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Book online «Harlequin Romance March 2021 Box Set Cara Colter (the mitten read aloud TXT) 📖». Author Cara Colter

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the air between them, he couldn’t help thinking again that Andy was a lucky little boy to have her as a mother. Getting him this kitten for his birthday was sure to add to Ronnie’s responsibilities, especially with the new job she would be starting soon, yet she had seized the opportunity to get him this special gift, knowing it would bring her son happiness.

What puzzled him, though, was her assumption that he didn’t want kids…and then, while he watched Ginger slurping up the milk, he recalled the comment he had made in the restaurant, about not having kids or cats and intending to keep it that way…

He hadn’t added “for now” at the end of his statement…

That explained her judgmental and disapproving opinion of him, but Red couldn’t attempt to change what she thought of him without going into explanations about his past, and that wasn’t going to happen.

“Speaking of home…”

Red started and turned to see Ronnie’s dark eyes fixed intently on him. She was biting her lip and her brow was creased, as if pondering whether she should go on.

“My home or yours?”

“That is the question,” she said, stroking Ginger, who was now back in her arms and purring. “I have something I need to ask of you, and I know it might seem a little presumptuous, but I really want everything to be perfect for my son’s birthday, um…and so, I need to ask you for a favor, just for a few days. Two, or maybe two and a half at the most. I’d be eternally grateful and it would just make the surprise even better—”

“What can I do for you, Ronnie?” he said dryly. Her previously cool tone was now sounding more civil. And maybe even a little humble.

“Would…would you be willing to keep Ginger at your place until Andy’s birthday? He’s back tomorrow and his birthday is the day after. I want to keep it an absolute surprise. I’d really appreciate it. And I’d pop by a few times to take care of the litter box…”

Red stared at her, stunned. This was the last thing he had expected to hear from her. “I’m not used to having a pet in the house,” he said slowly. “I haven’t taken care of a kitten since I was ten. I might forget to feed it or something.”

“You can just leave the food out for her.”

“Um…” He glanced away.

Liam turned on the windshield wipers as big snowflakes started coming down. Red turned back to Ronnie. “Have you considered offering this…exciting prospect…to your cousin?” He couldn’t keep a slight note of sarcasm out of his voice.

“I actually had, but Andy would want to go see his little cousin right away when he gets home. And I don’t want him to see Ginger until his actual birthday.” Her dark eyes held an anticipatory gleam.

“Right.” He pursed his lips. “Way to pull on my heartstrings, Forrester, although it sounded like you didn’t think I had a heart when it came to kids and kittens…”

“You’re putting words in my mouth,” she murmured defensively. She shifted in her seat, and the movement caused Ginger to slip out of Ronnie’s grasp. The kitten jumped across onto Red’s lap and crawled upward, rubbing her face against his. Ronnie pulled her away and cringed when Ginger’s claws dug into the fabric of his suit jacket. She extricated the kitten and looked ruefully at Red. “Sorry. She’s just doing what kittens do…”

“Right.” He indicated the decreased visibility ahead. “It’s a good thing we’re almost home. I don’t think the snow is going to let up.”

“And speaking of home…” Ronnie’s brows lifted hopefully.

Red let out a big, dramatic sigh. “Fine, I’ll take her home.”

“Aw, thank you! I’ll think of some way to repay you…”

“Just be on standby in case I need you,” he warned. “Especially if she starts crying in the night. I need my beauty sleep…”


RONNIE FELT A surge of happiness at Red’s words. And an acceleration of her heartbeat. She couldn’t remember when she had last felt so happy or excited, other than when she had heard the wonderful news about Andy’s remission.

She gazed at Red’s profile as he looked away to focus on the road as Liam drove through a particularly snowy stretch.

He had a strong, firm jaw and features that she was sure had caused a spike in more than one woman’s pulse… And he did have a kind heart, she admitted grudgingly to herself. Who else would have agreed to keep a kitten for someone they had just met a couple of days earlier?

Ronnie placed Ginger back into the carrier when they approached the exit that would take them into Parry Sound. Snow was falling at a much gentler rate than the almost whiteout conditions around Barrie. She shivered and hoped that Red would start the fire while they set up Ginger’s corner…

The thought gave her a jolt. It had sounded like a statement someone might have made if they had been married or living together. And the image it suddenly triggered in Ronnie’s mind made her blush. How ridiculous to picture herself cradling Ginger, snuggled under a cozy throw that Red had placed over her shoulders.

Okay, this has to stop. Just because Red agreed to keep Ginger for a couple of days didn’t mean he had any domestic inclinations where she was concerned…

But would you like there to be? a rogue inner voice pressed her.

Ronnie stole another glance at Red. He had looked mighty fine in a cardigan and jeans, but in that tailored suit… Her gaze slipped from his broad chest to the way his long legs filled out his trousers and an undeniable shiver went through her.

Maybe there was something going on. In her, anyway.

* * *

The snowflakes were coming down soft and wet when they arrived at Red’s place. Red thanked Liam and wished him a good night before jumping out to get Ronnie’s door. She handed him the carrier and stepped out carefully. Red motioned for her

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