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Book online «Heir of Amber and Fire Rachanee Lumayno (books on motivation txt) 📖». Author Rachanee Lumayno

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laughed at his statement. “It’s amazing how you can be so observant and so dense all at the same time.”

Beyan’s frown deepened. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Didn’t you notice the colors on the carriage that just passed by? Or how fine the horses are?”

“What of it?”

Farrah rolled her eyes. “These aren’t just everyday travelers. It’s the royalty and nobles of the southern kingdoms, headed north for a special occasion.”

And the only special occasion was the wedding of Calia’s princess to the prince of Rothschan.

I kicked myself mentally for not keeping up with what was going on back home. Since our contact my first night away from Calia, I hadn’t gotten back in touch with Taryn. Although, truth be told, it was a bit hard to sneak away from my companions at night. Still, I decided that that night I would find a way to talk to Taryn, if only to reassure myself that all was well.

THE CAMPFIRE HAD BEEN reduced to mere embers when I cautiously propped myself up on my elbows and looked over the group. Everyone seemed to be asleep, so I slowly and quietly got up, being careful where I stepped. The horses, tethered to some trees nearby, sidestepped and nickered softly at my movement, but settled down quickly at a quiet, placating word from me. I had just reached the edge of the camp when I heard a quiet voice right behind me in the darkness.

“Where are you headed, Allayne?” I turned slightly to my right. Although I couldn’t see him clearly in the dim light, I knew it was Beyan.

“I didn’t mean to wake you,” I whispered.

“I wasn’t sleeping,” he said.

“Well, I just need to... to relieve myself,” I said, scrambling for a plausible excuse.

“You shouldn’t go by yourself. Let me wake Farrah.”

“No!” I spoke a little louder than I intended. Hastily, I glanced over at Farrah and Rhyss. Rhyss stirred in his sleep a little, but Farrah still slept soundly.

“No,” I brought my voice back to a whisper. “I’ll be okay by myself.”

I could sense Beyan frowning, even though I couldn’t see it. “All right,” he conceded. “Don’t go far. If you’re gone too long, I’ll come find you.”

I nodded, then remembered Beyan probably couldn’t see the motion in the darkness. “Sure,” I said aloud for his benefit.

I conjured a light, then moved farther away from camp. When I felt suitably hidden from eyes and ears, I stopped and leaned against a nearby tree. I listened intently for a few moments, but it didn’t seem like Beyan had followed me.

Quickly I created a calling spell, concentrating on Taryn’s image in my mind’s eye. But Taryn didn’t appear when I completed the spell.

Frowning, I waved my hand through the haze where Taryn’s face should have appeared, ending the spell. I’d never had a calling spell fail before. To my knowledge, the person being summoned would feel the magical pull and had the option to accept or deny the spell. If that other person didn’t want the connection, the spell would ricochet, sending small fragments of magic back to alert the initiator that the connection was denied. Either way, something should happen.

I tried the spell again. This time Taryn’s face appeared level with my own.

“Taryn!” I said, relieved. “There you are! Why didn’t you — ”

“Shh!” she said, looking around her warily. “I don’t have much time, Your Highness. I’m sorry I couldn’t answer you before, but... oh, it’s gotten so bad here.”

“What? What’s happening?”

“King Hendon broke protocol and demanded a visit with you, even though you’re still in your bridal month seclusion. When he discovered you were missing, he questioned Queen Melandria, who of course wouldn’t say where you had gone. He threatened her — ”

I gasped.

“Don’t worry, she’s fine.” Taryn was quick to assure me. “But whereas before we only suspected she was being watched, now the king has set a definite watch on her.”

I remembered the traveling nobles on their way north. “We’ve seen the kings and queens of the neighboring kingdoms headed north, though. Surely it’s not for the wedding. If King Hendon knows I’m not there, he’s probably cancelled it, right?”

Taryn shook her head. “No, to the contrary. He’s sent out envoys to all the kingdoms, inviting all the leaders and their people of rank. Even Prince Anders thinks the wedding is still happening. So here in Calia we are still preparing for a royal wedding, even while the king has riders out looking for you.”

“When? When did this happen?” I asked urgently.

“Just a few days ago,” she said. “You have a good lead, but not for long.”

“Thank you for telling me this,” I said.

“There’s more,” Taryn added. “It’s not really related, but...”

“What? What’s happening?”

“Remember I told you about the kitchen maid Sava, and how her brother went missing but returned with a damaged mind? The boy disappeared again, which was bizarre, because he refused to leave the house since his return. And Sava has gone missing as well. Their parents are sick with grief over losing both of their children.”

Taryn was right. It was palace intrigue that wasn’t really related to the wedding or my mother, but it was still interesting news nonetheless. “Did the girl run off to find her brother?”

“Unlikely. They both disappeared at the same time.”

I shook my head, unsure what to make of it. “Hopefully they turn up soon.”

“I’ll try to contact you again soon, let you know what’s going on around the palace,” Taryn said. “It might be easier than you contacting me.”

I nodded. “Be safe, Taryn.”

“You as well, Your Highness.” Her face disappeared.

I stayed at the tree, thinking about everything Taryn had told me. A snapping branch caused my head to jerk up. Feeling for my dagger, I realized that I had left it at the camp. I tried to survey my surroundings, but in the dim moonlight there wasn’t much I could see. Someone stepped toward me.


“Beyan! Did you... were you following me?” Had he heard any part of my conversation

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