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Book online Β«Malaria and Rome: A History of Malaria in Ancient Italy Robert Sallares (the kiss of deception read online .TXT) πŸ“–Β». Author Robert Sallares

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dicoccum) 150

Decemnovium 182, 191

Empedocles 73

Decius 190

England 71, 78, 91, 118, 138, 151–66,

deforestation 72, 90, 103, 105–9, 112,

176, 180, 197, 205, 208, 271, 279


epidemiology 23, 132, 156, 215, 223,

Demaratus of Corinth 144


Demetrius 108

epilepsy 50, 139

Denderah 282

Epirus 9, 249, 253

dengue fever 10, 89

Epstein-Barr virus 139

Dennis, George 180

erythrocytes 11, 18, 25, 28, 37–8, 125,

Diamantina 89

142–3, 165, 218, 221, 329

diarrhoea 124, 126

Esquiline, hill 213–14

diet 35, 141–51

estatatura 280

dinosaurs 7

Etruria, see Tuscany

Diocletian, emperor 208

Eudemus 135

Diodorus Siculus 181

Eustathius, commentator

Diogenes Laertius 38

on Homer 21



Faesulae 278

Genoa 138

Falleroni, Domenico 43, 45, 267

Gervase 159, 224

Favorinus, sophist 134–5

Ghetto, Jewish in Rome 210–11

Felix, M. Minucius 50

Ginanni, Francesco 81–3

Ferrara 83, 89, 122, 142, 278

glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase

fertility, human 118, 127, 151, 162–3,

(G6PD) deficiency 39, 68, 127,

242, 277



Godfrey of Bouillon 226

as a divinity 50–4

Godfrey of Viterbo 224

as an immune response 13

Gracchus, Tiberius and Gaius 93, 95,

see also blackwater fever; dengue

196, 248, 253

fever; quartan fever; quotidian

Graviscae 192–8, 244, 250, 266

fever; relapsing fever; semitertian

Greece 12–14, 18, 20–3, 31–5, 38, 44,

fever; tertian fever; typhoid fever;

