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Book online «The Heart of Alchemy James Wisher (book recommendations TXT) 📖». Author James Wisher

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“My friend and advisor has asked to meet you. I thought we might have lunch together one day soon.”

She chewed her lip and looked away. “I’ve heard stories, mostly told by people of Rolan coming to trade in the barony. They say he’s done awful things. That your friend is an evil wizard bent on destroying the world.”

Wolfric couldn’t stop himself from laughing. When Jade’s eyes flashed with anger he realized his mistake. “Forgive me. I didn’t mean to make light of your concern, but anyone calling Otto evil has never met him. The only reason we have an empire, and you and your uncle aren’t living under Rolan’s rule, is because of his tireless efforts. Everyone in Garenland owes him a debt for all he’s done.”

“I would have thought he owed you the debt,” she said. “He serves at your pleasure, not the other way around.”

Wolfric wondered sometimes how true that was, but now was not the time to point out his insecurities. “Be that as it may, if we are to have a life together, you will need to meet Otto. And in this case, I believe sooner is better. You can see he’s not a monster and he can see you’re not a grifter.”

Her frown twisted her lovely features in unpleasant ways. “Grifter? Is that what he thinks, that I want money?”

Wolfric sighed. He was really making a mess of this. “Otto mentioned that it was a possibility. I assured him he was wrong. Even in the short time I’ve known you, I can tell you aren’t that sort of person. For the good of the empire, I can’t have my best friend and the woman I love mistrustful of each other. So, we will have lunch together, right here, in two days. Just the three of us. Okay?”

She nodded as the door opened and a pair of servants entered carrying salads and a carafe of wine. The food was placed in front of them and the servants withdrew.

When they’d gone Wolfric said, “Let’s not talk any more about Otto. Lunch will take care of itself. There are far more pleasant subjects we can discuss.”

And so they did. Through three courses they talked about history and art and the future. When the last bite of cake was gone Jade sighed and stretched, giving him an eyeful of her curves.

“Another wonderful meal.” Her smile turned sly. “What shall we do now?”

Her subtle suggestion made his heart race. He forced himself to calm down. Just once he wanted to do things right. “Perhaps we should say goodnight.”

Jade’s eyes widened in surprise. Clearly that wasn’t the response she expected.

“I want to wait. Our first time together should be special, not some after-dinner tumble.”

“That’s very sweet.” She leaned over and kissed him on the lips. Heat flooded him and it took everything in him to remember what he’d just said. “Consider that a promise for the future.”

He walked her out of the dining room before staggering back to his bed, alone. Maybe waiting hadn’t been the right decision after all.

Chapter 8

“Where are we going again and why am I coming with you instead of Corina or your actual wife?” Sin walked through Gold Ward beside Otto as they went to visit Baron St. Croy. Instead of her usual skintight leathers or a dress that would make a whore blush, Sin had on a simple but stylish white skirt and blue blouse. She cleaned up nicely, he couldn’t deny that.

So nicely, in fact, that more than one head turned as they passed despite the heavy cloak that protected her from the bitter cold. If he had cared what Annamaria thought, he might have worried about word getting back to her. However, that was hardly a concern for either of them now.

For a midmorning this time of year in Gold Ward, the streets had quite a few people out and about. He’d expected to find the streets empty as the rich and powerful hunkered down by their fires. He shrugged and put the locals out of his mind.

“You’re with me because Corina is still too young and inexperienced to notice subtle things that might be wrong. As for Annamaria, I prefer not to have backup that would just as soon see me dead. It’s usually best to only have one enemy at a time to worry about if at all possible. Remember, you’re playing the part of my secretary. Don’t speak unless you’re asked a question.”

“I know. We already went over all this at the warehouse. Don’t worry, I’ve played plenty of parts over the years, though none as boring as a secretary.”

Otto could well imagine the parts she’d played. They reached the rented villa and strode up to the front door. The design wasn’t all that different from the Crow’s Nest, the former home of the thieves guild and current residence of the former king of Lasil. The paint differed, the rental being a bright white instead of dark gray.

“How much do you suppose to rent a place like this?” Sin asked.

“A lot for a commoner and a trifle for a nobleman.” Otto knocked. “All depends on your point of view.”

The door opened and a broad-shouldered man in a black and white servant’s uniform looked them over. Dark, narrow eyes brushed past Otto, took a little longer with Sin, then returned to Otto.

“Do you have an appointment?”

“No. My name is Otto Shenk and I would like a few minutes of the baron’s time.”

“You should send your servant to make an appointment then. There are many people that wish to speak with Baron St. Croy.”

He wasn’t seriously going to close the door in Otto’s face? No servant could be that stupid.

Then again, as the door started to swing shut, maybe he could. A flick of Otto’s ring and a bit of ether bound the door’s hinges open.

Otto let his expression grow hard. “I wasn’t asking.”

The muscles in the servant’s shoulders bulged as he tried to force the door shut. He was

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