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Book online «Toe to Toe (On Pointe Book 1) Penelope Freed (funny books to read .TXT) 📖». Author Penelope Freed

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pulled up over my ear, almost covering my face. It’s toasty warm.

12:46. Okay, now it’s too warm. I can’t breathe. I push my nose out from under the blanket and take a deep breath of the cool air in my room. Which leotard am I going to wear? The teal long sleeve one? I love the long sleeve one, it feels so elegant, but then I get the visible sweaty armpits. But what if they want to see that I’m sweating, so it proves I’m working hard?

12:49. Nope, I’m wearing the long sleeves. Yesterday I saw that Insta post from PSB and a bunch of the girls had long sleeves and it looked so good. I’ll just be sweaty.

12:53. Go to sleep Hannah.

12:55. Should I have responded to Trevor’s message? What would I even say?

12:57. I don’t know what to say that won’t sound stupid. I’ll do it later.

12:58. Seriously Hannah. Go to sleep.

Chapter 7 Olivia

I hadn’t really lied to Hannah last night, I really did go home to sleep in my own bed—after Tyler and I watched a couple episodes of Stranger Things and made out on the couch. I kicked him out at two in the morning though. Not because I’m some goody-goody and “saving myself” for someone special or some other BS like that. Nope, I just don’t want Tyler thinking he gets to decide when and where we actually do have sex. It turns out Tyler is a pretty good boyfriend. He hasn’t pressured me yet and I plan to keep it that way for at least a little while longer. Surprisingly, I like him more than I thought I would. And before anyone accuses me of using Tyler to gain social popularity, I’ll have you know I’ve been used by more than one guy to get in with the popular group at school. I’m not so full of myself that I think a dozen different guys would ask me to homecoming for my sparkling wit and charming personality.

If I’m truly being honest, I may have set my sights on Tyler when I realized that if we were dating, we could protect each other from the constant string of people trying to use us to get a foothold in our social group.

No matter how unromantic my reasons for pursuing Tyler were, I have no intention of becoming one of those Hallmark movie “high school sweethearts who live happily ever after” couples. Like my parents were. Well, like my parents were supposed to be. I’m not going to be the cheerleader who dates the quarterback and gets engaged right after we graduate. I have plans and they don’t include staying here. I just want to have fun and enjoy being sixteen. Besides, Tyler isn’t even the quarterback, he’s a running back.

I silently close the O’Brian’s front door behind me and breathe a sigh of relief that the house is dark and silent. It’s just after 5:30 in the morning and I was half afraid that Mr. O’Brian would be up already. He’s always been an early riser.

Tiptoe-ing through the silent house brings back memories of all the times I spent the night here as a kid, especially when my mom was sick and my dad would stay at the hospital with her. I had a hard time sleeping, so I would sneak downstairs to watch TV in the dark. Mr. O’Brian would take me to get donuts for everyone—plus one extra to split on the way home. Then we’d watch Saturday morning cartoons together while we waited for everyone else to wake up.

I put the pink donut box I picked up on my way over on the kitchen counter. Hannah’s probably going to complain about how donuts have too much sugar in them and we should have a healthier breakfast before a big audition, blah, blah, blah. Just as I pull a coffee mug out of the cabinet I hear a light switch on behind me.

“I see you beat me to breakfast,” Mr. O’Brian says. “I didn’t know Dan let you drink coffee?”

“Um, yeah.” I shrug. I don’t really know what to say. Mr. O’Brian and I used to be able to chat about anything and everything, from school to clothes to cartoons. I think I talked to him about my mom’s illness more than anyone else over those donut and cartoon mornings.

“How are you, Olivia? Still up before the sun I take it?”

“Oh. Uh. yeah. I’m good. Busy you know, school is so much work. But I’m okay.” I stumble. The coffee maker is slowly filling my mug and I will it to fill faster. “I bought donuts.” I add, waving my arm towards the table.

“I saw. Think I’ll make some scrambled eggs and bacon to go with them. Then, Hannah won’t freak about the sugar,” he adds with a smile.

My mug is finally full so I grab another and pop in a coffee pod to make Mr. O’Brian one. “That sounds delicious.” I pause. “Want to split the extra with me?”

“Is it chocolate with sprinkles?”

I nod my head. “Always.”

“Don’t tell Anne. She says I need to watch what I eat.” Mr. O’Brian grins conspiratorially at me.

“Your secret is safe with me.” I laugh and go to cut the donut in half before plopping on the couch to sip my coffee and nap until everyone else wakes up.

“What time did you get here?” Hannah plops down on the couch next to me, already dressed. I can see the mock turtleneck of her favorite long-sleeved leotard peeking out from under the jacket she’s wearing. Her voice drops down to a whisper, “I was really worried about you.”

I eye her for a moment. The makeup on her face is light and natural. If I didn’t know what she looks like without it I’d have a hard time telling if she even had any on. But I can tell she’s got concealer on under her eyes. I grunt to myself, taking a sip of coffee so I don’t

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