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Book online «Titan: A LitRPG Adventure (UnderVerse Book 4) Jez Cajiao (top ten books of all time TXT) 📖». Author Jez Cajiao

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it was greedy to mention the third room.

“We need a room for us,” Oracle said simply. “A room where we can work together and have some privacy.” She didn’t elaborate on that, but I could feel her hunger, and I felt my cheeks reddening slightly.

“Of course,” Soween said, smiling faintly. “What’s the priority?”

“First, I need a room that’s actually clean for alchemy. As covered in shit as most of the ship is, I’ll end up with contaminated potions, and that won’t end well. After that, a main room for us all, then our room last of all,” I said firmly, despite wanting to drag Oracle off as fast as I could and try to break her over a table or something.

“We also need to fix your arm,” Oracle said, scowling at me.

“I’d definitely like that…” I admitted, and Soween frowned, looking me over.

“What’s wrong with your arm?” she asked, and I shrugged, tugging off the small shield that Grizz had lent me and passing it to him, then flipping the latches to release the armor.

Once I had it all unlocked, I twisted the vambrace and there was a click before the lower section released. I tugged it free, revealing that my arm ended just below the elbow. Soween blinked at the truncated arm, as Oracle spoke up.

“I still can’t believe you cut it off; what were you thinking?” she asked me, and I shrugged.

“It seemed a good idea at the time, that’s all,” I said simply, before looking over at Soween. “If you could concentrate on the alchemy lab, first, please, then we can at least make sure everyone has a potion or something to use when the shit hits the fan next.”

Soween nodded, straightening, and saluted, fist to chest, Legion style, before striding from the room and gathering up the others she’d brought with her.

They headed straight down into the lower decks, searching for rooms that would be the best to use. Oracle and I looked at each other, and I sighed, getting up and walking to the door, determined to get some fresh air while I worked through the welter of notifications I could see furiously blinking away.

Chapter Thirty-Seven

I left as Tang entered to talk to Jian, and smiled at his friendly exchange with Tenandra. Then I walked out onto the deck of the ship, looking around and making sure we weren’t being snuck up on again, as near as I could tell.

In all directions now, there were angry gray clouds, but at least the majority of the storm was behind us, with a much gentler rain still pattering across the deck. I walked up to the edge of the railing at the bow of the ship and gazed out, Oracle slipping into her smaller form to ride on my shoulder.

“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” I whispered to her, looking out over the sea that ran out to the horizon to our right and behind us, while in the distance ahead, the continent was clear, with trees and the shore becoming distinct from the waves. To my left, I could see the bay that the cities of Himnel and Narkolt shared, and I looked down at a sudden movement, catching a glimpse of something the shape of a plesiosaur, but the size of a super-tanker, dipping back under the waves and making me shudder at the thought of being on sailing ship.

“It is,” Oracle agreed. “But I can’t wait to return home. I know I’m not tied to the Tower anymore, but…”

“But it’s your home,” I finished for her and nodded in understanding. “Mine, too; I can’t wait to get back there, to see everyone, and most of all, to get the place repaired, to make them all safe!”

“Can you imagine Oren’s face when he sees the ships?” Oracle asked me, grinning. “He’s going to be pestering us for the Battleship inside the hour, I bet.”

“And Seneschal and Heph will be arguing over the Golems as well!” I said, smiling at the thought.

“Not to mention Flux; he’s going to be pestering the Legion to train him in fighting as fast as he can!”

“Oh god, yes.” I groaned. “First thing we do when we land is have a damn party. Let them all see each other and interact. Then we get everyone out onto the ground outside, make sure they’re all out of the way while we fix the place up, and we get things sorted, get the Tower configured for battle, get the Golems into production and for the love of god, get us a room with a real door and a real bed!”

“That sounds like a plan,” my companion said, looking up at me and smiling. She’d been wearing a black top and camo pants when I’d looked out to sea, but as I glanced up to where she perched on my shoulder, she was suddenly, and starkly, naked, and I swallowed hard.

“That is so not fair,” I said to her in a low voice as I took in the view.

“I know,” she said breezily. “Know what else isn’t fair?”

“What?” I asked.

“That you’re wearing proper pants. If you still had the Drow ones, that had that hole that led through from the pocket, I could have had all kinds of fun right now…”

“Oracle!” I groaned, trying to calm myself down as I stared longingly at her.

“I know,” she said, grinning. “But I missed you!”

“I missed you too, but damn, you’re a tease!” I growled, pulling up the notifications.

Congratulations! You have killed the following:

2x Human ship’s soldiers of various levels for 22,150xp

3x DarkSpore for 230xp

1x Drow Shifter for 17,400xp

A party under your command killed the following:

7x Human ship’s soldiers of various levels for 56,870xp

9x DarkSpore for 530xp

Total Party exp earned: 57,400xp

As party leader, you gain 25% of all experience earned

Progress to level 23 stands at 229,066/420,000 Exp


Forces under your command have seized the following strategic items:

1x Merchantman Airship for 35,000xp

Due to no formal declaration of War being in force between you and the ship’s previous owners, you gain

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