, trying to see what was going on.

It was the soldier whose leg I’d almost severed, I realized. Behind him I saw an empty vial on the floor, and I cursed myself for a fool. A healing potion. God knows I’d used them enough! In the heat of the fight, I’d ignored the possibility, and now, here I was.

“Hold him down!” growled a voice from my right, and I heard the scratching, squealing sound of someone in full armor dragging themselves across a metal floor toward me.

I growled, ignoring the pain, the difficulty in seeing, all of it, and I reached out, grabbing the soldier with the ruined knee by the side of his helmet with my left hand, and punching him as hard as I could with my right.

His helm was the same as the others, a bell-like shape with a cut-out for the face, and as I slammed my fist into his face, I felt his nose break. As I hauled back and hit him again, he pulled out a second dagger and stabbed it into my gut, but it glanced off, the angle, armor, and weakness of the blow combining to leave a nasty scratch on the metal instead of a deadly blow.

I could feel the dagger in my kidney tearing me open as I writhed and fought, but I had no choice but to leave it as I rolled, forcing him over as he was laid atop my legs.

With him on his back and me atop his chest, practically face-fucking him, I reared back, screaming as the dagger shifted, torn further by the movement of my armor, and I glared down as the stunned soldier beneath me.

“No!” I screamed, punching him in the face. “Free!” I shouted, hitting him again, punctuating each word with

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