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Book online «Empire Builder 1: Breed, Populate, Conquer Dante King (i read books txt) 📖». Author Dante King

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careful not to get bitten.” Melody’s tone was grave, but she still bore herself with confidence. “If you contract a disease from these creatures, you will most likely die, and that would make all this for nothing.”

“Thanks for the tip,” Ben shouted back over the growing noise of the werebats’ cries.

He knew Melody had at least one spell herself. He hoped that together they could take these monsters down.

“Let’s try and get to solid land again,” he called to Melody. She nodded, and they began shuffling along the rickety bridge again as quickly as possible.

Ben put one foot out far too hastily and set the whole bridge to swinging wildly back and forth. He would have to be more careful. Falling to the bottom of this ravine would be no better than being bitten by rabid werebats.

The monsters approached on an erratic flight path, hovering up and down as they grew closer. When they were little more than a hundred yards away, their shapes could be seen more clearly.

There appeared to be roughly twenty of the creatures, all about the size of chimpanzees. Their black leathery wings flapped sinuously back and forth, causing their bodies to bob up and down.

Their bodies were more like those of imps than bats—if imps were real, of course. Then again, there was a very good chance that imps were real in this strange new world. But that wasn’t exactly a productive thought to be dwelling on at that moment.

The small humanoid bodies were covered in pitch-black fur. Their faces were also black, except for rows of sharp yellow fangs and gleaming red eyes. And on the end of each wing was a sparkling, wickedly sharp claw. Every now and then, one of the bats would open its vicious mouth wide to let out a horrible scream, an unholy shriek like the world’s loudest Wilhelm scream.

Ben and Melody hurried down the length of the bridge as quickly as they could. But the werebats soon caught up to them, swarming around. Ben had nothing but his arm to shield himself with, and he didn’t want that getting bitten either by holding out an arm to ward them off from his face.

Holding onto the ropes of the still precariously swinging bridge, he ducked low as the bats all swooped in for their first attack. Lucky for him and Melody, simply ducking was enough to make the beasts miss them this time.

The screeches of the monsters were deafening, and their mouths were opened wide, fangs bared. And as they rushed over Ben and Melody, their awful stench, a scent like piss and garbage and death assaulted the senses. It took all the restraint Ben had not to puke where he crouched.

Soon after they passed, they flew in long, lazy circles back around—they were coming in for another attack. Melody stood upright, one hand on the side of the bridge, her other hand raised, holding her wand aloft. Ben rose to his feet as well. He wasn’t sure how Drain would help in this situation, but it seemed like a better option than trying to punch these little fuckers out of the air.

The monsters were coming back around from the right this time. The sun shone, illuminating the rockface, but again the dark wings and fur of the werebats blotted out the light like a black hole. Ben’s heart raced as the twenty faces locked their attention on him, their fangs bearing and more horrible shrieks bouncing off the cliffsides.

And the faces looked even angrier this time as they swooped. Melody waited, holding her fire as they drew ever closer. Then a crackling noise sounded from the tip of her wand.

The nearest bat drew closer, closer, flying in until it was only ten feet away. Then, with a sharp flick of her wrist, Melody cast her lightning spell.

A tendril of bright blue electricity shot out, a boom crashing through the air, the lightning crackling straight at the monster’s face. With another boom, the werebat exploded, showering blood and entrails like a firework over his comrades. The stench of burnt flesh overwhelmed the smell of the bats themselves.

The werebats all shrieked as one and flew high above them, trying to avoid the spray of their fellow’s detonated corpse.

“Nice job!” Ben called out to Melody. He would have high-fived her, but he doubted she would understand the gesture.

Melody smiled back, followed by a wink, and they quickly took a few more steps toward the end of the bridge, the monsters circling around for another attack. The bridge continued to sway, and Ben and Melody couldn’t move too quickly for fear of being hurled into the abyss below.

Melody stopped as the werebats drew within range once more. Ben stood beside her, his hands clenched into fists as she prepared her lightning spell. He began preparing Drain, summoning the energy from inside him out into his arms. The energy moved down the lengths of his limbs all the way down to his fingertips. He could see the strands of energy inside each bat as they approached.

Ben had used Drain on Melody at a distance of only two yards, so it made sense that the werebats would need to be close if he was to have a shot at them. Maybe when his powers developed he’d be able to cast magic from a greater distance, but not yet.

A loud crackle, then a boom sounded as Melody struck another bat. But this time, the other creatures knew what was coming, giving their unfortunate comrade some distance as not to be showered by a hot spray of electro-charged guts as he exploded.

Ben waited with his fists closed until the next bat was close enough to smell its fetid piss stench. Then, as he’d done to Melody before, he opened his fists and released the spell, targeting the green strands of the creature’s physical energy.

The spell was so powerful that Ben sucked every shred of physical power from the bat. The strands of energy were clear as

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