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Book online «Heir of Amber and Fire Rachanee Lumayno (books on motivation txt) 📖». Author Rachanee Lumayno

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you sitting down and settled,” Beyan said. He started to walk Kye out of the room. Over his shoulder, he called to me, “Just wait there, I’ll be right back.”

While I waited, I studied the Joichan figurine once more. Without Kye’s help, how would I find Joichan?

Beyan walked back into the room. “My father is a very passionate person, especially when it comes to dragons,” he explained. “Well, when you grow up surrounded by the exciting stories, and it’s your livelihood... It was a hard adjustment for him, having to retire from seeking when he was in his prime.”

“I’m sorry to hear that,” I said politely. “Well, I seem to have hit a dead end. Are there any others in Orchwell who seek dragons?”

“None as fine as my father,” said Beyan.

Naturally. Why couldn’t it be easy — find Kye, find Joichan, save Calia? I sighed. I now had to decide if I should return home, or try to continue on by myself. “Thank you for your time.”

My disappointment must have been obvious, because Beyan stopped me as I turned to leave. “Who is it you’re looking for?”

I reached out toward the Joichan miniature, my fingers just shy of actually touching the majestic dragon carving. “This one.”

Beyan’s eyes flashed. “I will take you.”

“What? I thought — ”

“I said none could seek as well as my father. But I didn’t say that I am not a dragon seeker.”

Hope flared in my heart. “If you could help me, I would be so grateful.”

“My father is injured, as you can tell. In the last few years it’s gotten worse; he needs my help almost daily. I try not to take jobs that take me away from his side for longer than a day or two, but those don’t pay much, nor do they come along often. Your task sounds promising, but I’ll be gone for at least a week, possibly longer. I need to make sure the time away from my father will be worth my while.”

The little flicker of hope died out. “I can’t pay the fee you requested. I have some money for my journey, but not that much.”

He studied me silently for a long moment, as if trying to uncover all my secrets with his eyes. I shifted uncomfortably under his gaze.

“You said Queen Melandria of Calia sent you?” he asked me.


“I’ll forgo the advance payment, if the queen will pay twice the entire amount immediately once we complete this task.”

I hesitated. It was quite a lot of money, and Mother hadn’t given me instructions on what to do after I found Kye. Besides find my father, of course.

“Unless your task is not as urgent as you make it seem.” Beyan began to turn away. “Obviously, you’re not authorized to — ”

“Done.” On my word as the Crown Princess, I thought. But I couldn’t say that to him. “Twelve hundred gold for taking me to Joichan. With an additional twelve hundred as a bonus.”

Beyan was definitely interested now. Then his lips thinned and his eyes narrowed. “How can I trust your word?”

I tugged a simple gold ring from around my little finger. It was surprisingly plain for royal jewelry, but I loved it nonetheless. It had been a birthday present from my mother on my sixteenth birthday, and there was a small engraving on the inside with my initials. I ran my thumb over the little gold ring, sad to let it go. Holding it up so Beyan could see it, I said, “If I am not present when you meet with Queen Melandria, ask for a woman named Taryn to help you gain an audience with the queen. Give this to the queen as a token of my word. You have my assurance that she will honor our agreement.”

“Really? And you are?”

I realized belatedly that I had never introduced myself to Beyan or his father. “My name is Allayne.” I had to trust that Taryn would recognize my “name” and help Beyan if I wasn’t there with him.

Taking my ring, Beyan placed it on a leather cord that he grabbed from the table nearby. He tied the cord around his neck and tucked it under his shirt. Then he held out his hand toward me. I took it gingerly, unused to the custom of shaking hands. His grip was cool and strong.

“Perfect.” For the first time since we met, he smiled. It transformed him from a sullen young man to an eager seeker, ready to start his quest. “We leave in the morning.”

Chapter Fifteen

I APPROACHED THE CITY gates right as the sun streaked over the horizon. I was carrying considerably more than when I had arrived, as the rest of my time in Orchwell had been spent purchasing things for an extended trek across the Gifted Lands. The supply of money that Taryn had put in my pack was dwindling, and I hoped there wouldn’t be too many more expenses on the journey.

Beyan was not the only one waiting for me. A quick round of introductions let me know who my new traveling companions would be. Rhyss was as tall as Beyan, but with freckled skin and a shock of red hair. Farrah’s ebony skin set off her gorgeous lavender hair and striking violet eyes, marking her as half Fae, half human.

Rhyss and Farrah held the reins to their mounts, already carrying their gear. Beyan had two horses — his own, and a hired horse for me. He handed me the reins, saying, “Her name is Dorie.”

“Hello, Dorie,” I said, patting the horse. She nickered softly, turning her big brown head toward mine.

Beyan loaded Dorie with my extra gear and knapsack. “Can you ride?” he asked me.

“Of course,” I said, bristling somewhat. I had learned to ride a horse practically as soon as I could walk. But the curious looks from the group clued me in to the realization that, while every noble might know how to ride, not every commoner would.

I made my tone meeker. “I was

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