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Book online «Equation for Love Sutherland, Fae (learn to read activity book TXT) 📖». Author Sutherland, Fae

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in front of him again. His cock was hard and flushed at the tip, glistening with pre-come. Liam was beyond tempted, but another blowjob lesson wasn't inthe plan.

He nodded to the bed he sat on. "Come here. Kneelonthe bed."

Skye's expression flickered, and Liam wondered

why."What?" He met Skye's gaze. "What was that


Skye lifted one shoulder. "Kneeling...it's so, well, subservient."

"And youdon't like that?"

Skye shrugged. "I've just...never been."

Liam smiled. "Well, there's a first time for anything. And maybe you'll like it. Come on. Kneel for me, Skye."

He had to admit he was very much looking forward to Skye on his knees. Another time he would put the man on his knees for other, slightly more nefarious purposes. Today was going to be challenge enough for his tight-laced professor.

After what felt like forever, Skye took a deep breath and climbed onto the bed, turning to kneelfacing Liam. "Like this?"

"Sir. This is the third time I've had to remind you. Why?" Skye was far too intelligent to keep forgetting without reason.

"I forgot." But even his tone suggested Skye also knew it wasn't the whole story. Liam lifted a brow and held his gaze, and finally Skye let out another heavy breath. "It sounds silly. Like you're a principal or something."

Liam's eyes narrowed. Skye didn't take him seriously. "Silly? You think I'm silly, Skye? This is a joke to you?"

Skye swallowed hard, eyes widening. "I...no, I just... I'msorry, Sir."

Liam pointed a finger at him. "You didn't hesitate there. Why, I wonder? Am I being too easy on you? Brattysub that youare, do youneed a harder hand?"

Skye's jaw dropped. "Did you just... Bratty? I'm not a child!"

Liam reached out, fingers sinking into Skye's hair and fisting in the thick mess. He knelt in front of Skye on the bed, looking down at him. And what he saw told him everything he needed to know. Skye's eyes were wide, dilated and burningwitharousal. His cheeks were flushed; his breath quick and shallow. If Liam bent to press an ear to his chest, he was sure Skye's heart would be racing. And, most telling of all, Skye's hardonnever faltered.

"No, but you're certainly acting like one. I haven't asked you for anything difficult, Skye. And yet you're fightingme everystep."He leaned inand nuzzled Skye's mouth, tasting the desire, the sharp gasp of his breath. "When you fight me, it makes me think you don't want to do this. But you're here, you paid me, so you must. Tellme, Skye. Do youwant to stop?"

Skye trembled, breath fanning against Liam's mouth. He shook his head as best he could with Liam's fingers fisted in his hair. "No," he whispered. "I don't. I want..."

Liam's brows lifted, curiosity piqued. "Want what? What do youwant?"

Skye whimpered, eyes closing. "You said...you said youdon't like to take. That youwanted me to give."

Liamnodded. "Yes."He wasn't sure where this was

going.Skye's eyes opened then, dark, almost-black gaze

pinningLiam. "What ifI gave youpermissionto take?"

Liamcouldn't hold back the moan, heart racing. His answer was a scorching kiss, hauling Skye closer, free armsliding around his lean waist to jerk the other man's body up against his own. Some part of his brain, the part not fried by the kiss, tried to remind him he shouldn't feel all these things toward Skye. That Skye shouldn't engender all these feelings in him. He didn't want to listen. What he wanted was to be able to relish the surrender of a beautiful man who made him ache with want. Ache in a way Liam hadn't in a very long

time.This was no longer just a job...this was very, very personal.

Chapter 6

When the kiss broke, Liam slid his hand out of Skye's hair, cupping his chin. "You don't know what you're givingme permissionfor, Skye."

Skye shivered, face tipped up toward him, panting. "No, I don't. I expect you're about to show me, though." His gaze flicked down to Liam's mouth, then back up to meet his eyes. "Do you often hesitate when given carte blanche?" There was a subtle, delicious challenge in his voice and his eyes. Not something Liam would have expected from him. From any near-virgin, for that matter. Skye McCord was something different and it intrigued Liam. What else about him was more thanit appeared?

It took him all of half a minute to decide what he wanted from Skye today. He wanted his virginity. No tiptoeing around it, no easing into it. He got the feeling Skye would agree.

He tumbled Skye back on the bed, nuzzling his mouth. "Give me your hands."

Skye shuddered and obeyed, putting his hands in Liam's. Liam pulled them up to the headboard, curling Skye's fingers there.

"Just like last time, Skye. Don't let go." He bit Skye's lower lip, brows lifting. "Can I trust you not to move them? Or do you want to lose your virginity bound?"

Almost as soonas the words were out ofhis mouth, Liamknew the answer. Skye's reaction, the faint hiccup in his breath and the way his whole body shuddered told Liamhis answer as well. Bound, it was.

Liam glanced around the room, searching for something to use, since he hadn't brought any of his own supplies with him. His gaze finally lit on the drapes and he grinned. "Don't move."

He slid off Skye and out of bed, striding across the roomto unknot one of the curtain tie-backs and turned witha grin. "This willdo."He approached the bed, gaze rakingover Skye, silkybraided rope runningthroughhis fingers. "You're verybeautifullike that, Skye."

Skye's brows knit, as if he didn't quite believe him. "Thank you."

It was true. Skye wasn't a conventional beauty by any stretch of the imagination. But his face was clever and interesting and all the oddest bits came together in such a way that he was beautiful. Just not the way Hollywood and media said one should be. Liam didn't care

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