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Book online «Takedown Heather Atkinson (rosie project txt) 📖». Author Heather Atkinson

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in front of that cheesy action film you want to watch with a bottle of wine.”

“Better but not what I had in mind.”

“Then we’ll just have to see where the night leads.”

The mischief in her eyes made him smile.

They did indeed curl up together on the couch and tucked into the wine. As the drink flowed, Faith ended up astride him, the film forgotten as they lost themselves in each other.

“When are you going to marry me Faith?” breathed Vance as he held her to him while they caught their breath.

“I think our family would freak out if their brother and sister married each other,” she murmured into his bare shoulder.

“I’ve found a way around that.”

“Oh yeah?” she said, not taking him seriously as he often spoke like this.

“We tell them the truth.”

She sighed and straightened up so she could look into his brilliant blue eyes. Their colour always became even more startling after they’d made love. “We can’t.”

“Why not?”

“Because it would tear our family apart.”

“Having to hide everything is tearing me apart.”

“No it isn’t. You’re strong, you can take it.”

“Maybe I don’t want to take it.”

She cradled his face in her hands and smiled as she stared deep into his beautiful eyes. “I know exactly how you feel but think about it - our family is finally doing really well and things are on the up. Our employers are also people who don’t like upsetting the apple cart. If we reveal the truth it will throw our family into disarray, ruining business and our employers might decide to take drastic action, like kicking us out and getting someone else in, only the Maguires don’t tell you you’re sacked and give you your P45. They use a gun and a shallow grave.”

“They wouldn’t do that to us. Jules is too fond of you.”

“Yes she is but her family’s interests come first with her, which is as it should be and she’s a businesswoman. She wouldn’t hesitate to do what’s necessary to protect those interests.”

“So where does that leave us? Sneaking around behind everyone’s backs, pretending we live in separate flats and that we’re just brother and sister while inventing fictional partners to fend off everyone’s questions as to why neither of us are in a relationship.”

“I agree, it is awkward but things won’t always be this way. Let’s just keep doing a good job for the Maguires and once we’re really cemented in as part of their crew then we can break the news.”

“And how long is that going to take?”

“Probably a few years.”

“Years? You do realise that one day we’ll be caught out. It’s inevitable.”

“Then we’ll just have to be careful,” she said, brushing his lips with her own.

“Stop trying to distract me. I’m serious Faith, I hate this situation.”

“So do I but we have to be patient just a little longer.”

“And then we’ll tell everyone?”

She nodded. “We will, although have you thought how it will affect Mum, or rather, your mum?”

“Course I have and she’ll just have to deal with it. I know that sounds cold but she committed a serious crime and we’re the ones paying the price. Plus my relationship with her will never be the same, not after she thought I was a murderer and she refused to visit me in prison. And she treats me differently to my brothers and sister. Sometimes I get the feeling she wishes I was still inside.”

“Because she’s afraid of someone finding out about our relationship and the truth coming out.”

“There will come a time when we have to put ourselves first, before everyone, even Caleb and the others. It’s either that or be miserable for the rest of our lives.”

“I’m not miserable Vance. I never could be with you.”

“But I want more. I don’t like sneaking around. I want to tell the world that you’re mine.”

She raised her eyebrow. “Yours?”

“Relax Faith, I’m not trying to claim you like you’re a mountain or something.”

“Mountain?” she exclaimed.

“And I’m not calling you fat either,” he grinned, holding up his hands. “Your body is gorgeous,” he said, running his hands up her thighs. “I just meant…what did I mean? I’ve forgotten.”

“That’s probably for the best. Anyway, what makes you think I want to get married?”

“We always said we would one day.”

“When we were teenagers.”

“I still want to. Why, don’t you?”

“Don’t you think it’s becoming a bit of an outdated concept?”

“No. Thousands of people get married every day around the world.”

“Does that mean we have to be like them?”

“I want to marry you Faith.”

“So I can take your surname?” she grinned.


“At least I wouldn’t have the hassle of changing my name on everything like other newly-married women do.”

“See, that’s one advantage, apart from the fact that we’d finally be free and could tell everyone that we love each other.”

Her gaze filled with tenderness. “I know, I want to tell everyone too but just have a bit more patience, please. Now really isn’t the right time.”

“All right,” he sighed. “But I won’t wait forever. One day we will come out of the closet.”

“I promise,” she said, kissing him.

They looked to the door when the doorbell rang.

“Are you expecting anyone?” he whispered.

“If I was do you honestly think I’d be naked on the couch with you?” she whispered back.

“Let’s pretend no one’s in,” he said when the doorbell rang again.

“Good idea.”

They both went still, holding onto each other, waiting to see if the unwanted visitor would leave, sighing when the visitor moved on to knocking on the door instead.

“Piss off,” muttered Vance.

“Oh bloody hell,” sighed Faith when her phone started to ring, which was sitting on the coffee table. “It’s Caleb,” she said, leaning over

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