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tracking and managing the InternetProtocol address space utilized in a network. Pamela giggles,silly, poses, brilliantly. “Its ipam attacking IPAM.” Since“ipam” is her username for her real PC and some passwordapps at work.

“She’s chatty.” Stockton admires, funny, thensmirks, lightly.

Geneva compliments, swiftly. “Thank you forthat descript maneuver, Miss Craft. I would like to emphasize thatWE are first guardians when hackers and attackers break intowebsites and WE created ya’ll called Retrievers to block, bend orbat back hackers out the web.”

“I find repeated hacker attempts can pinpointthe tap source a lot faster than one random portal.” Pamelaincludes, purposefully

“That one random attack or multi repeats getwebsites defaced with smuck and puke by abusing all small and largebusinesses professional logos and here, in America business ownersdon’t need this nasty garage in additional to all the mess with therecessed economy. I want to remind each and every one of you thathackers do not have established links to video colorful streamingblogs that list their full Christian first and last names waitingfor the FBI special agents to simply arrest them. Secondly,defacement of web sites make generally bold statements of trueintent that being the next step, stealing more valuable data,credit card names and addresses. Does everyone understand mymeaning?” Geneva warns, coldly.

“Yes, ma’am.” Pamela nods, once.

Geneva subject changes. “Good. Back to thepeer review, we’re almost finished. Miss Craft, I believe I canvoice for your co-workers that you’re a clever and very brightyoung girl with highly creative bot skills that have saved morethan a few 1,000 websites since you were employment of last year.You have been with us for…two years.”

“Yes, ma’am. This is the completion of myfirst year at Cyber Crime Division and I hope many, many more, Ms.Lassater.” Pamela reminds, gently, holds for pay raise.

“Not to worry, dear. But…here in Alabama, werequire more, much more.” Geneva eye burns her notes on paper.

“More, what more can I do?” Pamela asks,perplexingly.

Geneva nods, once & talks, generally.“This concludes our peer review for the folks today. Everyone backto work except Miss Craft. Can you stay a while to discuss with meyour toned and untapped bot skills?”

“What untapped bot skills?” Pamela inquires,boldly while co-workers stand, stretch and stroll from large corneroffice with two squared undivided windows overlooking smoke areaand standard issued beige government fake crafted wood.

Geneva shifts, swiftly from her desk to sidechair parallel to Pamela & questions, purposefully. “Are youready for your next assignment, Miss Craft?”

Pamela frowns, slightly then smiles, sweetly& talks, boldly. “Well, I guess so. I didn’t know that therewere more complex assignments than stopping hackers and attackersfrom stealing numeric and encrypted data on websites.”

“Yes, you’re correct. We stop crimes a.s.a.p.and look for criminals. We also report all criminal activities toour brother and sister Fed orgs. This is part of our responsibilityof Cyber Crime.”

“I can do that also. I haven’t directlyworked with any Federal organizations. Will I be doing that thisweek?”

“How about next month? I…require you studyFed procedures and processes. The Feds are particular about theirbuzz words and intimate techniques, Miss Craft?” Geneva inquires,sharply.

“Yes ma’am.” Pamela nods, once & quotes,flatly.

“Excellent, Miss Craft, see how peer reviewswork together to promote good ethnics and good work sharing. We areprofessionals, here. We work together to fight against cybercrimethroughout the State of Alabama and along with partners from allthe varied local, state and federal agencies channelingmulti-layered security threats and protect data. We make securityour number #1 priority. Isn’t that right?”

“Yes, ma’am.” Pamela nods, once & quotes,flatly.

Lunchtime. Cafeteria.

Pamela, Lacy & Ilenn prance, gracefullyfilled food trays to particular table while supplying the day’sgossip.

Lacy scoots, closely to Pamela & talks,mildly. “Stockton’s worried about his job.”

“Stockton, why?” Pamela inquires, boldly.

Ilenn details, purposefully. “That question Iimplied about me still having a job is very valid, Stockton didsomething to piss Geneva off this world into the next galaxy.”

“Stockton, what did he do? I always thoughtStockton as over confident and an overachiever. I couldn’t imagehim not fulfilling his work. Don’t you, Ilenn?” Pamela questions,bravely & eye burns Ilenn.

“Don’t know!” Ilenn shrugs shoulders thenattacks her spaghetti, viciously.

“Heard tell, he was given one of thesecomplex assignments and couldn’t finish it.” Lacy details, fullythen drinks, nosily beverage.

“Have either of ya’ll worked one of theseassignments? What’s it like? I’m a bit nervous about receiving morework without adding more training. Is there some kind of traininginvolved?” Pamela asks, gently then bites into her sliced tomatocovered singular meatball. She chews, slowly pondering her briefbut direct conversation with Geneva. She gets her first complexassignment, maybe next week by Geneva.

“Yes, you get some training.” Lacy explains,mysteriously & ends, suddenly.

“Good afternoon, my little Southern Belles.”Deep sexy bass drum timber belongs to Arthur Ennis, currentun-available boy toy of Ilenn Yelling. He eats big meals with Ilennevery day at lunch. Arthur stands 6 feet, 4 inches of 257 pounds ofhot steel ripped born & breed African-American muscles fromneck to calves flashing million dollar smile, bald shaved mound,dark brown almond shaped eyes on heart-shaped baby face with bigdumbo ears, only detraction making him 99.9% perfect male.

Ilenn pats, tenderly his hand as he scoots,nosily chair next to her. Pamela does note extra large tableholding 6 chairs instead of normal 4 for 3.4 seconds then finishesher green lettuce for fiber.

“Hey, poo bear!” Ilenn coos, musically withsweet brown eyes admiringly. Arthur grins, toothy.

“Say hi, boys.” Arthur rumbles in bass drum.Pamela cuts noodles into small bite size pieces for fork. Shedoesn’t like the tradition assault wrapping slippery pasta roundfork then stuffing like plantation pig into her small vessel.First, un-cool ladylike maneuver around Southern gentlemen if onehappens to be present & spying on her at lunch table andsecondly, her Mama is perform flips in her grave.

Tenor saxophone blows, very loudly &repeats, amusingly. “Hi, boys.” Heavy 203 pounds on 5 feet, 7inches blonde thin bowl cut hair with short bangs over round greenpupils, flat nose, rosy round cheeks on powder white glowing paleskin drops, thunderously in chair. Pamela places big chuck ofmeatball coupled with little sliced noodles for enjoyment

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