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presence of Russia in Afghanistan will be inexpensive to us? Will the weakness which will be the temptation and the opportunity of Russia be less costly than effectual defence? When we enter the councils of Europe to assert our most vital interests, shall we speak as we have been accustomed to speak, when our free action is fettered by the imminent perpetual menace to India? These are questions which, now put forth to this limited audience, will, perhaps, within the experience of most of us, be thundered in the ears of the nation. England is just now not without serious perplexities, but none are so fraught with possibilities of mischief as the storm which is now gathering on the Afghan frontier.”



[Footnote: Unless otherwise designated, the authors named are officers of the British Army, and nearly all the works are in the Library of the Military Service Institution of the United States, (Governor’s Island, N. Y. H.).]

[Source 1: Journal Royal United Service Institution (London).]

[Source 2: Journal of the United Service Institution of India (Simla).]

ANDERSON, Capt. “A Scheme for Increasing the Strength of the Native Armies,” etc. [2]

ARMY LIST, British Official, 1885.

BIDDULPH, Gen. “The March from the Indus to the Helmund.” [2]

BELLEW, H. W., C.S.I. “A New Afghan Question.” [2]

BENGOUGH, Lieut-Col. “Mounted Infantry.” [2] (From the Russian.)

BISCHOFF, Major. “The Caucasus and its Significance to Russia.” (Ger.) [2]

BLUNDELL, Col. “British Military Power with Reference to War Abroad.” [1]

BAKER, Col. “The Military Geography of Central Asia.” [1]

COLQUHOUN, Capt. “On the Development of the Resources of India in a Military Point of View.” [2]

CANTLEY, Major. “Reserves for the Indian Army.” [2]

CALLEN, Major. “The Volunteer Force of India,” etc. [2]

CAVENAGH, Gen. “Our Indian Army.” [1]

CHAPMAN, Lieut-Col. “The March from Kabul to Kandahar in 1880.” [1]

CLARKE, Capt, “Recent Reforms in the Russian Army.” [1]

CUST, R., Sec. R.A.S. “The Russians on the Caspian and Black Seas.” [1]

DAVIDSON, Major. “The Reasons why Difficulty is Experienced in Recruiting for the Native Army.” [2]

DALTON, Capt. “Skobeleff’s Instructions for the Reconnaisance and Battle of Geok-Tepe.” [1] (From the French.)

ELIAS, Capt. “A Streak of the Afghan War.” [1]

ESME-FORBES, Lieut. “Cavalry Reform.” [2]

FURSE, Major. “Various Descriptions of Transport.” [1]

GAISFORD, Capt. “New Model Transport Cart for Ponies and Mules.” [2]

GLOAG, Col. “Military Reforms in India.” [2]

GOWAN, Major. “Progressive Advance of Russia in Central Asia.” [2] “The Army of Bokhara.” [2] “Russian Military Manoeuvres in the Province of Jaxartes.” [2] (From the Russian.)

GRAHAM, Col. “The Russian Army in 1882.” [1]

GORDON, Capt. “Bengal Cavalry in Egypt.” [2]

GRIERSON, Lieut. “The Russian Cavalry,” and “The Russian Mounted Troops in 1883.” [2]

GREENE, Capt. “Sketches of Army Life in Russia.” (New York, 1881.)

GRIFFITHS, Major. “The English Army.” (London.)

GREY, Major. “Military Operations in Afghanistan.” [2]

GERARD, Capt. “Rough Notes on the Russian Army in 1876.” [2]

GOLDSMID, Gen. “From Bamian to Sonmiani.” [1] “On Certain Roads between Turkistan and India.” [1]

HEYLAND, Major. “Military Transport Required for Rapid Movements.” [1]

HOLDICH, Capt. “Between Russia and India.” [1]

HENNEKEN, Gen. “Studies on the Probable Course and Result of a War between Russia and England.” [2] (From the Russian.)

HILDYARD, Lieut.-Col. “The Intendance, Transport, and Supply Service in Continental Armies.” [2]

HASKYNS, Capt. “Notice of the Afghan Campaigns in 1879-81. From an Engineer’s View.” [1]

HAMLEY, Lieut.-Gen., Sir E. “Russia’s Approaches to India.” (1884.) [1]

JOURNAL of the Military Service Institution of the United States.

KELTIE, J. S. “The Statesman’s Year-Book.” (London, 1885.)

KIRCHHAMMER, A. “The Anglo-Afghan War.” [2] (From the German.)

KOTENSKO. “The Horses and Camels of Central Asia.” [2] “Turkestan.” [1] (From the Russian.)

LITTLE, Col. “Afghanistan and England in India.” [2] (From the German.)

