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Book online «Harlequin Love Inspired Suspense March 2021--Box Set 2 of 2 Dana Mentink (e books free to read TXT) 📖». Author Dana Mentink

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not focusing on any one thing. Blood trickled out from a cut on her temple.

“Talk to me.”

“Can’t breathe. Wind. Knocked. Out.”

“Take a big breath. In and out. Through your mouth. Then suck in your stomach. That should help.”

She obeyed, doing it a couple of times.

The constables ran over.

“Is she okay?” Constable Taylor asked.

“Got the wind knocked out of her. How about you both?”

“Just a few cuts and probably some bruises.” He pointed toward the cruiser. “Rob wasn’t so fortunate. Do you think he was the target?”

Layke scratched his head. “That’s my guess. Not sure how they knew where we were. Maybe he contacted them before we got here?”

“Possibly. We’ve called the volunteer fire department for this zone and another ambulance. They should be here soon. We’ll check the area for evidence and your vehicle for any tracking devices.” They walked away.

Layke refocused his attention on Hannah. “Can you breathe now?”


He pulled a tissue from his pocket and brushed a curl off her face as he wiped the blood from her temple.

She let out a soft gasp.

Had he really just done that? Had he broken another one of his rules… Never get close to someone during an intense situation? He had to stop breaking these or it would cost him dearly. He pulled his hand away. “There, you’re good now. Are you hurt anywhere else?”

“No. How are you? You’ve been through a lot today.”

“I’m fine.” Not really, but he wouldn’t tell her that. They needed to remain focused.

Ten minutes later, an ambulance roared into the parking lot, and a male paramedic jumped out. He grabbed a bag and headed toward them. “Where are you hurt?”

Layke stood. “I’m okay. She has a cut on her temple.” He helped Hannah stand.

“I’m fine,” she said.

The paramedic guided her toward the ambulance. “I need to check you just to be safe.”

She turned back to Layke. “But I have—”

“It’s okay. I’ve got this.” Layke waved her off.

A firetruck raced into the lot with its siren screaming and lights flashing. The firemen jumped down and quickly moved in syncopation to extinguish the blaze. Great teamwork. These volunteer firefighters knew what they were doing.

Constable Taylor approached him, holding his notebook. “We’ve called for the local coroner to come. We didn’t find any devices on your vehicle.” He glanced toward the charred cruiser. “Such a waste. Did you get any information from him?”

“Not a lot. Just the names Broderick and Cash. Hopefully, the forensic artist can get a good enough sketch from Gabe’s description so we can put out a BOLO.”

“We’ve got this covered. You can head out as soon as Hannah is done with the paramedic.”

Layke held out his hand. “Thanks. Keep me updated on any information you receive?”

He returned the gesture. “Will do. Same goes for you.”

They exchanged business cards.

Layke nodded and walked over to the ambulance.

The paramedic was finishing up with Hannah as he approached. “You good to go, or are they taking you to the hospital?”

“I’m fine. We need to get back to Gabe.”


She hopped down from the back of the ambulance. “Are we able to get any evidence from inside the health center?”

“The constables are securing the scene and will interview local residents. It’s protocol.”

“Good. How do you think they found us?”

“He must have called them when we arrived. I wish we could have gotten more information from him.”

They walked toward her Jeep. “Yah, Broderick and Cash isn’t a lot to go on. Can you check your CPIC database?”

He was impressed by her knowledge of the Canadian Police Information Centre that gives the police authorities details on crimes and offenders—a wealth of information. However, without last names, he doubted they’d find anything. “I will check on the way back to Murray’s.” He handed her the keys. “Do you want to drive?”

“Sure.” She unlocked the vehicle and climbed in.

He pulled the police-issued laptop Elias lent him from the back seat as she maneuvered the Jeep out the side roads and onto the main highway. He peered at the sky. Dark clouds had smothered the sun and now created an ominous display. The earlier cold temperatures had warmed in a flash. Were they in for more snow or something else? He shook his head. He wasn’t sure he could handle another storm after yesterday’s.

Layke set the thought aside and typed the name Broderick into the CPIC search engine and waited. He glanced at Hannah’s profile.

Her wavy light red locks sat just below her shoulders. He liked her hair down instead of in a ponytail, enhancing her already beautiful features. What was her story? “So, tell me. You seeing anyone?”

Her head snapped to the right and her jaw dropped. Her squinted eyes revealed her confusion at his question.

He gritted his teeth. What was wrong with him? Why did he even care? He glanced back to his screen and the circling cursor as it searched the database. The weak signal slowed his inquiry. “Sorry, none of my business.”

“It’s okay. I’m not seeing anyone. You?”

He stole a peek at her.

She looked back at the road.

What game were they playing? Layke, don’t get involved. You promised yourself you wouldn’t. However, something about her intrigued him. What?

“No time.” His laptop dinged. His search brought nothing on Broderick. “No matches on the ring leader.” He typed in Cash.

“I’m not surprised. Let’s ask Gabe if he heard the names at either the cave or the ranch.”

“Good idea. What if—”

A black SUV bolted onto the highway from a side road and rammed their bumper, spinning them around as freezing rain began pounding the windshield.

* * *

Hannah fought to maintain control of the Jeep. The tires hit a patch of ice and the vehicle careened toward oncoming traffic. She took her foot off the gas and kept the tires straight as she’d been taught but still couldn’t gain control. She eased into the direction of the skid and held her breath, tension tightening her neck muscles. A moment later, she pulled the Jeep back to the right side. She stole a quick peek in the

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