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girl the entire time.  “These monsters aren’t going to kill themselves!”  He raced ahead down the tunnel to the fourth room, which was the one that would paralyze them while they were healed.  Amazingly, the leader of the intoxicated Raiders and two others weren’t hurt in the slightest and ran through the room to the next without anything stopping them.

However, the two of them who were bringing up the rear were actually still bleeding from a couple of shallow wounds.  The wounds were nothing particularly serious, and they probably didn’t even feel them, but it was enough for them to freeze up while the trap did its work.  They couldn’t call out while it was happening, of course – because they were entirely paralyzed – so those in the lead had no idea they were two short.

That seemingly beneficial trap, where they could be healed of all of their physical injuries, turned out to be their undoing: their “luck” had turned just that quickly.

The leader and the other two with him raced into the fifth room and were instantly surrounded by a half-dozen Forest Wolves.  It didn’t take long for them to discover that the creatures weren’t as much of a pushover as the ones in the previous rooms, as the Wolves were in their element: outnumbering their prey 2-to-1.  If the other two Raiders hadn’t been delayed due to their healing, then they probably wouldn’t have had any issues; as it was, the leader was immediately overwhelmed by 3 Wolves as they surged forward at the same time, clamping down on his left arm and right leg with powerful jaws.  The Raider managed to strike down at the third with his sword, though his aim was thrown off when he was impacted by the other creatures on him.  Instead of slicing through the neck of the Forest Wolf, all he ended up doing was carving the fur and flesh off of its right shoulder.

As the hollow crack of a broken arm bone echoed through the room, 2 other Wolves went after another Raider, while a solitary creature cautiously went up against the last.  Instead of going for an all-out attack like they had been doing, they hesitated when they saw their leader in trouble – which was all the opening that Tacca’s Wolves needed.  They growled and padded forward quickly, herding the 2 other Raiders away from the scene of ripping, tearing, dragging, and breaking of more bones as the lead Human was disarmed with a bone-crunching bite to his right wrist.

“Help!  Kill—” the leader shouted out between his screams, before he was knocked flat on his back and a Wolf clamped down on his throat.  As his throat was literally torn out in a fountain of blood, Tacca was slightly revolted…but she also saw that she earned 5 CIPs from his death.  It was good for her – and not so much for the Raider.

The two others seemed to sober up a little after witnessing their friend being viciously killed, and they backed up together and watched each other’s backs.  One of the Wolves tried to bite the Raider on the left and managed to get itself impaled and killed by a hastily shifted sword, so things were starting to look up – until the 3 creatures that had finished off the leader joined in on the hunt.

“Luckily”, the two Raiders who had been healing were released from their paralyzed state and surged forward in slight confusion.  They reached the next room just as the remaining 5 Forest Wolves attacked the 2 Raiders already there; a wild swing by a sword managed to slice through the throat of one of the Wolves as they attacked, but the others managed to push the 2 Humans back – and right into the Soil-covered Pit Trap behind them.  They landed heavily on the spikes below and were out of the fight and reach of the creatures, though there were still more Raiders for them to attack, fortunately.

“I’m getting out of here!” shouted one of the Raiders, whom Tacca thought she recognized as the one who had been overly cautious at first.  His fellow Human agreed and ran with him – but it was too late already.

Her creatures weren’t confined to a single room once they were “activated”; they would stay there until an intruder ventured into their territory, but there was nothing preventing them from chasing down their prey.  Just like what had happened to the 2 Hill Dwarves who accidentally triggered the attack in her Boss room, the Forest Wolves raced down the tunnel after the retreating Raiders, not intending to let them go.  Even if she had wanted to stop them – which she didn’t – for some reason she was again helpless to stop them from fulfilling their original instructions to defend the dungeon.  She was more than confident that they wouldn’t chase the Raiders out through the entrance, as they were instructed to defend the dungeon, not to hunt down anything outside of it.

Granted, Tacca didn’t get a chance to test that confidence, because the Raiders didn’t make it that far; in fact, they never made it out of the fourth room.  “NO!!!” screamed the overly cautious Raider, as he watched his friend tackled from behind by 3 Wolves into the wildflowers encompassing the healing area.  Tacca was glad that the Healing Paralysis Enchantment Trap had deactivated after it was done healing them just moments ago; not that she didn’t want them to heal, but because being ripped apart by Forest Wolves while paralyzed and healing the wounds at the same time would be unnecessarily torturous.

Distracted by his friend’s demise, the last Raider took a wrong turn and was cut off from heading into the third dungeon room.  As a consequence, he was trapped against the opposite wall with two very dangerous creatures stalking up to him.  “Stay back!  I just want to leave!”

His genuine

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