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I shrugged and dismissed it, while trying not to admit to myself that I was gutted we didn’t at least get an ‘assist’ for the death of the two ships, and Mal driving off the third.

Congratulations! You have raised your weapons skill ‘Swords’ to its first specialization. You must now pick a path to follow. Will you choose the path of the BLADE, or follow instead the path of the STORM?

Choose carefully, as this choice cannot be undone.


An adherent of the Path of the BLADE believes that there is no need for a secondary weapon, as their sword is a part of them, in much the same way their arm or foot is. To lose one, is to lose all.

Gain 2 points to Dexterity and +5 to damage when wielding a single blade.

Ability Learned: Lunge!

Once per fight, you can force stamina into an ability, ‘Lunge,’ allowing you to drive forward up to five meters with your blade extended. Any attacks that are landed as a result of ‘Lunge’ do double damage.


To win requires not that you be a fixed, immobile object; instead, you must be fluid, flowing around your enemies and slicing them apart. Followers of the Path of the STORM specialize in wielding multiple weapons and gain a +5 to damage when wielding more than one bladed weapon at a time.

Ability Learned: Flurry of Blows!

For a cost of 100 Stamina, you can increase your physical speed, more than doubling the strikes you can make for up to 60 seconds and imbuing them with the element of your choice.

Fire: Additional chance to inflict ‘Burning’ status

Water: Additional chance to inflict ‘Freezing’ status

Earth: Additional chance to inflict ‘Slowed’ status

Air: Additional chance to inflict ‘Confused’ status

Light: Additional chance to inflict damage on undead and evil-aligned creatures

Darkness: Additional chance to inflict damage on living and good-aligned creatures

That wasn’t really a hard choice there either, considering that I occasionally fought with multiple weapons, yeah, but more often than not, I used my naginata, and as soon as I had two hands again, I’d be making the most of that again. I chose ‘Blade’ and gained the skill ‘Lunge’, before dismissing the confirmation prompt and moving on.

Congratulations! You have raised your spell ‘Battlefield Triage’ to its Second Evolution. You must now pick a new path to follow. Will you choose to continue to Generalize, or will you Specialize?

Choose carefully, as this choice cannot be undone.


Your healing spell ‘Battlefield Triage’ has once again grown ready for evolution. In choosing to generalize further, you find that your understanding deepens regarding the interactions that magic and the living form can achieve together. Instead of focusing on a single issue, you blanket the entire area, pumping in mana until whatever remains in that location is healed.

Healing will now be increased by 5 points per second and cost reduced by 10%, effecting all targets within a radius of 2m


Your recent experiences have taught you to view all those around you in a different light. No longer are they defined by their differences in structure; Instead, you see their likenesses. You have grown to identify the common themes in humanoids, and with such knowledge, you are more efficient when fixing them… as well as breaking them, when need be.

When healing humanoids, you achieve an additional 10 points of healing per second, for an increased cost of 5mana across all healing spells. When attacking humanoids, you do +5 additional damage, due to your knowledge of their inner workings.

Bonus Ability: Examine and Excise!

Due to your recent practice, and the integration of your Greater Examination spell, you have gained the ability to slice and dice with far more finesse than you ever thought yourself capable of. When using this ability, weaknesses and errors in your target’s physical make-up may be identified at a 25% chance of success, allowing you to fix issues that your target never knew they possessed...

Cost: 25mana per second; chances of success rise by 5% per second of examination

This one was more complicated, but after a few minutes’ thought, I nodded to myself. I could feel Oracle’s focus, and I agreed with her unspoken suggestion as I selected ‘Surgeon’ this time. Yes, it’d be cool to have an AOE heal‒well, one that worked on everyone that didn’t take forever to cast in a fight‒but the weakness of the generalized path had been all too clear when I had worked to heal Tang and Bane.

You have selected ‘Specialist’ for your second Evolution. your Spell ‘Battlefield Triage’ has evolved to ‘Surgeon’s Scalpel’ and can now be used to fix problems that your target never even knew they had!

For a cost of forty mana per second, you now heal 32 points of damage, and can choose between healing the body in a wide arc, or focusing in on a single point. Continuing to channel this spell into an area that is already healed may have beneficial effects.

Due to creating your own unique Journeyman Spell, you may now choose a bonus:

1)     Additional healing effect: when in desperate times, additional mana can be channeled into this spell, increasing the effectiveness by half for so long as the spell lasts.

Cost: 2x single spell cost

2)     Genetic Drift Examination: due to your own background knowledge, you are aware of the difference between the ideal genetic template and the end product, much as a patient might have their growth stunted through years of poor nutrition, while another may excel due to an abundance of opportunities. Now, rather than your spell working on all areas slightly, you may focus this, improving a specific point of a target to their ultimate potential,  

Cost: 2-5x ‘Surgeon’s Scalpel’ spell cost for 2% per second effect.

I quickly chose the ‘Genetic Drift Examination.’ It was both a mouthful, and a pain in the ass, if I was reading it right, but… I knew that my people were far from what they could be. I’d healed Amaat from his reduced state when we’d first met, into a great example of his race, doing

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