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Book online «The Heart of Alchemy James Wisher (book recommendations TXT) 📖». Author James Wisher

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she missed Otto’s mother. Katharina had been a welcome companion. Though she obviously didn’t tell the older woman everything, there was plenty they could talk about. And the advice she’d offered for tending to Abby had been heaven sent. The little one hardly cried at all anymore. Whether she had her mother-in-law to thank for that or Abby just grew out of her fussy spell, Annamaria neither knew nor cared.

Thinking about Katharina naturally brought her back to Otto. Her husband spent little time at the mansion despite the weather. That was probably just as well. They no longer argued, but that was mostly because they seldom spoke. Otto made it perfectly clear he didn’t care what she did or who she did it with. For her part, Annamaria no longer hated him with the passion she once did. Maybe it was inevitable that such a powerful emotion would dim with time. Now all she felt was numb resignation.

Her life was what it was. For better or worse, nothing would change that.

She turned from the window and started toward the bookcase. She hadn’t read anything in some time. Maybe a nice romance would take her mind off her troubles.

Halfway to the bookcase, a scream rang out. Her stomach dropped and she ran for the door.

Outside, the hall was empty. The next-door bedroom stood wide open. She ran down the hall and looked inside.

Mimi lay on the floor, limp and unmoving. Abby’s crib was empty and the bedroom window wide open.

The room spun and it took all her will not to collapse. Two deep breaths steadied her a little.

She hurried toward the crib, stepping over Mimi in her haste. A rolled-up scroll sat on the white satin sheets.

Before she had a chance to read it, pounding footsteps filled the hall. A guard stepped into the doorway. “What happened, Lady Shenk?”

“Abby’s been taken. Fetch my brother-in-law. He’s a scout, maybe he can track down whoever did this.”

The guard said something over his shoulder and more sounds of running filled the air. Annamaria unrolled the scroll and read.

The message was short and to the point. If Otto wanted to see his daughter again, he needed to come to a cabin beyond the city walls at midnight tonight. Fail to comply and Abby would be sent back to him in pieces.

If that was the kidnappers’ demand, Abby was doomed. Otto cared nothing for the child. If her head showed up on the front step, he wouldn’t even blink. Certainly there was no chance of him walking into an obvious trap.

She let the note fall from her nerveless fingers and knelt beside Mimi. A light touch of the maid’s neck revealed a strong pulse. Seemed she’d only been knocked out. That was a small kindness.

“What happened?”

Annamaria looked up to find Axel standing in the doorway. “Someone took Abby. They want Otto to come tonight or they’ll kill her. Can you find whoever did this?”

“My men are searching outside as we speak, but anyone skilled enough to sneak past your father’s guards will doubtlessly be long gone by now.”

His words snuffed out the tiny flicker of hope she’d been nursing. “Then Abby’s doomed. I don’t even know where Otto is, much less how to send him a message by tonight.”

“I’ll find him and tell him. Don’t worry, we’ll do everything we can to get her back.”

She appreciated his kind words, but clearly Otto hadn’t told him the truth about Abby’s father. Still, maybe he could talk his brother into doing something. She resolved to hang on to that hope until the last possible moment.

“I’m counting on you.”

Otto stood at a table in the warehouse and studied a map of the world. He had arranged for a scribe to resize one he found in Lord Karonin’s books. The woman charged a fortune, but her work was worth every copper. Using Captain Wainwright’s course, Otto had drawn a line with their rough course. He’d hoped to find some way to bypass both stops and go straight for the Celestial Empire. Try as he might, there just seemed no way to manage it.

He straightened and worked a kink out of his neck. What time was it? The warehouse had no windows so he couldn’t tell. A quick glance at the guys revealed that the card game was still well underway. He needed to find something for them to do, but couldn’t think of anything. He didn’t want Hans and his squad losing their edge. Or passing their bad habits on to Corina.

The girl seemed to sense his gaze on her and looked up, smiling.

Before Otto had a chance to say anything, the door burst open and Axel strode in looking as upset as Otto had seen him in a long time. Maybe ever.

“What is it?” Otto asked.

Off to his side, the game was forgotten and everyone had stood.

Axel ignored the squad and said, “Your daughter has been kidnapped.”

Otto stared for a moment. Who would be stupid enough to kidnap Abby? The answer came a moment later. Someone that assumed he’d care what happened to the girl.

“Aren’t you going to say anything?” Axel asked.

“What would you like me to say? Should I wail and tear at my clothes? Would that help? I need to think clearly. Let’s head to the mansion and you can tell me everything.”

Hans took a step to join them, but Otto held up a hand. “Stay here and guard the armor. If this is a distraction someone might make a move against the warehouse. Corina, come with me. I’ll need you at the mansion to keep an eye on Annamaria.”

“Yes, Master.” She hurried over, pausing only to collect her heavy cloak, before the three of them set out.

It was earlier than Otto thought, middle of the afternoon maybe. Whoever took Abby must have been a brazen fool. Sneaking onto the property in broad daylight. What did that say about their security? Changes would have to be made. He couldn’t have these distractions popping up at

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