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Emily was waiting.

“I have recorders with me and the EMF meter too. Go talk to Trey while I walk through the house and see if I get any strange readings. Is it okay if I go into the basement?”

That was Luke. Always ready and willing to investigate at a moment’s notice. Liam had never met anyone as enthusiastic about provoking and urging an entity to show itself as Luke was. Liam hadn’t known Luke as long as he knew Trey, but Luke was his other right-hand man nonetheless.

Putting his hand on Luke’s shoulder, he gave his friend a squeeze, and looking him dead in the eye, he said, “Thank you.”

Luke responded, “Not a problem. I got this,” and took off down the hallway to get to work.

Back in Emily’s living room, Trey had already introduced himself and was making small talk with her as he unpacked his duffel bag. Trey, also being a big man, took up much of the small space in the corner of the living room. He was the epitome of tall, dark, and handsome, with a chestnut skin tone and deep brown eyes.

Liam felt relief as it looked like the color was finally returning to her cheeks, and she smiled while engaging in small talk with Trey.

“Stay away from her, Trey. She’s mine,” Liam told his friend, playfully. Trey dropped his head down and grinned.

Emily blushed as she curled her lips up, giving him a sexy smile that caused his heart to flutter. “What did Lexi say to you?”

“Nothing I wasn’t already planning on doing.”

Liam took a seat next to Emily, putting his hand in hers. They both described what had happened as Trey readied his recorder and a couple of cameras.

“Okay. I know Luke is getting some readings around the house. Since there has already been activity, I expect there to be some strange readings. But we’ll see if he catches anything really out of the norm. Have you been back in the bedroom?”

“Yeah. After Em took the pictures, I walked down the hall and took a look around in there. It was cold as fuck and staticky. Really charged up. All the hairs on my arms stood on end. But that’s it.”

“Alright. Let me go to the bedroom with a recorder and a camera. I’ll see if I can catch anything. I’m not going to provoke. Not yet. You guys are sleeping in this building, and I don’t want to make the situation worse for you two. Have you heard back from Phil?”

“No. I haven’t. And I’m getting worried.”

“We’ll deal with that later. You two stay here. I want to see if this thing will show itself to me.”

Liam nodded as Trey stood and made his way down the hallway, voice recorder, and camera in hand.


Luke wished he had grabbed a walkie talkie before leaving his house, but in a rush to get to Liam, the thought slipped his mind. Making a mental note not to let that happen again, he continued down the steps to the basement.

He didn’t detect any abnormal readings in Liam’s flat, but he couldn’t ignore the sick, anxious feeling in the pit of his stomach. It was the same sense he got every time they investigated an active location. A combination of excitement and dread flooded his gut, causing his adrenaline to spike and his stomach to roll. He knew there was something there, and the fact that he had never felt anything like it before when he came to the house to visit Liam, pissed him off. What kind of dormant fucked up shit was hiding this whole time and no one knew about it? And why was it messing with his friend’s girl? That was the most confusing part about the situation. What was the connection between Liam and Emily?

At the bottom of the stairs, Luke rounded the corner and began asking questions in hopes that the recorder would pick up a disembodied voice. Checking the EMF detector and seeing that the baseline hadn’t changed, he turned left toward the furnace. Liam said he’d seen the shadow figure there the night that the pilot light in Emily’s furnace went out, so it seemed like a good place to do a recording session. Luke noticed a door with a padlock on it as he stepped on to the concrete slab of the lower level foundation. He had never been in the basement before and wasn’t aware of an apartment down there. Seeing the padlock on the door, he wondered why old Phil would keep it locked. Storage maybe?

As he passed the door, the EMF detector spiked. Double checking that the recording device was on, he spoke, making sure to wait a few seconds between each question.

“What’s your name?”


“Where are you from?”


“Why are you here?”


“What do you want?”

The EMF detector spiked again, lighting up all of the indicators and sounding a buzzer. The hairs on Luke’s neck stood straight up. “I know you’re here. I can feel you. Speak into this thing I’m holding and tell me your name,” Luke stated as he held the voice recorder in the air.

The lights on the EMF meter continued to light up erratically while he stood in front of the locked door. There was something behind it that disrupted the electromagnetic field. Wanting to see if there were any other unusual readings in the basement, Luke walked away and swept the rest of the area, stopping at the furnace to ask another round of questions. Noting that the EMF detector wasn’t picking up any readings, he walked back toward the apartment door and picked up high fluctuations again. Pulling his cell phone from his pocket, Luke sent Liam a quick text.

Luke: In the basement. Getting readings by apartment door. Will check recorder when done.

Two seconds later, Liam’s response came through.

Liam: Copy that. Reconvene up here in 10. 

Luke: Copy that


Trey was in Emily’s bedroom about to wrap up an EVP session. He’d closed the door to prevent

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