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be very good friends. I’ll see you Monday.”

I didn’t understand why he was pushing so hard to be my friend, “Thank you.”


I sat in class on Monday when Brad walked in with an off- white sweater and light denim jeans, And why the hell am I noticing that? Oh yes I remember, I’m getting over Jase. So I decided to fixate on Brad, but he would never know that. He is cute, sandy blond hair, soft blue eyes, very nice smile. He may be six foot and he was built nice, not Jase nice but nice. Hold on who’s Jase? Yeah, that’s better.

“Hello Carly,” Brad smiled when he sat next to me.

“Hey Brad,” I looked away from him. I had gawked long enough, I didn’t want him to get the wrong idea.

We sat and listened to the lecture, boring and long. I closed my eyes at some point and stupid Jase’s beautiful face popped into my head. So I decided to switch it up. The picture now was Jase with horns and red eyes. I giggled out loud.

“Miss Smythe, did you have something to add?” I opened my eyes and the eyes of everyone in the lecture hall were on me.

“No, no I don’t. Sorry Professor Higgins,” I was completely embarrassed.

“I would like to see you after class,” he turned and continued.

I looked at Brad and we both looked vexed.

“You’ll be fine,” Brad patted my knee.

“Easy for you to say,” I slouched down in my chair.


I sat and waited for the lecture hall to empty and then stood up and walked down the stairs and waited for Professor Higgins to summon me. He stood shuffling through papers, for a long time. I considered clearing my throat in order to gain his attention.

He finally looked up and crossed his arms over his chest and looked at me over his reading glasses, “Carly…”

“Look I’m sorry I laughed. It was…”

He rolled his eyes, “That’s not why I asked you to stay. I wanted to ask if you’d be interested in assisting in a research project.”

“Oh. Oh… well, what is it?” I should have just said yes.

He looked at me confused for a brief moment, “Human embryonic kidney cells research. If it’s not something you’re interested in I can look elsewhere.”

Professor Higgins began loading his briefcase, “I just haven’t decided on which direction I’m going. I am also interested in English literature.”

“I am aware of that, this is an opportunity. It would help you decide,” he grabbed his bag, “I can find someone else if you feel it would be too much.”

“No, I think I would like to be involved,” a distraction.

“Are you sure? This is rather important. Your social life will take a hit,” I laughed when he said that and he leaned back against the podium. “Will that be a problem?”

“Not at all,” I looked up at him and smiled, “I don’t really have one. So this is perfect.

He did not say anything for a moment he just looked at me which made me feel uncomfortable, “Alright then, we start tomorrow what time does your last class end?”

“Three,” I answered following him out of the room.

“That sounds good, three thirty, my office. We can go over everything then,” he stopped and shook my hand, “See you then.”

Mom was excited for me. She said it was a wonderful opportunity. I assumed she was also excited that I would no longer be moping around, which-- might I point out-- that I only actually moped for two days. I figured that was acceptable. One day per month I had spent with my head in the clouds over Jase Steel and if I needed more time, I would allow myself one more day.

Jase Steel. I had not heard from him in three days. I am sure he wasn’t thinking of me. Consoling Pam I assume, grrr. Yes I know, I’m not mad at her. I feel sorry for the situation she is in. I do the whole father, son, Holy Spirit thing on my chest although I’m not catholic, I am really not anything. Which makes me think of Dad, and then that bitch rat terrier lover who foiled my plans to get laid. Yeah I grab my imaginary penis, you know like all those boys do, because I am sure I just sounded like one. Who else says laid? What the hell is that about anyway, boys grabbing their junk-- that would be an amazing research project. Amazeballs, I laugh to myself.


At three fifteen I walked into Professor Higgins’ class and he looked up from his desk, “Good afternoon Carly, have a seat.” He motioned to the chair and I sat, “We are waiting for another student who will be joining us. A last minute decision, just in case this becomes too much for you.”

I turned hearing a knock on the door and saw Brad walk in. I wanted to roll my eyes but figured with my luck I would get caught, “Thanks for joining us on such short notice Brad, have a seat.”

We sat and listened to Professor Higgins explain the project and the results he hoped to find. He gave us his expectations and a schedule to follow. If we chose to do more that would be great. We had planned to meet every day for the next few weeks in the lab. Professor Higgins would be there on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.


On Friday, Professor Higgins came in while we were wrapping up.

“You two have done an amazing job this week,” he smiled. Really smiled, I had not witnessed him smile before, not out of sheer happiness, only out of feeling obligated, “Dinner is on me.”

We went to dinner at the Sky Lounge. Professor Higgins insisted we call him by his first name outside of class, Thomas.

It was awkward to say the least. I excused myself and went to the bathroom. When I came out Professor Higgins was walking out of the men’s room. “Would you like a drink, Carly?”

“I really don’t drink,”

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