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if she didn’t immediately turn around and bring the girls home, I’d call the police.”

“So she did, right?”

“At first, we watched her red dot on my friend’s laptop stop. As if she was weighing her options. I tell you, in that moment, I was petrified I’d made the wrong call. That she’d decide if she couldn’t have the girls, no one would.” Maverick’s voice cracked. “It was the most terrifying moment of my life. But then she turned around. And I knew my girls were coming home.”

With how Ross felt about the twins in such a short time of knowing them, he couldn’t imagine how Maverick must have felt. Or Stacia and Callista for that matter. They’d probably loved their aunt and definitely trusted her.

“They were home within two hours. Physically fine, but mentally traumatized. I told Eleanor to never come near us again or I’d have her arrested.”

Such behavior from someone you loved and trusted would do a number on your ability to love and trust in the future. No wonder Stacia had issues.

“But it still wasn’t over. Eleanor served me with papers, suing me for custody.”

“You can’t be serious?” Tension built in Ross’s chest.

“Dead serious. I had no proof she’d kidnapped the girls since I never called the police. It was my word against hers.”

“What about your friend or the girls?”

“My friend was considered an unreliable witness since he was my friend. And the girls were having nightmares. I couldn’t let them be called to the stand. In the end, I won. There was no proof that I was negligent like Eleanor claimed.”

“So what happened to her?”

“She went away and we never heard from her again. Until Calli died. She sent two letters, one for me and one for Stacia. It took me a year to open them.” Maverick gave the rundown on everything Eleanor had said. “My letter confirmed my suspicions, her trying to romance me was all a ruse. She just wanted the girls.”

“Has Stacia read hers?”

“After I read them, I was afraid they’d give her nightmares again, so I tucked them away. Until last night. I gave her the letter, hoping it might help her put everything behind her.”

“How is she?”

“She’s okay. I think it cleared some things up for her. Understanding why Eleanor acted the way she did helped her come to terms with her aunt. And it helped her confront her own trust issues.” Maverick clapped him on the shoulder. “That your first question concerns my daughter’s welfare proves my theory. You’re in love with her.”

“Yes, sir.”

“I think she’s got it bad for you too, my boy. And if you want to pursue something with her, you should go talk to her. I think she’s ready to hear you out. To trust.”

“Thank you, sir. If she’ll have me, I’ll do my best to never hurt her.”

“I’m aware of that, my boy. Now go on, while I rustle up some vittles.”

Ross stepped off the porch, trying to play it cool. But he couldn’t pull it off. He loped for the workshop.

The doors were open. Inside, Stacia stood at the worktable with her back to him, securing deer antlers on a slab of wood above the name Rand spelled out in tin letters. He stood watching as love and understanding welled up inside him with a strong desire to provide comfort for the wounds her aunt had inflicted.

She turned, got a glimpse of him. “Is breakfast ready?”


“Then why are you here? You don’t work here anymore.”

He ambled over to her, drew her into his arms.

“What are you doing?” She was all stiff.

“I’m hugging you. This is called a hug.”

“Why? Oh, is this goodbye?” She relaxed a bit, raised her hands to his shoulders, but didn’t really hug him back.

“No. I’m hugging you because I love you.”

“But I didn’t believe you. And accused you of trying to take the twins from me. I thought you were mad and giving up on me.”

“Your dad told me about your aunt. About the letter you read last night. Why didn’t you tell me? I would have understood your distrust, your phobia, if you’d just told me what she did.”

Her arms finally came around his neck. “It’s still hard to talk about.” Her voice broke as she went all soft, leaning into him, seeking comfort he was more than willing to provide.

“I’m so sorry you had to go through all that. I can’t imagine.”

“The worst part was Calli whimpering on my shoulder, wanting to go home. And me promising her we’d see Daddy again, when I didn’t know if we would or not.” Her words ended on a sob.

“It’s okay now.” Ross held her, stroking her hair. “I’d take away all your pain and the memories, if I could.”

“I’m sorry for not trusting you. For accusing you of trying to steal the twins.”

“If I’d been through what you have, I probably would’ve thought the same thing. It’s okay.”

Eventually, the tears stopped and she stilled. “How can I forgive her? I mean, the Bible says we’re supposed to forgive. And if Jesus can forgive the people who crucified Him, I should forgive Eleanor.”

“He also knows we’re human. Just pray about it.”

She nodded against him, then pulled away. Tear streaks traced down her cheeks, leaving a trail through her makeup, revealing the freckles he loved. And none of it took away from her beauty.

“Look, I know you’re dealing with some things. And there’s no rush, but I love you, Stacia. I’d like to come on the weekends to see you. And when you’re ready, I’d like to be part of your life. Maybe take you on a date.”

But she was shaking her head before he even finished. Obviously still unable to trust that his feelings were real.

“The way I see it, since my family is probably moving to San Antonio and you’re being so accommodating in letting them see the twins, me romancing you won’t help anything. Except my happiness. How about dinner tomorrow night?”

“Not a good idea.”

He swallowed hard. “You don’t

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