91, 116, 136, 144, 160, 200, 249,

typhomalarial fever; yellow

252, 279


Gregorovius 57, 147–8, 163, 173–4

Fienili di Sonnino 190

Gregory I the Great, pope 230, 273

Fiora, river 113

Gregory of Tours 54, 157

fish 69–70, 95, 146

Grassi, Battista 43, 49–50, 72, 87

fishponds, artificial 69–70

Grmek, Mirko Drazen 4, 13, 18–19,

Fiumicino 94, 98, 280

22–3, 35–6, 38, 49, 143, 230

floods 86, 109–10, 202, 214

Grosseto 2–3, 40–1, 60, 63, 69, 108–9,

Florence 22, 100, 109, 117, 124–5, 140,

111–12, 116–18, 121–3, 125, 128,

142, 180, 203, 208, 251, 272–3,

140, 142–3, 155, 160–5, 180, 205,

276, 284

233–4, 269, 271, 273, 280, 283

Foggia 266

Guyana 121, 136

Forum, Roman 76, 109, 150, 213, 217

Forum Appii 187

Habitancum (Risingham) 157

Fossombroni, Vittorio, 100

Hadrian, emperor 71, 157

Fracastoro, Girolamo, 122

Hadrian III, pope 183

François, Alessandro 199

haemoglobin 18, 30, 143, 165

Franklin, Benjamin 252

Hamilton, Robert 152

Frederick Barbarossa 224, 227

Hamilton, W. D. 130

Fregenae 87

Hannibal 13, 246, 249, 264

Frontinus 229

harvest 21–2, 152, 168, 231, 255–6, 267

FucΓ©cchio 260

Hawaii 7

Fucino, Lago di 71–2

heart disease 130, 150

Herculaneum 10

Galen 14, 17–20, 48–9, 54, 86, 117,

Herodian 75, 126, 134, 137, 156, 276

121, 135–6, 140, 156, 189, 209,

Herodotus 91–2, 282

218, 222–3, 229, 258–9, 276

Hesiod 20

Galera 57, 94

Hippocrates 18–19, 50, 222

gametocyte 33, 98, 329

hippopotamus 32

gardens 112, 211, 229, 242

HIV 139

gastro-intestinal diseases 62, 123–9,

Holland 91, 157


Homer 20–1

Gaza 30

Honorius IV, pope 54

Gellius, Aulus 135

Horace 73, 181, 188, 217, 228



Horton Hospital, Epsom 11, 33, 35,

lethargy 220–1, 231

38, 131, 155, 202

leucocytosis 129

hospitals, see individual entries

Levi, Carlo 141, 236, 242

houses 55, 63, 91, 95–8, 212, 216, 280,

life-expectancy 1, 3, 52, 83, 125, 127,


141, 143, 154–66, 218, 254, 257,

Hugh of Evesham, cardinal 159

269–72, 278, 283

hyperostosis, porotic 31, 92, 141

life-tables 1–2, 160–4, 166–7, 277–8,

hypnozoites 329


Liguria 74, 255

Icatidas 134

Lithika, Orphic 20

immunity 10, 16, 36–8, 42, 52, 64,

Livorno 10, 43

82–3, 98, 119, 124–7, 147, 155,

Livy 41, 105, 178–9, 183, 185–7, 201–2,

198, 223–4, 226

218, 236, 249, 252

impluvium 95–6

locusts 183

influenza 9–10, 133

London 20, 29, 138, 152, 273

Innocent III, pope 148

Longula 178

Innocent IV, pope 119

lucerne 238

India 38, 49, 95, 142, 166, 200, 202

Lucilius 192

Isola Tiberina 211, 281

Lucretius 61, 220

Lugnano in Teverina 67–8, 145, 233

Luni 85

Janiculum 206, 214

John Lydus 53

Maccarese 87, 234

Jordan 32

Macedonia 127

Jordanes 225

Machiavelli, NiccolΓ² 251

Josephus 32

Madagascar 151

Juan de Lugo, cardinal 202

Magi, Luigi 234

Justinian, emperor 86, 182, 198

magic 49, 53–4, 134, 147, 224, 232

Juvenal 190, 217, 219

Magiotti, Latanzio, 15

maize 147–9, 168, 243–4

King’s Lynn 152

malaria, see entries for individual

species under Plasmodium

Lactantius 50

see also blackwater fever; periodicity;

lacus Caprae 215

quartan fever; quotidian fever;

