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Book online «Equation for Love Sutherland, Fae (learn to read activity book TXT) 📖». Author Sutherland, Fae

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Skye was panting now, heart racing. He never would have guessed something as simple as undressing could be so intimate. It was like Liamwas touching him the whole time, his gaze sultry and desirous. Lingering, long, knowing touches, caressing his skin like Liam owned him. God, it was enoughto make himdizzy.

Obediently, Skye reached downand unbuttoned his jeans, pushingthempartwaydownand thenlettingthem fall the rest of the way. He toed his shoes off and stepped out of them and the jeans, nudging them aside to join his T-shirt. He rubbed his hands on his thighs and then, unable to stop himself, bent over and tugged his socks offas well. He hated socks without shoes.

Skye did his best to ignore the pile ofclothes on the floor because he was pretty sure picking up after himself wasn't part of this lesson. He shifted on his feet, then caught his breath as Liamreached out and grasped his hips, pullinghimcloser, betweenthe other man's legs where he sat onthe edge ofthe bed.

"Tellme what you're feeling, Skye."

Skye shivered, fingers clenching into fists, resisting the urge to cover himself. "I want to hide."

Liam shook his head. "That's not a feeling. Tell me what you're feeling."

Skye sighed, trying to untangle his thoughts and trace themback to base feelings. "Embarrassed."


"Because I'm nearly naked and you're not and you're just lookingat me."

Liamsmiled. "I am. And I'menjoying it very much."

Oddly, that made a difference and helped somehow. His anxietylessened immediately. "Youare?"


"What do youenjoyabout it?"He didn't understand why he reacted the way he did to the submitting thing. Maybe it'd help ifhe understood Liam's point ofview.

"I enjoy looking at you, first of all, because I think you're very attractive." Liam laughed when Skye gave him a disbelieving look. "Don't sell yourself short, professor. You're making me rethink what I consider 'mytype,' actually."

"What, it's switching to nerdy, skinny and pale with glasses?"

Liamlaughed, his eyes sparkling when he did. God, talk about attractive. Liamjust seemed to get more and more beautifuleverytime Skye saw him.

"Maybe. But that's beside the point. Yes, you're skinny, but you have such gorgeous lean muscle tone. I bet yourun, don't you? And swim?"

Skye blinked, startled. "I do. How could youtell?"

Liam swept a hand down Skye's thigh, then back up along his side. "No bulk, but toned. I find it incrediblysexy."

The idea that someone who looked like Liamcould find anything about Skye "incredibly sexy" was a little mind-boggling. Skye knew he wasn't going to break any mirrors or make babies cry, but he certainly did not get any attention from men like Liam. Well...until he'd decided to payone, that is.

He pushed the thought out of his mind. If he spent the next month thinking that way, how would he ever learn what Liam seemed determined to teach him, which was to trust him enough to submit? Submission. Just the word made himtingle.

"Tell me what else you're feeling, besides embarrassed."

Skye glanced up, meetingLiam's eyes. "Anxious."

"Inwhat way?"

"I'mafraid I'lldo it wrong."

Liam's lips curved. "And what is 'it'?"

Skye shrugged. "I don't know. Whatever it is you want fromme. I don't like...failing."

Liam reached out to slide his arms around Skye's waist and this time he drew Skye down to straddle his thighs, their bodies pressed against each other. It drove home the fact that Liam was still clothed and Skye wasn't, and it was arousing in a way Skye hadn't expected.

"All I want from you is to try, Skye. I'm not asking youto be perfect. I'mnot askingyouto do anythingyou can't do. I'mjust asking you to try. You won't failifyou do that."

It sounded easy. But it reallywasn't.

Thankfully, Liam kissed him then and Skye was able to forget about nerves and anxiety and safewords and submission he didn't understand, focusing instead on the man who held him, the man who consumed him with just a kiss. If Liamcould really make himfeelwhat all those subs on the websites felt...Skye wanted it. Oh, did he ever.

He had to keep reminding himself this--this thing between them--was business. Just like he'd told Liam the first night. Skye was sure he wouldn't have any trouble withthat himself. Business. That's all.

* * * *

Liam could spend hours kissing him. Skye was a quick learner and it seemed as though every time Liam claimed his lips, Skye had learned another trick Liam liked by default because, hey, Skye had learned it from him. Which led to mind-blowing kisses Liam had trouble stopping. It was whenSkye had his hands under Liam's shirt, impatiently tugging it higher with mewling little sounds of need, Liam was reminded he was supposed to be giving Skye a lesson in submission, not a lesson in how to strip Liam naked in five minutes or

less.Reluctantly, Liam broke the kiss, pulling back with

a groan, and was forced to grab Skye's shoulders to keep the other manfromjust leaningforward and taking the kiss back. "Stop. Skye, stop." His Dom voice left something to be desired when he was fending offdamp, flushed pink lips he had no realdesire to fend off.

Skye scowled at him, pressing closer. "Why? I don't want to stop." He reached for Liam as he spoke, and Liam let go of his shoulders to catch his wrists instead. Skye tried to tug free, then huffed, eyes narrowed. "I always wondered what a 'tease' was. Now I know."

His voice was petulant and Liam had to grin. "It's not teasing when I do intend on following through. Just not right this minute."He lifted his brows. "Can I let go? Or are you going to try to have your way still?" The idea ofSkye havinghis waywithhimwas tempting.

Skye rolled his eyes and sighed, relaxing. "Fine."

Liam let go of his hands and urged Skye out of his lap to stand

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