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was ready to go for seven forty-five. Calvin came out of the bedroom a full ten minutes later. She always had to wait for him. He eased up close so that she could smell his aftershave.

‘Is that the Tom Ford? I thought you only used that for special occasions?’

‘But this is a special occasion,’ he replied. ‘We’re meeting Sam’s new boyfriend. We have to make a good impression.’

Jess looked to the ceiling and shook her head. The smell of his aftershave lingered even though he had gone back into the bedroom to retrieve his wallet. She could buy half a dozen bottles of her favourite perfume for what one bottle of his cost. It was extortionate and she could never afford to buy it for him, even for Christmas and birthdays. Calvin seemed to relish that fact. He liked to think of himself as exclusive.

The Uber dropped them off outside the Venetian at eight twenty-seven. Sam was already there. She wore her blonde hair down over her shoulders. The red dress was so short that the cream jacket was only an inch shorter. She wore red Italian leather ankle boots and had a Gucci bag under her arm. Sam could look good in a sack but tonight she had outdone herself.

She squealed when she saw Jess and rushed forward to hug her. Calvin waited impatiently until the pair had exchanged pleasantries, then he stooped to kiss her, she turned her face so his lips brushed her cheek, then she stepped back and took him in.

‘Wow, look at you, Calvin. It’s a good job you’re with my best friend or I’d whisk you off to bed. You look good enough to eat.’

Jess smiled. She knew Sam of old. She’d flirt with the Duke of Edinburgh if he happened to be passing.

Calvin preened and looked around. ‘Have you been stood up?’ he asked, with a hopeful tone in his voice.

‘He wouldn’t dare,’ said Sam. ‘Jamie’s had to nip back to the car. He left his phone in the cradle, he’s from out of town so he used it as a Sat Nav. Shall we go in?’ she added. ‘I’m bloody freezing, he’ll find us.’

She led them into the plush restaurant. The head waiter saw them arrive, checked their reservation and showed them to a table close to the bar. Calvin played the gentleman and pulled out the girls’ seats before sitting down himself next to Jess and directly opposite Sam.

Sam slipped off her coat revealing her magnificent bosom. More chest than dress, as Jess had remarked on many an occasion. Sam loved to show off her assets. She was one of those rare women who could wear anything, no matter how outrageous, and never look tarty. She hung the jacket on the back of her chair despite the head waiter’s offer to take it in the cloakroom.

‘I’ve got a spare pair of knickers in the pocket in case I lose mine tonight.’ She winked at Jess. ‘I wouldn’t want them to fall out while he’s carrying it.’

‘Good call,’ said a smiling Jess.

‘Ah, here he is.’ Sam waved as Jamie came into the restaurant and looked around for them. He arrived at their table full of smiles.

‘Hello, I’m Jamie,’ he announced.

Jess stood up and he pecked her on the cheek. He was tall, well dressed, as handsome as Calvin and had an easy-going air about him. His dark-brown hair was cut in a fade style, swept forward on top and shorter at the sides. His charcoal suit, which fitted well, was definitely off the peg. He wore a light blue shirt and a black tie. As he leant in for the kiss, Jess smelled Hugo Boss, Orange. He might look like a rival to Calvin in the good-looks stakes, but his tastes were definitely more affordable.

He held his hand out to Calvin who remained in his seat until he noticed Jess’s glare.

He stood up slowly and offered his hand. ‘I’m Calvin, pleased to meet you, erm… Jimmy, was it?’


‘Jamie, that’s right.’ Calvin sat down again and picked up the wine list. ‘Shall I order?’

‘Calvin’s our wine geek,’ Sam explained to Jamie. ‘Are you a white or red man?’

‘I have no idea about wine,’ he replied. ‘I’m more of a beer man really.’

Calvin shot him a glance and smirked.

‘No beer tonight, Ji…Jamie.’ He raised his hand, clicked his fingers and a waitress strolled slowly over to the table.

‘Don’t go overboard for me,’ quipped Jamie. ‘I wouldn’t know a hundred-pound bottle from a bottle of Tesco value brand.’

‘Don’t panic,’ said Calvin. ‘I won’t break the bank.’ He pointed to a fifty-four-pound bottle on the wine list and the waitress went off to get it. ‘The mark up on this wine is unreal. You can buy this stuff at Waitrose for eighteen quid.’

When she returned, Calvin made a fuss of sniffing the small amount the waitress poured into his glass. ‘Seems fine,’ he said, then took a sip. ‘Lovely. I’ll pour, shall I?’

Calvin ordered another bottle of cheaper wine to go with their meals, and another when the desert arrived. Jess didn’t refill her glass at all after the first drink, nor did Jamie as he was driving, but Calvin and Sam poured each other top-ups at regular intervals. As the night went on their flirting became ever louder and the innuendos ever more obvious.

After one particularly raucous exchange, Sam got out of her seat, leaned over the table towards Calvin and jiggled her breasts. ‘I’m off for a pee,’ she announced. ‘I’ll need to wear those spare knickers if I hang on much longer.’

She tottered off toward the Ladies. Calvin watched her every step.

Jess dug him in the ribs.

‘What?’ he asked with a frown.

Jess narrowed her eyes at him and tipped her head towards, Jamie.

‘He’s her date,’ she hissed.

‘Oh, I’m sorry, my darling,’ Calvin slurred. ‘Are we feeling a little left out?’ He wrapped his arm around Jess’s shoulders and pulled her to him. ‘Diddums,’ he said.

Jess pulled away and glared at him.

‘You’re showing us

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