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Book online «Titan: A LitRPG Adventure (UnderVerse Book 4) Jez Cajiao (top ten books of all time TXT) 📖». Author Jez Cajiao

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a blow. “Goes. On. The. Cock!” With the last hit, I felt something give, and he spasmed before going limp, his head falling to the side as I yanked my fist free with a groan of pain.

I looked up, just in time to see the last soldier swinging his sword at my exposed head. I threw myself aside, clattering to the floor as the blade tore open a thin line across my temple, making me scream as the dagger in my back tore me up even more.

I had no mana, and I yanked free another dagger before taking a second blow on my left vambrace, feeling it slam to the floor, exposing my head… as an arrow suddenly sprouted from the exposed throat of the soldier.

He staggered back a step, fell to one knee, dropped his sword, and reached up, tapping the arrow that jutted from him in shock. He opened his mouth, blood dripping out of it, and made to say something before a second arrow took him in the eye, and the corpse fell bonelessly to the floor.

I looked over at Miren and waved at her weakly in thanks.

She nodded, then drew back her bow and fired another arrow. It flew past me and thudded into the back of one of the mages as he tried to flee, sending him to the floor, crying out in pain. The other still laid on the ground, clutching his head.

“Oh, for fuck’s sake…” I groaned, shaking my head at the man who started trying to crawl away. I reached down and roughly searched the body under me, avoiding looking at the smashed-in skull, and let out a relieved sigh as I pulled out a healing potion.

It was red, anyway, and I had no mana left to ‘Examine’ it, so I popped the cork, reaching behind me with the other hand to fumble for the dagger, before Grizz stomped over to me, looked at it, and nodded.

“On three,” he said, taking the healing potion from me and passing it to Yen, who, aside from a little shake that occasionally ran through her limbs, and a blackened patch on her armor, seemed to be okay.

She crouched next to me, looked at the potion, and snorted, pulling one out of her bag and holding it ready as well. She nodded to Grizz, who put one hand on my shoulder and took a good grip on the dagger.

“Okay, boss, on three. One… Two…” And the bastard yanked it out on two. I cried out and half fell forward, being caught by Yen and Grizz. The vials were quickly pressed to my lips, one after the other. I gulped them down, then screamed as my body started reknitting itself. Seconds passed in pain, before it died down, and I collapsed forward, panting.

“Bane…Tang…” I gasped out, and Yen nodded to me, getting up and moving to them. Grizz stayed by my side, glaring at the remaining eight people who crouched on the far side of the corridor.

“Here,” Grizz said throwing a potion to Yen, and she nodded to him as she caught, crouching to check the others over.

“Arrin,” I grunted, then straightened up, looking over at the others. “Arrin!” I called again, and he ran over. He was bloody, dirty, and looked tired, but he and the rest of the party were okay. Luckily.

“Get to the others,” I ordered him. “Any healing you can do…”

“I’m out of mana,” he admitted in a small voice.

“What?” I asked, trying to keep my voice even.

“I’m out of mana,” he repeated.

“I thought I’d told you to keep some mana back, always, for healing spells?” I asked him, trying to keep the fury out of my voice.

“Yes… you did. I’m sorry, Jax. I... I didn’t have much, and when the fight broke out…” He sighed and bowed his head. “I panicked,” he confessed quietly. “I panicked and started firing off my Magic Missiles; I didn’t realize until I hit rock bottom. I’m sorry.” I had to bite my tongue to not scream at him, to not tell the goddamn fool he might have killed Bane or Tang, and even the sight of the tears dripping from his downturned face, the shame I knew he felt, wasn’t enough to temper my anger fully.

“Go,” I growled out, and he fled back to the rest of the group, busying himself with checking on Lydia as I got up and started over to Bane and Tang. “How are they?” I asked Yen, aware that Grizz had followed me and was glaring at the remaining people that huddled in the far corner from us.

“Not good,” Yen said, grabbing onto the mage who was laid next to her, still groaning. “Shut it,” she snarled and punched him in the face. There was a sound like a steak being dropped from the third floor onto concrete, and the mage was silent, unconscious. “Wimp,” Yen muttered, searching through his pockets and bags. “Grizz! I need you to stop the bleeding!” Yen snapped, and the big man dropped down, pulling bandages out of a pouch and starting to work.

I paused, my brain still foggy as I wondered why he hadn’t done it straight away, then I realized. In a world where wounds were fixed by spells and potions, you’d be wasting bandages to use them unless absolutely necessary.

She pulled out two potions, both mana, and cursed, diving back in to search for a healing potion when I pulled the mana from her and downed one.

I let out a groan of relief as the mana-migraine cleared away, and a handful of seconds later, I chugged the second, watching my mana regeneration leap upwards at a terrific rate.

I took a deep breath, then started to cast ‘Battlefield Triage.’ I hit Bane first, as he seemed the most injured by far, and grunted in dismay as I saw the injuries.

“What the hell did they do to you?” I growled, looking at the information. More than half the bones in his body were broken; he

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