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see. Noises, like footsteps, were heard in rooms we knew were empty. The final straw was when we came home after my dad had picked my brothers, sister, and I up from school one afternoon. We found my mom at the bottom of the stairs. She said something had pushed her down.”

“Oh my god! Was she hurt?” Emily squeezed his hand, then stroked it with her thumb.

“She was okay, thankfully. She had a hurt ankle, but nothing too serious. My dad called in everyone he could think of at the time to help us. A priest, even a Rabbi, and a Native American Shaman. Anyone he could get to listen and who was willing to come out to the house. There weren’t many people doing paranormal investigations in those days, and the internet wasn’t what it is today. Research and finding people to help was harder. Eventually, we moved, and the activity stopped for us.”

“Wow,” Emily said. The look on her face was worrisome.

Afraid he was frightening her, he chose to wrap up his response. “So, that’s how it all started for me. I wanted to help people who were experiencing what I did. First, to let people know that they are not crazy. Unexplainable things do happen, and just because we can’t find an explanation for certain circumstances doesn’t mean that they aren’t real. They shouldn’t be ignored, especially when it affects a person’s life. Second, to try and find out the truth. What really does happen when someone passes on? Why do some people choose to stay behind, and some supposedly move on? There are so many questions in this world. Way more questions than answers. I want to try and find some of those answers.”

“That’s wonderful. You’re passionate about your work. That’s so admirable. How many siblings do you have?”

“I have two brothers and a baby sister.”

Emily smiled. “You have a big family.”

Liam chuckled and nodded, looking into her eyes. “I do. I have a bunch of nieces and nephews too. Holidays are always fun.” Liam caught a hint of sadness in Emily at his last statement. “How about you, Em? Tell me about you.”

“Well…” she began and held her wine glass to her lips again. “There isn’t much to talk about. I didn’t have a family when I was young. I grew up in foster care.”

Liam stopped mid-sip and lowered his glass back down. “Wow. I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay.”

“When did you go into foster care?” he asked.

“My entire life. My mother surrendered me at a fire station. I was told that I was only a few hours old. Social services assumed my mother was a drug addict and possibly homeless. There were drugs found in my system at the hospital. After I went through withdrawals, I was placed in foster care. I wasn’t one of the lucky ones to be adopted. I was completely on my own when I graduated high school. And I’ve been completely on my own since.”

Fucking Hell, he thought. It was one thing to be abandoned at birth, but it was a whole other thing to have to spend your entire childhood in foster care.

“Wow. I’m sorry, Em. Really.”

Emily lifted one shoulder in a shrug and brought her legs back up to sit cross-legged. She played with the rim of her glass while she spoke. “It’s okay. I’ve made peace with it. I was angry for a long time. But, I decided I didn’t want to be angry at people who I didn’t even know anymore. In college, I majored in art with an emphasis in photography. It always made me happy. I got through school and established my career.”

Since she was at a point where she felt comfortable opening up to him, Liam asked, “Did you ever live in a foster home where there was any paranormal activity?”

Emily hesitated to answer.

“I’m asking only because I’m trying to figure out what is going on here. Hauntings don’t normally just start out of the blue without something significant happening. I’m not saying you have anything to do with what’s going on here. I’m just trying to put pieces together.”

“Liam,” she said. She looked directly into his eyes, conflict stirring in them.

“It’s okay. I won’t judge you. What is it?”

“I’ve experienced a haunting my entire life.”

Liam froze. “What?”

“I know it sounds strange, but it’s true. Though it’s never been this severe. It’s actually worsened since moving here. I never thought what I experienced would ever affect anyone else. I’m so sorry if I brought something h—,”

He cut her off, “Stop. Don’t you dare apologize.” Looking at her, Liam softened his stare and placed her wine glass on the table beside his own. He took her other hand. “This is not your fault, and it’s also not strange. Millions of people experience some kind of haunting every year. You are not alone in this.”

“If I had known, I would have never come here.”

“Don’t say that. I’m glad you’re here,” Liam said in a half-whisper while leaning in closer to her.

“What?” Emily gasped, surprised.

“I said I’m glad you are here,” he reiterated and reached up to tuck a lock of her hair behind her ear, making sure he allowed the palm of his hand to brush her cheek in the process. “Tell me what you’ve experienced throughout your life. It might be helpful for me and the team to know.”

Emily closed her eyes and took a cleansing breath. “I’ve always dealt with sleep paralysis. I didn’t know what it was until I was in high school, though.”

“Sleep paralysis,” he confirmed. “It’s when the brain is not fully awake and keeps your body in the REM state. You’re conscious, but you’re also paralyzed,” he explained, trying to comfort her by letting her know he understood what the condition was. “It can be terrifying, from what I’ve read.”

Emily nodded. “It is. It was a relief to finally know that I wasn’t crazy when I learned what it is. But the only time I experience it is after I have

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