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Book online «Twisted Steel: An MC Anthology: Second Edition Elizabeth Knox (cheapest way to read ebooks .txt) 📖». Author Elizabeth Knox

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aren’t sure if she’ll need surgery or not. With her not being awake and alert, we have no way to tell what’s going on,” she answers me. “I’ll be out and let you know whatever is going on as soon as I know.”

Nodding my head, I take the clipboard and stare down at the paperwork. All the words float and swim before my eyes. I don’t give a shit about all this shit. The only thing I want is Summer in my arms. To hear she’s fine and nothing is wrong with her. That this is all just a nightmare I’m living in right now. That’s not going to happen though. Summer is back there getting tests and whatever else done so they know if she needs surgery.

We’ve been sitting at the hospital for hours. Summer ended up needing surgery to repair her right arm and her left leg. She has broken bones in each that need to be set and held in place with rods or pins, I’m not sure what they said. Several cuts fill her body, some of which need to be stitched closed they’re so deep. Her jaw is severely bruised but not broken, the same with her eye sockets. Still, all of this is too much damage for my woman to suffer through. No one should have touched a hair on her head.

The nurse moved us up to a separate waiting room. Away from the other patients and family members waiting to hear news of their loved ones. I haven’t stopped pacing since getting here. No one is trying to make me either. Blaze and the other Nomads know better than to get in my way. Skull and his guys keep an eye on me as if I’m going to jump them at any second. While I’d love to, there is only one man responsible for my woman being in here.

As the sun begins to set and the sky grows dark, finally a man in scrubs with blood covering him enters the room. I’m immediately in front of him.

“How is my wife?” I question him, not bothering to let him get a word in.

“She’s in stable condition right now. We’ve fixed her leg and arm. She’s going to be sore for a very long time and will need physical therapy on her arm and leg as well. I’m not sure if she’ll ever walk without a limp again, only time will tell that. Right now, we’re monitoring her and the baby. I can’t assure you at all if the baby will survive the trauma caused to your wife,” the doctor tells me, continuing to talk as his words fade out to nothing.

Summer is pregnant. I’m going to be a dad. This might all be taken away from us because of a man who beat her for no reason whatsoever.

“How long until I can see her?” I question the doctor.

“It will be a little while. She’s in recovery now. They’ll monitor her for a little while before finding her a room to stay in. She’ll be here for a while,” he tells me.

Turning on my heel, I don’t watch the doctor leave. Blaze knows what I’m about to say before I even open my mouth. We’re heading back to the clubhouse so I can kill this motherfucker. He’s going to know every single pain my woman is feeling right now. Nothing will stop me. I only hope our baby survives this because I’ll kill every single member of Renegade Outlaws if our little one doesn’t make it. Summer deserves more than waking up to find out we lost our child.

“Let’s roll,” Blaze says, leading me from the waiting room with everyone else following us.

When we get outside, I see my bike parked with the rest of them. I don’t stop as I make my way to it so I can get to the clubhouse as quick as possible. Revenge is the only thing on my mind until I can get back to Summer’s side.

We head back to Skull’s clubhouse. Parking my bike in the middle of the lot, I don’t wait for anyone else to follow me. I’m going to kill the dumbfuck who thought it was okay to hurt my woman to the point of her almost losing not only her life, but the life of our unborn child.

“Where the fuck is Rancid?” I bellow out as soon as I step inside the clubhouse.

There are several men sitting around the common room either at the tables or along the bar. One of them turns to me as if he’s sizing me up. I don’t give a fuck about anyone here. The only thought running through my head is taking out this fucker who touched my woman and getting back to her side. Still, not a single person answers my question. Not until one man, Malice, I believe his name is, stands from the bar.

“Follow me,” he states as I walk behind him.

“Stop right there!” an older man yells out as I turn my attention toward him. “I want to know what the fuck is goin’ on with my man and why he’s bein’ held.”

“Who the fuck are you?” I grate out, my rage boiling over.

“I’m Slash, the national President of this club,” he states as if I give a fuck who he is.

“Yeah. And I’m Dozer. Your pussy of a bitch put his hands on my woman and almost killed her. We didn’t know she was pregnant and there’s still a chance she may lose our baby. So, you’re gonna be down one man and I don’t give a fuck what you have to say about it. Skull has his treatment of her from the camera feed this mornin’.”

Turning my back on the man, showing him complete disrespect, I continue to follow Malice down the hall until we get to a door that’s locked. He unlocks it and leads me down a set of stairs. When we get to the bottom, I hear

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