Lancisi, Giovanni 45–6, 62, 74, 89,

semitertian fever; tertian fever; et

108, 125, 128, 132, 209, 214–16,



Maleventum (Beneventum) 263

Lapi, G. G. 124, 141, 212, 281

malnutrition 140–51

larvae 69–70, 72, 74, 78–9, 87, 95, 108,

Manfredonia 264, 266

112, 239

Mantua 70

latifundia 241, 246, 253–4

Marana, Lago di, 264

Laurentum 87, 111, 197, 236, 240, 246,

Marcellinus, Ammianus 281


Marchiafava, Ettore 14–16, 18–19, 21,

Laveran, Alphonse 35

25, 37, 63, 130, 139, 220, 238

Lawrence, D. H. 199

Maremma 39–40, 74, 100, 112, 136,

leishmaniasis, visceral, 27

180, 189, 198–201, 234, 250–1,

Leoniceno, NiccolΓ² 122


leprosy 39, 122

Marius 50, 188



marshes 38, 40–1, 44, 46, 55, 61, 63,

Norma 57–9

68, 70–1, 74–5, 78–82, 84, 87, 89,

nuraghi 91–2, 95

91–2, 122–3, 132, 152–6, 198, 257,

nutrition 140–51


see also Pontine Marshes

olive, tree 72, 77, 103, 248, 267, 270

Marta, river 57, 113, 193

Olympiodorus 241, 276

Martial 85, 93, 108, 134, 228

Ombrone, river 73, 112, 180

Martin IV, pope 159

Orosius 109

Massari, Cesare 260

Orte 68

Massarosa 43

Ostia 69, 74–5, 86–7, 89, 91, 96, 190,

Mazzara 52

204, 231–4, 278, 280

meadows 109, 236–8

Otto, bishop of Freising 227–8, 280

melanization 34

Mendini, Giuseppe 49, 206

Pacelli, Filippo 281

merozoites 11, 125, 156, 329

Paestum (Poseidonia) 40–1, 242, 250

Metapontum 103–5, 161

Palatine, hill 50, 206, 209, 213

migration, animal 267, 277

Palidoro 239

human 180–1, 205, 248, 250, 273,

Palladius, R. T. Aemilianus 68, 70,



mosquito 30

Panarolo, Domenico 74

Montalto di Castro 199

Pantanelli, Pietro 283

Monterosi 246

Pantanello 105


Paola, in Calabria, 116

anthropophilic 85, 89, 193, 239, 260

Paola, Lago di 171, 257, 264

evolution 26

Papua New Guinea 28, 149

zoophilic 84–5, 89, 100, 174, 239,

papyri, magical 54


papyrus, plant 32

see also entries for individual species

para-amino benzoic acid 142, 165

under Aedes; Anopheles; Culex; and pathocoenosis 197, 222, 230

anophelism without malaria;

Paulus Diaconus 158, 183, 273

melanization; nets; refractoriness

Pausanias 32

mountains 42, 63, 92, 95, 105–6, 197,

PCR (polymerase chain reaction) 37,

205, 228, 236, 238, 267


Mozzano 119

pellagra 121, 148

Mussolini, Benito 4, 75, 85, 168–70,

periodicity 8–10

188, 191, 264

Peter of Blois 158

Myus 79

Peter Damian, St. 87, 231

Peter the Venerable 159

Naples 9, 33, 43, 153

Petronius, Alexander 209, 259

Napoleon 4

Philostratus 173

Narni 64–6

Piquer, AndrΓ©s, 15

Nemi, Lago di 77, 113

Pisa 43, 63, 75, 100, 108, 180, 251, 260

nephrotic syndrome 12, 136

Pius VI, pope 75, 168, 180

Nero, emperor 71, 96–7, 190, 214

placenta 73, 124–6

Nerva, emperor 110, 182, 229

β€˜plague’, Antonine 2, 124, 223

nets, mosquito 48, 92

plague, bubonic ( Yersinia pestis) 10, 49,

Nightingale, Florence 148, 174

117, 125, 198, 230–2, 272–4, 284

Ninfa 57, 59, 182, 282

Plasmodium berghei 142



Plasmodium bubalis 240

Plasmodium malariae:

Plasmodium cynomolgi 27

associated with splenomegaly 16

Plasmodium falciparum:

association with other diseases 135

association with harvest 20–2

attacks Atticus 131–2

at Grosseto 116, 162

attacks Eudemus 135

at Metapontum 105

duration 12

at Nemi 113

effects on different age-groups 133

clinical differentiation from P. vivax

epidemiology 132


evolution 24–7

clinical syndromes 129

in Greece 12–13

cross-reactions with P. malariae

in Po delta 83


interaction with P. falciparum 218–19

cross-reactions with P. vivax 126,

invasion rate of erythrocytes 25


main discussion of 131–6

cyclical fluctuations in Roman

nephrotic syndrome 12, 136

Campagna 256–60

periodicity 8–10

described by Celsus 14–16

poorly adapted to A. atroparvus 33

described by Hippocratic authors

remedies 134


schizogony 125

drug resistance 48

temperature requirements 102

effects on the elderly 130

see also quartan fever

evolution 23–39

Plasmodium ovale 9,

1 ... 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135
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