LEVERSON, Lieut. “March of the Turkistan Detachment across the Desert,” etc. [1] (From the Russian.)

MARTIN, Capt. “Tactics in the Afghan Campaign,” [2] “Notes on the Operations in the Kurrum Valley.” [2] “Horse-Breeding in Australia and India.” [2] “Notes on the Management of Camels in the 10th Company Sappers and Miners on Field Service.” [2] “British Infantry in the Hills and Plains of India.” [2]

MORGAN, D. “A Visit to Kuldja, and the Russo-Chinese Frontier.” [1]

MORTON, Capt. “Gourko’s Raid.” [2] (From the French.)

MACKENZIE, Lieut.-Gen. “Storms and Sunshine of a Soldier’s Life.”

MOSA, P. “The Russian Campaign of 1879,” etc. [2] (From the Russian.)

MEDLEY, Col. “The Defence of the Northwest Frontier.” [2]

NEWALL, Lieut.-Col. “On the Strategic Value of Cashmere in Connection with the Defence of Our Northwest Frontier.” [2]

O’DONOVAN, E. “The Merv Oasis.” (New York, 1883.)

PRICE, Capt. “Notes on the Sikhs as Soldiers for Our Army.” [2]

PITT, Lieut. “A Transport Service for Asiatic Warfare,” etc. [1]

ROSS, D., (Delhi Railway). “Transport by Rail of Troops, Horses, Guns, and War Materials.” [2]

ST. JOHN, Major. “Persia: Its Physical Geography and People.” [2]

STRONG, Capt. “The Education of Native Officers in the Indian Army.” [2]

STEEL, Veterinary-Surgeon. “Camels in Connection with the South African Expedition, 1878-1879.” [2]

SHAW, Major. “Army Transport.” [1]

SANDERSON, G. P. “The Elephant in Freedom and in Captivity.” [2]

TEMPLE, Lieut. “An Historical Parallel—The Afghans and Mainotes.” [2]

TYRRELL, Lieut.-Col. “The Races of the Madras Army.” [2]

TROTTER, Capt. “The Tribes of Turkistan.” [2]

TRENCH, Col. “Cavalry in Modern War.” (London, 1884.)

UPTON, Gen. “The Armies of Asia and Europe.” (New York, 1878.)

VENIUKOFF, Col. “The Progress of Russia in Central Asia.” [2] (From the Russian.)

YALDWYN, Capt. “Notes on the Camel.” [2]




Abazai, mil. post Abbaza, village Abdurrahman, the Ameer Absuna, pass Abul-Khair Afghanistan: Territory; mountains; rivers; roads, animals; people; army; cities; military history Ahmed-Kheil, city Ahmed-Shah Akbar Khan Akbar, the Great Akhunt Ziarut, city Akton Khel, city Alexander I. Alexander, Czar Alexander of Macedon Ali Musjid, fort Altai, river Aliabad Amu Daria (Oxus), river Aral, sea Argandab, valley; river Army, British: Strength; organization; transport; supply; routes; operations Indian Army, Russian: Strength; organization; transport; supply; routes Aryan, race Askabad Assin Killo, city Asterabad Atta Karez, mountain Attreck, river Auckland, Lord Aulicata, city Auran, mountain Aurangzeb Ayoub Khan


Baber Khan Baku Balkash, mountain Balkh, city Bamian, pass Baroghil, pass Barshor, valley Baru, military post Batum Bekovitch, Gen. Beloochistan, state Bendessen, pass Bengal, city Beratse, village Berlin, city Biddulph, Sir M. Billigarungan, hills Bolan, pass Bokhara, province Bombay, city Bori, valley Bost, city Broadfoot, Capt. Browne, Gen. Brydon, Dr. Bunnoo, mil. post Burnes, agent Burrows, Gen.


Calmucks Camel Cashmere, Maharaja Caspian, sea Catharine II. Cavagnari, Major Ceylon, island Chapman, Col. Charikar, town Chat, town Charjui, town Chelmsford, Lord Chemkent, city Chikishliar, town Chitral, town Clarke, Major Conolly, M. Cossacks Cust, Mr.


Dadur, city Dakka, city Dasht-i-Bedowlat, mountain Delhi, city Dera Ghazi Khan, village Dera Ismail Khan, city Derajat, district Djungaria, province Doaba, military post Dost, Mohammed Dozan, city


Elephant Ellenborough, Lord Elphinstone, Gen. Eski Zagra, town


Faizabad, city Farrah, town Farza, village Fergana, province Ferrier, Gen.


