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Book online Ā«The Two Gentlemen of Verona William Shakespeare (small books to read .TXT) šŸ“–Ā». Author William Shakespeare

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dog as big as ten of yours, and therefore the gift the greater. Proteus

Go get thee hence, and find my dog again,
Or neā€™er return again into my sight.
Away, I say! stayā€™st thou to vex me here? Exit Launce.
A slave, that still an end turns me to shame!
Sebastian, I have entertained thee,
Partly that I have need of such a youth
That can with some discretion do my business,
For ā€™tis no trusting to yond foolish lout,
But chiefly for thy face and thy behaviour,
Which, if my augury deceive me not,
Witness good bringing up, fortune and truth:
Therefore know thou, for this I entertain thee.
Go presently and take this ring with thee,
Deliver it to Madam Silvia:
She loved me well deliverā€™d it to me.


It seems you loved not her, to leave her token.
She is dead, belike?

Proteus Not so; I think she lives. Julia Alas! Proteus Why dost thou cry ā€œalasā€? Julia

I cannot choose
But pity her.

Proteus Wherefore shouldst thou pity her? Julia

Because methinks that she loved you as well
As you do love your lady Silvia:
She dreams of him that has forgot her love;
You dote on her that cares not for your love.
ā€™Tis pity love should be so contrary;
And thinking of it makes me cry ā€œalas!ā€


Well, give her that ring and therewithal
This letter. Thatā€™s her chamber. Tell my lady
I claim the promise for her heavenly picture.
Your message done, hie home unto my chamber,
Where thou shalt find me, sad and solitary. Exit.


How many women would do such a message?
Alas, poor Proteus! thou hast entertainā€™d
A fox to be the shepherd of thy lambs.
Alas, poor fool! why do I pity him
That with his very heart despiseth me?
Because he loves her, he despiseth me;
Because I love him I must pity him.
This ring I gave him when he parted from me,
To bind him to remember my good will;
And now am I, unhappy messenger,
To plead for that which I would not obtain,
To carry that which I would have refused,
To praise his faith which I would have dispraised.
I am my masterā€™s true-confirmed love;
But cannot be true servant to my master,
Unless I prove false traitor to myself.
Yet will I woo for him, but yet so coldly
As, heaven it knows, I would not have him speed.

Enter Silvia, attended.

Gentlewoman, good day! I pray you, be my mean
To bring me where to speak with Madam Silvia.

Silvia What would you with her, if that I be she? Julia

If you be she, I do entreat your patience
To hear me speak the message I am sent on.

Silvia From whom? Julia From my master, Sir Proteus, madam. Silvia O, he sends you for a picture. Julia Ay, madam. Silvia

Ursula, bring my picture there.
Go give your master this: tell him from me,
One Julia, that his changing thoughts forget,
Would better fit his chamber than this shadow.


Madam, please you peruse this letter.ā ā€”
Pardon me, madam; I have unadvised
Deliverā€™d you a paper that I should not:
This is the letter to your ladyship.

Silvia I pray thee, let me look on that again. Julia It may not be; good madam, pardon me. Silvia

There, hold!
I will not look upon your masterā€™s lines:
I know they are stuffā€™d with protestations
And full of new-found oaths; which he will break
As easily as I do tear his paper.

Julia Madam, he sends your ladyship this ring. Silvia

The more shame for him that he sends it me;
For I have heard him say a thousand times
His Julia gave it him at his departure.
Though his false finger have profaned the ring,
Mine shall not do his Julia so much wrong.

Julia She thanks you. Silvia What sayā€™st thou? Julia

I thank you, madam, that you tender her.
Poor gentlewoman! my master wrongs her much.

Silvia Dost thou know her? Julia

Almost as well as I do know myself:
To think upon her woes I do protest
That I have wept a hundred several times.

Silvia Belike she thinks that Proteus hath forsook her. Julia I think she doth; and thatā€™s her cause of sorrow. Silvia Is she not passing fair? Julia

She hath been fairer, madam, than she is:
When she did think my master loved her well,
She, in my judgment, was as fair as you;
But since she did neglect her looking-glass
And threw her sun-expelling mask away,
The air hath starved the roses in her cheeks
And pinchā€™d the lily-tincture of her face,
That now she is become as black as I.

Silvia How tall was she? Julia

About my stature; for at Pentecost,
When all our pageants of delight were playā€™d,
Our youth got me to play the womanā€™s part,
And I was trimmā€™d in Madam Juliaā€™s gown,
Which served me as fit, by all menā€™s judgments,
As if the garment had been made for me:
Therefore I know she is about my height.
And at that time I made her weep agood,
For I did play a lamentable part:
Madam, ā€™twas Ariadne passioning
For Theseusā€™ perjury and unjust flight;
Which I so lively acted with my tears
That my poor mistress, moved therewithal,
Wept bitterly; and would I might be dead
If I in thought felt not her very sorrow!


She is beholding to thee, gentle youth.
Alas, poor lady, desolate and left!
I weep myself to think upon thy words.
Here, youth, there is my purse; I give thee this
For thy sweet mistressā€™ sake, because thou lovest her.
Farewell. Exit Silvia, with attendants.


And she shall thank you forā€™t, if eā€™er you know her.
A virtuous gentlewoman, mild and beautiful!
I hope my masterā€™s suit will be but cold,
Since she respects my mistressā€™ love so much.
Alas, how love can trifle with itself!
Here is her picture: let me see; I think,
If I had such a tire, this face of mine
Were full as lovely as is this of hers:
And yet the painter flatterā€™d her a little,
Unless I flatter with myself too much.
Her hair is auburn, mine is perfect yellow:
If that be all the difference in his love,
Iā€™ll get me such a colourā€™d periwig.
Her eyes are grey as glass, and so are mine:
Ay, but her foreheadā€™s low, and mineā€™s as high.
What should it be that he respects in her
But I can make respective in myself,
If this fond Love were not a blinded god?
Come, shadow, come and take

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