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of a love for music as I did, so I knew that getting her toparade around the living area with me, would surely lift her gloomyspirits. She happily followed me like a shadow, copying my movesand singing along to the Broadway musical song.

There was apart in the song that I knew was coming and it referred to a hat,so I quickly skipped to the beat of the music and grabbed my sunhat which was hanging on the hook near the entryway wall. As I sangthe words ‘Hat, Sir,’ I placed it on her head and curtsied to her.Smiling, she returned my curtsy with one of her own and gracefullynodded her head.

I took offagain but stopped abruptly after only a few steps which made herbump into my back. She looked a little stunned but realised I haddone it on purpose so that I could tap my finger on the tip of hernose while singing ‘or freckle on the nose’. She responded to mynose tap by performing a cute little wrinkle and wipe of her own,then ran around me and stepped up onto the sofa with her arms flungout, mimicking a plane. I knew only too well what she had plannedbecause this was not the first time we had danced and performed tothis song. So, when she fell forward, I caught her and spun us botharound in a dizzying circle. Pausing for the smallest of seconds,we gathered our bearings from my over-exuberant twirling.

While my headdeciphered which way was what, I figured I’d remain in character,acting as if I was in the middle of a Broadway drama by draping myarm across my forehead, over-exaggerating my exhausted state.Charli laughed then joined in on the act and pretended to pat downmy head and fan her hands at me.

Keeping withthe dramatized theme, I sprung up unexpectedly and danced to thekitchen, grabbing an apple as the song mentioned ‘life was juicy’and having to have a bite. I pretended to take a bite of the apple,but screwed my nose up at it and tossed to her. She completelymissed the catch and the apple hit the floor and rolled away. Hersmile faded to a look of shock and then ‘Ooops’. She is just soadorably cute.

I danced up toher, grabbed her hand and winked, then led her back into the livingarea as I knew our favourite part was coming. I snuck a glance ather getting ready for the move, and her excited face warmed myheart. We both stopped dancing simultaneously and pointed ourfingers to each other like guns, shouting ‘BAM!’ As always, I lether imaginary bullet get me by faking a clutching of my chest andstumbling for a bit.

After a quickrecovery and a few more spinning leaps, the song was about to cometo an end where Rachel held the word ‘Parade’ for a long time. Weboth belted it out, raising our hands to our invisible audience andgiving each other smiling glances to see who was going to run outof breath first. I noticed her suck in another breath while keepingher mouth open, pretending she hadn’t done just that. I couldn’thelp but laugh while still holding the note, so I pointed at heraccusingly making her giggle.

When the songfinished, we dropped our hands and flopped back onto the sofalaughing and taking deep breaths.

“Feel a bitbetter, Sweetheart?” I panted.

“Yep, thanksMum.” Her smile was genuine so I pulled her close for a hug.

Suddenly, weheard clapping from behind us and spun around to see Bryce and Natestanding at the elevator door, McDonald’s bags tucked under theirarms. Nate was shaking his head and rolling his eyes while smilingand gently clapping—this performance was not a first for him tohave witnessed.

Bryce, on theother hand, was clapping loudly with the biggest smile on his face.“Wow! I’ve just found the two newest members of our band.” Hewalked over and kissed my head from behind the sofa.

“Really? Can Ireally be in your band?” asked Charli, excitedly.


“Oh. My. God!I’m so gonna go and practice now. Mum can I borrow your iPod?” Shewas bordering on hysterical excitement.

My eyeswidened at her enthusiasm, so I grabbed her hands—holding themstill from flapping about. “Yes, but you ‘so’ need to eatfirst.”


We sattogether on the balcony eating our burgers and fries. The kids andBryce cringed when I dunked my fries into the chocolate sundae—thesundae I had subtly threatened he not return home without. What?There is absolutely nothing wrong with potato deep-fried in oil,sprinkled with salt and covered with vanilla flavoured soft serveice cream and hot chocolate sauce. I’m not seeing the problemhere.

I poppedanother into my mouth and hummed.


Nate rolledhis eyes.

And Charliscoffed her Happy Meal down like a hungry little piggy, thengrabbed my iPod and ran upstairs—she was bound to getindigestion.

For the nexthour, all Bryce, Nate, and I could hear as we sat on the livingroom sofa trying to watch TV, was Charli’s voice intermittentlycoming in over the top of Rachel’s as she practiced singing moreGlee songs in her room.

Nate’s bodylanguage suggested a high level of irritation as he endured it,occasionally screwing up his face while looking over his shoulderat his sister’s bedroom door. “Urgh,” he grumbled. “Now look whatyou’ve done.”

Bryce and Ilaughed. “Leave her alone, Nate. She’s learning to sing,” I said,willing his compassion to surface.

“She needs tolearn faster.”

He huffed andwalked into the man-cave, I’m guessing he went for the sanctuary ofsound-proofed walls. Okay, maybe there is no compassion for hislittle sister’s singing abilities.

Turning toBryce, who was comfortably seated next to me, gently trailing hisfingers along my legs which he’d laid across his lap, I posed him aquestion. “You do realise you are going to have to let her sing asong with your band now? She will not forget your promise.”

“I know. Ihave every intention of letting her sing a song at one of our gigs.In fact, we have one coming up in a few months. She can do itthen.”

I laughed.“You’re crazy. You might want to run it past the other members ofLive Trepidation first.”

He scoffed. “Idon’t run things past anybody...you know that.”

“You are suchan arrogant fucker,” I teased him, while looking over the sofa tomake

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