Gaisford, Capt. Gayud Yara, plain Geok Tepe, fort Genghiz Khan Ghazgar, valley Ghazni, city Ghilzai, district Ghori, valley Gilan, province Gindari, mountain Girishk, city Gordon, Col. Gourko, Gen. Graham, Sir L. Green, Col. Grierson, Lieut. Guikok, range Gujrat, city Guleir Surwandi, pass Gundamuck, city Gundana, town Gurian, city


Haines, Sir F. Hamley, Gen. Har-i-Rud Hazaristan, river Hazarasp, city Hazardarakht, mountain Hazarnao, city Helmund, river Herat, city; river Himalayas, mountain Hindu Kush, mountain Hobhouse, Sir J. C. Hodjeni, province Holdich, Capt. Horse, yabu; khirgiz


Inderabad, river India, On the threshold of Indus, river Irak, pass Irgiz, fort Irtish, river Ispahan, city Istalif, village


Jacobadad, city Jagdallack, pass Jamrud, city Jelalabad, city Jizakh, province Jumrud, military post


Kabul, city; river Kachi, plains Kadani, plains Kafristan, province Kabriz, fort kalat, city Kandahar, city Karakoran, mountain Karkacha, pass Karki, town Kash, river; city Kashgar Kashmir, city Kaufmann, Gen. Kelat, town Khaiber, pass Khanikoff, M. Khaf Khak, pass Khinar, pass Khiva, province Khoja-Saleh, city Khokand, province Khoja-Amran, mountain ridge Khorassan, province Khulm, city Khurd-Kabul, pass Khurd-Khaiber, pass Khusk’, river Khirtar, mountain Kilif, city Kizil Arvat, city Koh Daman, mountain Kohut, mil. post Kohistan, province Koh-i-Baber, mountain Kokiran, district Komaroff, Gen. Kotensko Krasnovodsk, city Kuh-i-Baba, mountain Kujlak-Kekur, valley Kuldja, city Kunar valley Kunduz, city Kurrachee, city Kuram, river; valley; fort Kusmore, village Kussun, fort


Lalaberg, valley Lalgoshi, village Lahore, city Landi Khana, village Lash Jowain, city Lakhareff, Gen. Logar, valley London, city Lora, river Lumsden, Sir P. Lumley, Col.


Mackenzie, Gen. C. Mackeson, fort McNaghten, Sir W. Mahmoud, sultan Mahomet Mahommed Azim Maimana, town Malleson, Col. Malta Margilan, town Maris, tribe Martin, Lieut. Marvin, C. Mashed, city Mastuj, town Maude, Gen. Mazanderan, province McClellan, saddle Merv, province Michaelovsk, town Michni, fort Mithunkot, town Mogul Mooktur valley Mooltan, city Moscow, city Mulla, pass Munro, fort Murchat, town Murghab, river Mysore, province


Nadir, Shah Nahur, Maharajah of Napier, Lord Napoleon Nicholas, Grand Duke Nijni Novgorod, town Nishuper, town— Nogak, M. Nott, Gen. Nuksan, pass


Odessa, city O’Donovan, M. Orenburg, province Orloff, Gen. Outram, Capt. Oxus, (See Amer. Daria)


Paghman, mountains Panjshir, valley Panjwai, town Paropismus, mountains Parwan, pass Pat, clay Paul, Emperor Peiwar, pass Pekin Penjdeh, town Persia Perwan, pass Perovsky, fort Peter the Great Petropanlovsk, province Peshawur, city Pishin, village; plain Pollock, Gen. Pottinger, Major Primrose, Gen.


Quetta, city


Raganpur, city Rawlinson, Sir H. Roberts, Gen. Rogan, village Ross, railway manager Rudbar, town Russian Army: strength; organization; transport; supply; routes


Sabzawar, city Sale, Sir R. Samarcand, city Samson San Stefano Sarahks, town Sargo, pass Sarhadd, town Saunders, Major Scinde, province Seistan, district Shahrud, town Shere Ali Shikapur, town Shul Kadar, fort Shurtargurdan, pass Singh Runjit Sirpul, town Skobeleff, Gen. Stewart, Sir D. Stolietoff, Gen. St. Petersburg Sufed Koh, mountain Sujah Shah Sulimani, mountains Suprasl, river Surkh Denkor Surkhab river


Takwir, mountain Taktipul, town Targai, fort Tartara, pass Tashkend, city Teheran Tehernayeff, Gen. Tejend, river Temple, Sir R. Terek, pass Timwi Trench, Col. Troitsk, province Turkestan Turnak, valley Twarditsa, town


Unai, river Ural, mountains


Vambery, M. Veniukoff, M. Vernoye, fort Volga, river


Warsaw, city Washir, town Wolseley, Lord


Yakoub, Khan Yalatun, town Yaldwin, Capt. Yaxartes, river


Zurmat, district Zohak, fort



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