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Book online «Legion: Alpha Dragon Shifter Romance (Dragon Rules Series Book 1) Tia Didmon (e books free to read .txt) 📖». Author Tia Didmon

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flared as his lips arched. “That was not the best analogy. A partner creates a gap in our power. A single oasis within our world where even magic cannot penetrate.”

She thought about her parents. Them sipping tea as they laughed over breakfast. “Is it the same for druids?”

“Yes, but druids are human, they have the luxury of choosing a human male as a partner. That male can be an anchor, that oasis for a female druid. A dragon must have a creature of magic in order to bond. To mate.”


Legion took her hand. “Our magic is too powerful. We need that oasis, that eye within the storm of magic to keep us grounded. To keep the human part of us alive.”

Mara’s eyes widened. “So, you are part human?”

“Yes, my mother was druid. My father was a green dragon with the ability to alter his colors to blend with any forest. I can’t tell you how many times he scared me out of my scales.”

Mara squeezed his hand. The musical sound of her laughter chimed in the air, as invisible tentacles caressed the flimsy barrier Legion had erected between them. Her magic reached for his, licking at one another like electrified whips. Her face paled as she glanced around the room.

Legion stood, backing away from her. His muscles pulled taut as a dragon scale formed on his shoulder, before receding.

Mara nibbled her lip. “Did I do something wrong?”

His teeth snapped together, like he was fighting an internal battle. He took an exaggerated breath. “The pull between our magic is strong. More powerful than I expected. You are getting stronger by the minute, but we cannot unite them until your twenty-third birthday.”

Mara frowned. “My birthday is the day after tomorrow, but what is the significance?”

“Your magic must be fully formed when we bond. The druids made the dragons promise to wait till a druid’s twenty-third birthday, so that her magic has reached maturity. We never break that promise.”

Mara’s eyes roamed over his taut body. His full erection pressed against his jeans, straining the thick material. Her tongue swept over her lips before she cleared her throat. “It’s a good thing we aren’t having sex.”

Legion’s lips arched. The air in the room heated. “While there is more to the bonding process than love making, intercourse will start the merge of our magic. There are however, many pleasurable things I can teach you in the meantime.”

Mara’s cheeks dusted with red. “What if I told you I’ve had a dozen lovers?”

Legion laughed. “Then I would call you a liar. Though if it were true, I would benefit from your experience. A druid isn’t required to be a virgin to bond with a dragon. She must be magically... mature.”

Mara considered his pleasure parade. Her body tingled from the touch of his magic, but her curiosity was too much. He held the ability to grant a childhood wish, to see, feel and marvel at the wonder of a real dragon. A wish she had harbored since she was old enough to hold the figurine in the shop. “Can I see him?”

Legion’s eyes narrowed. His dragon surged beneath his skin, acting like a puppy with its first bone. “My dragon?”

Fear and excitement created a rush that manifested like energy in the air, crackling with electrostatic charm. “Yes.”

Legion’s eyes flared as he held out his hand. “He has waited a long time for this.”

Mara walked with him to a clearing outside the cabin. The mountain air, while cool, couldn’t dampen the heated excitement that coursed through her. Legion stopped her, then walked on alone.

Mara put her fingers on either side of her lips before shouting. “Can I touch him?”

Legion turned to face her. Even in the distance, his eyes blazed like fire inside the black pupils. Eyes that could steal your soul. Maybe they had. “You can touch me whenever you like. In any form.”

She swallowed as the surrounding air shimmered. His skin turned gold, the slide of scales over the smooth surface made her gasp, before he erupted into a ball of light. Golden flecks broke apart, sparkling in the air, before the largest dragon she could imagine, stretched out his wings.

The smooth leathery texture was at odds with the steel look of his scales. Small hollow spikes adorned the tips of his wings. She had no desire to find out what protruded from the vicious looking spikes. The dragon sculpture in her shop emoted magic and mystery. The reality in front of her was a powerful barbarian, encased in golden titanium scales. He had seemed big in her dream. Now he stood immobile as a mountainside. Steam drifted from his nostrils as he advanced on her.

Mara swallowed the lump in her throat. While snippy comments had always been her first line of defense. The possibility of becoming a dragon appetizer had her rethinking her strategy.

Legion shimmered in her mind. I will not eat you, Mara... at least not in this form.

Her mouth dropped open. “Did you seriously just sex talk me, while you’re the size of a shopping center?”

You are overly concerned about my size. I am incapable of hurting you.

She honestly tried not to think about the moment his jeans fell away, and he shifted into a dragon. She hadn’t meant to look at his semi-erect cock. Unfortunately, her brain wasn’t listening to her, or her magic had a mind of its own. It was more than curious about Legion’s body and the things it could do to her.

Legion rolled his shoulders, as if he were uncomfortable in his own skin. You plan to make the coming hours as difficult as possible, don’t you?

Mara looked up at the dragon. “What do you mean?”

I cannot do the things you are showing me in your head until your twenty-third birthday. It would be easier if you stopped thinking about my...

Mara held up her hand as her face heated. “Do not finish that sentence. If you didn’t parade around naked all the time, I wouldn’t be thinking

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