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you. Besides, I still say our meeting in the cemetery was fate at play, Dru.”

His nickname for me resonates like a jolt to the heart and my mouth pops open.

“Angel…” I whisper, taking a step back and brushing my mouth with my fingertips. “I nicknamed you Angel.”

Wade snickers softly, as he grins and drops his chin. “Yeah, I was ridiculously pleased about that. Believe me, there’s been more than a couple of times I’ve chuckled to myself about it. See? Fate…”

I drop his hand, suddenly unable to take in much more. I pick up the grimoire, walking it back to its pedestal as I process. As I place it back on top, the pedestal descends back into the floor. I stand there, staring at it as it vanishes from view.

There are so many questions knotting themselves together and I’m not sure how to sort them all out. If he’s next in line to become an Angel of Death—how do we make sure he has a good, long life?

Like the billowing black clouds his dad appears from, fear begins to take over.

What if his dad is right… what if death does follow after me?

I lift my gaze to him, trying to squelch the panic rising from the center of my torso.

What if his dad’s rule has nothing to do with necromancy or me? What if his rule is to protect Wade so he lives that good, long life?

What if being with me is actually putting his life at risk?

To my right, Abigail’s form flickers in and out of reality, making me jump. Her face is contorted in an odd expression of fear and horror as she tries to speak to me. Her arms splay out wide, and at first her words don’t reach me, despite her clearly trying to communicate.

Confused, I shake my head. “What is it? I can’t understand you… What are you trying to say?”

Abigail reaches out to me, then vanishes again, only to pop up on my left side.

“What’s going on?” Wade asks, his eyes floating around the space.

Abigail bends forward, her face inches from my neck. A frigid cold creeps up my neck as she whispers into my ear, “You need to be ready. His time has come.”

To Be Continued in Book 3: Haunted Legacy.

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Haunted Legacy

Chapter 1

Death is my curse

His time has come…

Abigail’s cryptic words have lingered with me all summer. No matter how hard I’ve tried to shake them, they’ve settled underneath my skin, making a home just beneath the surface.

As much as I want to forget them, it’s an impossible task.

To make matters worse, after all the energy Abigail must have expelled fighting Cat’s Fetch, I’ve only managed to catch glimpses of her. They’re fleeting and nowhere near enough time to question her on what those words meant. It’s maddening.

I shudder, unable to stay warm any longer. The brisk chill of being on the cusp of fall has crept into the evening air. I pull my sweatshirt in tighter, letting the shiver roll through me. Despite the change in temps, I can’t be bothered to go inside just yet.

My gaze flits from the glittering water to the setting sun hanging low above the pond. Deep-gold tendrils soak in the magenta ribbons of the sky, as if the added color somehow feeds it. Closing my eyes, I breathe in deeply through my nose, wishing the clean air could wash away the worry buried in my soul.

Even if Abigail’s warning weren’t enough—every time I look at Wade I see something else. Something that wasn’t there before. As much as I love him, as much as I want to be with him… I can’t shake this intense dread that his father was right.

Death follows me wherever I go.

It’s like I’m stuck inside an episode of “Buffy.” Only, death isn’t my gift. It’s my curse.

I don’t want to be the reason Wade loses his one chance at being human. Of experiencing all this one and only life has to offer… I don’t want to be the reason he dies an early death and has to forfeit it all. I wouldn’t be able to live with myself.

My breath hitches in my throat and I blink away the liquid terror escaping from my eyes.

Wade has tried so hard to keep up the status quo. I know he wants this to work desperately, but…

My chin quivers. Despite trying to find an answer, I know what has to be done—what I’ve always needed to do. I’ve just been too scared to think it, or say it out loud.

Not that I’ve had anyone I could say it to other than him.

I’ve had no one to talk to. Cat and Colton are gone. Evidently, thanks to Colton’s stunt last year, they’ve been transferred to another academy closer to the psychic Diana Hawthorne so she can keep an eye on them. Granted, it was probably a wise move, but still. Without Cat at least, their absence has created a vacuum for all of my thoughts to spiral around inside my head whenever I find myself alone…which seems to be happening more and more.

Maybe it’s my destiny?

Look at my mom and dad… Abigail…

The landscape is changing now with school starting back up, and I can’t help but think now’s the time. Wade could still find someone new. Someone who isn’t bad news for him.

Someone his Angel of Death father will approve of…

Someone normal.

Instantly, my mind conjures up images of Chelsea, Wade’s strawberry-blond, green-eyed landlady. She’s funny, pretty, and…uncomplicated. She’s practically me, but the light version.

My insides twist and my heart constricts in on itself. The impulse to gag tugs at the back of my throat, but something in the recesses of my mind resonates with the idea.

He’d be better off with her.

“Hey there, beautiful. I thought I might find you out here,” Wade says, making my insides try to jump outside. I hadn’t even heard his footsteps coming up behind me.

Wiping quickly at my face to hide the tears,

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