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a conscience. In any case, they’d warned me and disobeyed Ludolf. That was a first.

A few moments later, a frantic Peter skidded around the corner. After he spelled Daisy back to normal, I explained what had happened. He started off down the alley after Neo and the boys, but I grabbed his arm, stopping him.

I shook my head. “Not worth it.” I shrugged. “They were trying to help. They could’ve turned me in for the reward if they’d wanted to.”

Peter hugged me tight to his chest and didn’t say anything for a long time. I felt like I was back in Sacha’s vise grip. Except, I wasn’t in a hurry for it to end. I hugged him tightly back while Daisy paced in a circle around us, growling and huffing.

How dare they?! I’d like to see them try that again. I’ll bite their feet off! And then their faces!

I grinned at her tirade. It was nice to have people who cared if I got snatched off the street.

Peter spoke into the top of my head. “I’m not letting you out of my sight again—not until Ludolf’s behind bars.”

I nodded against his chest. “Sounds good.” I bit my lip. “Though it might make bathroom time a little awkward.”

He shook his head, groaning, but hugged me tighter.

Peter, Daisy, and I headed up to the palace together in answer to the call he’d just received. Apparently, Amelia, the event coordinator, had contacted him with some exciting information the gang wanted to tell us in person.

Despite the alarming encounter I’d just had in the alley with Neo and the boys, I felt a flutter of hope in my chest. Had they found a cure? Would the shifters be turned back and be able to testify against Ludolf? Could my own cure be close behind?

I squeezed Peter’s hand, which was clamped around mine like a vise. I grinned up at him as we sped up the cobblestone streets to the top of the island. “You know, I’m close to losing circulation in that hand.”

He shot me a wide-eyed look, his wand gripped tight in his other hand, then relaxed a little. His throat bobbed, and pink tinted his cheeks as he shot me a sheepish grin. “Sorry. I just can’t stop thinking about how I might’ve lost you back there.”

I nodded. “I know. Me, too. But it’s okay.” I didn’t want to think too hard about the price on my head or the shifters who might be hiding anywhere, in plain sight, waiting to nab me and drag me to Ludolf. If I did, I’d go crazy. Plus, my stomach fluttered with high hopes that this might all be over with soon. I waggled my brows at him. “Sounds like the royals have some good news for us.”

He gave me a tight grin and gently squeezed my hand. “I sure hope so. We could use some.”

Daisy trotted ahead, ears pricked, on high alert. She swiveled her head from side to side, growling at every little squeak of a bat or rustle in the bushes. We’d nearly reached the palace and now walked through one of the posh neighborhoods on the top tier, with their gated estates and lush landscaping.

I let out a quiet woof, as we were the only ones on the street. Pretty sure we’re in a safe neighborhood, Days. You can relax.

She turned and curled her lip in a snarl. I’ll relax when I’m dead.

I nodded and let out a quiet whine. That’s the attitude.

She growled. You’re not the one they put a freezing spell on, Jolene! That’s an attack on a police officer! I’ll catch them all and drag them to jail myself if I ever see them again!

She ran up to a gate and barked at a squirrel until it clambered back up the tree and disappeared into the foliage.

“Daisy! Shh. There, girl.” Peter dashed over, me in tow since I was pretty sure he wouldn’t be letting go of my hand for the next couple of months.

He petted her head and stroked her back. “Come on, girl, we’re all just a little rattled. It’s alright.”

I nodded and let out a small bark. Peter says you’re doing great. Super healthy way to handle your anger—taking it out on innocent squirrels. Definitely keep it up—I think there’s still a few people in the neighborhood you haven’t woken up.

Daisy flattened her ears and shot me a glare, but after one more snarl, walked away from the fence. She paced ahead of us, huffing and growling to herself. She glanced back at me. Maybe if you were less prone to getting yourself in trouble, I could relax a little.

I grinned and whined back. Aw, Days. I pressed my free hand to my heart. I didn’t know you cared.

She huffed. Don’t get too full of yourself. I just don’t want Peter to get all depressed again, which he would if you got yourself kidnapped or killed.

I grinned and woofed. You wouldn’t even miss me a little?

She glanced back and rolled her eyes, huffing. I guess I’d wonder who would sneak me bacon when Peter wasn’t looking.

I winked and whined. Keep it on the down low, Days.

The tip of her tail wagged just the tiniest amount, and she winked. I glanced up at Peter to find him watching our interaction with a twinkle in his eye.


A Cure

A palace servant showed Peter, Daisy, and me back to the healing wing. The long, cool space that had been so quiet before buzzed with excited energy.

I grinned at Peter, and we picked up the pace as we headed down the center aisle to the back, where several tall tables stood covered in potions and spell books. Healers decked out in smocks and gloves bustled about, and I spotted Prince Harry and Princess Imogen as well as several of their friends among them.

Princess Imogen, her baking flame in a lantern on the table in front of her, glanced up and beamed at me. “Jolene!”

Maple, beside her,

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