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references. Pagesgo on for three different electronic copied by “Ctrl C” and pasted“Ctrl V” contents. Preston talks, confusingly. “I don’t understand,Pamela.”

He gives up, voluntarily then scrolls,swiftly upward again. Page shows proper name: Pamela Craft. Prestonnotes, quickly that there are multiple people named “Pamela Craft”living in different parts of the USA. He sifts, slowly throughInternet paragraphs & discovers “Pamela Craft of Birmingham.”He can’t access the cached site since this is only pasted copy offlat page.

He reads, loudly. “Pamela Craft, member ofUnited Methodist Church chorus in Sept. Okay? You go to church. Iknow you like to sing, especially in the mornings.” Preston grins,toothy then continues scanning & finds another reference.“Pamela Craft wrote article for Burn U in Feb. You’re a writer,that’s cool! I didn’t know that personal tidbit about you,honey.”

Preston reads & sights, slowly three moreinteresting tidbits about “Pamela Craft of Birmingham” on next twocopied electronic face pages but without the Internet site accesshe can’t figure out the hidden message. He sighs & breathes,deeply. He scrolls next subject.

He sees, clearly the proper noun: ipamattached to one cached paragraphs, ipam author of Alien1 (PamelaCraft). Preston whispers, softly. “Pamela Craft is an author butuses a pen name entitled ‘ipam.’ Is that you, honey?” Hetaps another page as the same pen name ipam displays right next toPamela Craft for three more different titles of eBooks. “Got it.You wrote that article in college. So, you have a secret desire toauthor science fiction. I like reading science fiction novels, too.Something else we have in common.” Preston has discovered anotherfact about Pamela Craft, not helpful in clearing her of thisillegal mess.

Preston scrolls upwardly to last page
in thiscase, the first page of the folder beginning over with the computerIPAM protocol. He huffs & puffs, musically & shakes,sideways black skull without understanding what’s he seeing. He eyeburns wall. He ponders, deeply.

Pamela presents those particular Internetpages for some direct purpose but why and what does it mean forhim.

Preston scrolls, quickly down at the bottomagain & thinks, logically. “She isn’t going to Paris or Londonbut she paid for
correction. Geneva paid for it.” He laughs, hardy.That act is so precious and clever just like Pamela using Geneva’smoney.

Preston presses up arrow to trip to Londoncosting eight grand. He laughs, hardy. “Good girl, Pamela. I knowmy instincts were right about you.” He pats, tenderly breast pocketcontaining three carat diamond engagement ring.

He pulls, slowly blue velvet box from jacketwithout opening the lid picking up the ring this morning after theyleft, separately for work from Jewelry store on University Drive.He has decided to marry Pamela. He loves, cares & cherishesher, deeply.

Past two weeks his relationship has movedfrom tenderly to awesomely with her. He doesn’t want to look atanother female, only Pamela. He’s going to marry her right after hekicks Geneva’s ass for this mess and involving his girl.

Preston replaces, slowly blue box into jacketthen scans, slowly airport terminal. Everyone runs for flightsignoring him. He sighs, breathes, deeply.

He returns to laptop & studies page ofLondon trip then taps arrow up to next item purchase of tours,followed by evening gowns. “I got it. You humiliated Geneva usingher personal credit card number exhibiting your awesome but illegalhacker skills. So, what? The balances total around
” Preston flipspages back and forth calculating monies. “
over 23 thousand
on onecard?”

Preston starts at bottom of file verifyingeach credit card number to the last page of purchases. Entireamount of $23,000 is purchased on one credit card. One credit cardholds over $20,000 in multiple transactions without maxing outusing Internet verification payment methods. If the card hit thelimit, the electric guidelines would reject the transaction. Hefrowns, ugly.

Preston pulls, swiftly wallet with his twocredit cards & slips, slowly the green card for eyeexamination. He calls, quickly bank for his credit limit. Banksupervisor relays that particular green credit card holds $5,000max. He asks, kindly if he can raise the limit to $20,000 making upgreat big lie. Bank replies “no.” Preston replaces cards and walletinto jeans.

He eye burns wall & thinks,intellectually. Geneva possesses personal credit card for $20,000and more in dollars. How’s that possible for an average FederalGovernment employee? Does she possess $20,000 in her bank accountto cover these purchases? Well, the purchases are illegal so Genevadoesn’t really own the money but financial theory’s interests hisbrain cells.

Geneva is only Director almost equal to hisstatus. As a matter of fact, Preston almost got her & his jobcombined but he refused, flatly. So, she doesn’t get paid millionsof dollars for her job instead their pay grade and rates are equal.Secondly, Geneva might be independently wealthy affording to paythat credit card debt until good old Uncle Sam repays her for thethievery but Preston doubts it since Geneva has some serious facialcollision with broken glass, or someone else’s fist.

Geneva needs, badly plastic surgery ifwealthy she can pay for that from her personal bank account. Third,Geneva was visually upset about the funds on her credit cardtherefore she doesn’t have the extra money.

Preston has outstanding credit owning hishouse and his car and other tangible property and still can’t gethis limit raised to $20,000 on his credit card. He snaps, nosilyfinger pads.

He presses up arrow to next page sighting theproper noun: Geneva Lassater. He scans all pages slowly for GenevaLassater as paired words.

“She’s not there. That’s what Pamela tellingme. Geneva Lassater is not there as a person on Earth.” Prestonwhispers, softly.

He scans backwards to proper name: PamelaCraft. Internet is tattle-tail of tidbits almost on any person inthe solar system especially if that person joins an organization orshits in their toilet in the guest bedroom since folks areliterally attached to social networks, cell phones and electronicblogs. Pamela Craft exists as one name of his girl and other girlscalled Pamela Craft throughout USA on the Internet. However, GenevaLassater is not on Internet.

Pamela has goggled & copied electronicthird pages of Geneva Lassater with no such reference to thatparticular Christian name/person. The last page shows ‘ipam,’ notthe computer protocol. It hints that Pamela uses another name forher novel work so if

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