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Book online «The Dungeon Fairy: Two Choices: A Dungeon Core Escapade (The Hapless Dungeon Fairy Book 2) Jonathan Brooks (online e reader TXT) 📖». Author Jonathan Brooks

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empty rooms below her Core Room.  She found that she could easily create that many without her Core feeling too strained, though the closer she got to 400 she could sense a threshold she didn’t want to cross; with what she had already set up in her dungeon as far as traps went, that sort of made sense.

As she eliminated those additional traps afterwards, she felt the tension on her Core ease significantly.  While she knew that as she grew stronger and increased her Core Improvement Level she would be able to handle more traps being in her dungeon – especially when she grew large enough to have hundreds of different rooms – right now her Core couldn’t physically handle that many for long.  Nevertheless, it wasn’t something she had to worry about too much, since that kind of thing was a long way off.

Even better than the CIPs she banked – at least in her biased opinion as a former Dungeon Fairy – was that she earned more than enough Experience to increase her Dungeon Assistant Rank.

Congratulations, Tacca GloomLily!

You have reached Assistant Rank: Adept

You have reached Assistant Stage: 1

Current Experience Countdown: 471/1000 in 365 days

Maximum Fairy Mana: +100

Fairy Mana Regeneration: +4 per minute

Dungeon Assistant Information

Assistant Name:

Tacca GloomLily

Assistant Rank:


Assistant Stage:




Experience Pending/Countdown:

0 in 365 days

Fairy Mana (FM):


Fairy Mana Regeneration:

15 per minute



Instant – Multiple

50+ FM



1000 FM

Assistant Information Meld


1 FM per minute

Electrified Pacification


250 FM per minute

Healing Aura


20 FM per minute



1 FM per minute



3 FM per minute

Repellant Shield


2 FM per minute

Yes!  Finally, an ability that can help defend myself.  Not only had she increased to an Adept Rank, Stage 1 Dungeon Assistant, but she also received 2 new Abilities!  The first one that she concentrated on was the Electrified Pacification Ability, which allowed her to keep a sustained field of what closely resembled lightning around her form and would render almost anyone immobile while they were hit by it.  It also did some damage to them while they were caught in the field, but only if they were a low-Level Raider; anything more powerful – unless they had some very hefty Resistances – would still be caught and immobilized, at least.  It was the first Ability she had that could actually deal damage, even if it cost a bit of Fairy Mana to sustain the field.

The second Ability was something she had never heard of before, and when she concentrated on it she found out why.

Hey, Shale – I want to try something with you.

“Ok, what are you planning on—”

He didn’t get a chance to finish, as Tacca had already activated the Assistant Information Meld.  At first, nothing happened; it wasn’t until she pulled up her Dungeon Core Status that Shale reared back in surprise.

“Whoa!  How did you do that?” he asked vacantly, his eyes staring at the Status she just shared with him.  She proceeded to tell about the increase in her Dungeon Assistant Rank and her two new Abilities, one of which allowed her to share any informational screens with him that she could pull up – including her own Dungeon Assistant Information.  Not only that, but he could share his own Information with her; she was able to see his Dungeon Assistant status, which looked very promising.  While he still had over 8 months to go until his countdown ended, his current Experience Pending was at 948 – meaning that he would increase quite a few Stages and potentially a full Rank when the time came.  He didn’t suffer from the same debilitating 95% reduction in CIPs/Experience as she did, luckily; since her Assistant form was tied to her Core so fundamentally, the Experience that she earned was exactly the same.

Dungeon Assistant Information

Assistant Name:

Shale IronSchist

Assistant Rank:


Assistant Stage:




Experience Pending/Countdown:

948 in 253 days

Fairy Mana (FM):


Fairy Mana Regeneration:

5 per minute


Core Bond


50 FM



70 FM



1 FM per minute



3 FM per minute

Repellant Shield


2 FM per minute

That also reminded her that now that she was Adept-Ranked, it was now going to take a full year to acquire more experience for her own Dungeon Assistant Ranking; fortunately, according to her information she still had until Core Improvement Level 19 before that countdown extended from only a month to a year.

Another week went by with very little change in the routine otherwise, though Tacca spent her available Dungeon Force on expanding her collection of rooms progressing past her current Core Room.  By the end of the week, there were now 24 additional rooms that she had constructed in various sizes, connected by a meandering tunnel system that reached an additional 400 feet beneath her Core Room.  Fortunately, she was in the middle of a mountain range and therefore had a lot of room to spread out and dig down, so she could easily imagine having those hundreds (or even thousands) of rooms she was thinking about earlier.

Tacca also ended up adding an additional staircase tunnel (and their Rotating Stone Bridge traps) to the outside of those rooms as well because she had the time and available DF, though she didn’t quite connect it to the previous exit tunnel quite yet.  It was something that would be useful in the future to have, she knew, and figured she might as well construct it now rather than have to use precious Force later on.

A week into her new month, however, the “normal” visitations of Raider groups changed.  She began to get worried when no one showed up one morning, nor did she see anyone for the rest of the day.  What’s going on? 

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