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Book online «Harlequin Romance March 2021 Box Set Cara Colter (the mitten read aloud TXT) 📖». Author Cara Colter

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course she could. But his support made her feel less vulnerable.

‘That’s why I’m trying to put together as clear a picture as I can of Frances.’

For an infinitesimal moment, he stilled. ‘Your mother never spoke of her?’


He gave a gusty sigh. ‘Frannie was never the same after her falling-out with Donna. I believe it’s the reason our marriage failed. I’d turned my face towards the future, but Frances couldn’t help but keep looking back.’

‘That must’ve been very hard for you,’ she said, careful to ooze sympathy rather than call the man any of the names that pressed against the back of her throat. Beside her Owen shifted restlessly, and she put a hand on his knee to temper the frustration she sensed rippling through him.

‘It was.’

He shook his head ruefully, but she was aware of the way those practised eyes assessed her.

‘Frances froze me out. And I’ll be the first to admit I didn’t deal with it in the most mature manner possible.’

He could say that again!

She took a hasty sip of coffee. ‘These things happen.’ She let a pause stretch and then said, ‘I know it’s a lot to ask of you, Mr—’

‘Richard,’ he ordered smoothly.

She simpered, but threw up a little bit in her mouth as she did so. ‘Richard. It’s just…my mother has never spoken about that time at all.’ She opened her eyes and knew she looked the absolute picture of naive candour, but she felt no compunction using such tricks on the man. ‘I feel as if a whole part of my history is missing.’

‘Of course you do, my dear.’

He reached across and patted her hand, and she had to steel herself not to recoil.

‘I understand that Donna caused you and Frances a great deal of trouble?’ She sent him her most commiserating smile. ‘I suspect she never took you into her confidence, but…’

He leaned towards her—all concern and encouragement. She could almost see the dollar signs in his eyes.


‘But she never told me who my father was, and I wondered if you…maybe…had any idea…?’

Her voice wobbled as she spoke, and this time it wasn’t feigned. That took her off guard. Did she care who this man was on a personal level? Did she have some secret hope of forming a relationship with her unknown father?

As if sensing her inner turmoil, Owen covered her hand with his. She took heart at his silent support.

Richard hesitated. Then, ‘Do you mean your father any harm, Callie?’

She followed her gut instinct again. ‘Absolutely not! I hope… Well, I hardly know what I hope. But it’d be so very nice to meet him, and maybe even forge some kind of relationship with him.’

‘It heartens me to hear you say that.’

Something inside her tightened. ‘So you do know who he is?’

‘Why, yes, my dear.’

Her head rocked back. Her breathing grew short and shallow.

He spread his arms wide. ‘My dear girl, I’m your father.’

She froze. So did Owen. She wanted to shout I don’t believe you, but she couldn’t get the words out past the lump in her throat.

He nodded, as if sensing her disbelief. ‘It’s come as a shock, I see. The thing is, I was dating your mother before I met Frances. In fact, it’s through Donna that I met Frances. Of course, once Frannie and I clapped eyes on each other…’ He shrugged awkwardly, but beamed as if nothing could make greater sense.

He’d torn her family apart and that was all he had to say?

Callie’s stomach rebelled at the coffee she’d just drunk and it took all her strength to battle the nausea that threatened to overset her. Richard had used Donna to target Frances. It was unspoken, but implicit in his words. And Frances… Her head started to pound. Frances had stolen her own daughter’s boyfriend.

‘I suspect you’ll want proof, and I’m happy to undergo a paternity test.’

She didn’t want this man as her father!

‘But, in the interim, here’s a letter from your mother. I dug it out because I thought you might like to see it. I think it’ll help dispel your doubts.’

She took the envelope he handed to her. With numb fingers, she pulled out the mercifully brief missive inside.


A marriage based on lies is no marriage at all. You know the truth—you know the child I carry is yours. I beg of you, please do the right thing and tell Mother.

If you deny your child again, you won’t be able to undo the chain of events it will set in motion.

It was merely signed, Donna.

Callie ran her fingers over the words. ‘This is my mother’s handwriting.’

She passed the letter to Owen. He read it in silence before handing it back.

Richard shook his head when she went to give it back to him. ‘You keep it, Callie. Ask your mother about it.’

She folded it and replaced it in its envelope, moistening dry lips, feeling her heart pounding in time with her headache. ‘You never told Frances the truth?’

‘To my everlasting shame, no.’ He actually sounded truly regretful. ‘By that stage I was in too deep. I was in love with Frances—’

Liar. He’d been in love with her money.

‘And she’d never have spoken to me again if she’d known the truth. I’d already sworn to her that my relationship with Donna had never become physical.’

Her stomach gave a sick roll. ‘Didn’t Donna tell her?’

‘I said that Donna was lying. And Frances chose to believe me.’

Callie’s hands had started to shake. Owen leaned across and took one of them in his. She held on as if he were a lifeline. ‘Why are you telling me this, Richard? You have to realise it paints you in a dreadful light.’

‘If we’re to forge a relationship, my dear, I understand that I have to tell you the truth. I have to be honest with you in a way I was never honest with Frances. I don’t want to make the same mistakes that I did in the past. You have to understand that back then I felt I was in

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