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Book online «You Can't Hide Theresa Sneed (top 10 non fiction books of all time .TXT) 📖». Author Theresa Sneed

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He wants us to be right where we are, but we’ve got to stay one step ahead of his insanity.”

Karen put her hands on her hips. “And how is doing what he expected us to do, staying one step ahead of him?”

A puff of air escaped Elle’s throat. “He’ll never suspect that we know that he’s up to something. That gives us the upper hand.”

“Huh. I’ll be right back.” Todd lifted the blanket off the broken window, shook it out, and went to the car. Shortly, he returned, and Elle did not have to guess what he had under the blanket—the rifle. “Just staying one step ahead,” he said, under his breath.

They spent the next few minutes looking through the rooms, inside closets and drawers, finding nothing of interest. “He doesn’t have a single picture of his wife anywhere.”

“Yes, it’s a shock that he even had a wife.” Elle shrugged. “But not much of a shock that she had mental issues, huh?” She sighed. “Someone must know something. Let’s start asking around.”

“And draw attention to ourselves?” Karen’s eyes widened.

“Ah-huh. The more people who know who we are, and why we are here, the better. That is exactly what Merrick will not think we will do.”

Todd called from the other room. “There’s a door in here that I can’t open.”

Hurrying into the room, they discovered that the door would not budge, even though the door knob turned easily in his hand. “I don’t see a lock anywhere,” Todd said. He pushed. “It’s like its jammed or something.” All three of them pushed on it, but it wouldn’t move.

Strange, Elle thought, staring over her shoulder at the door as they went back into the kitchen.

“Oh. Look,” Karen said, pointing to a ring of keys hanging on the wall. While taking the keys from the hook, her hand knocked against the light switch, and it flickered on. “Wow. Abandoned or not, someone is paying the bills.”

Elle stared at her. “That is so weird. Why would an abandoned house still have utilities?”

“Coz, it ain’t abandoned,” a gruff voice said behind her. “What are you doing in my house?” The old man held a gun in his quivering hands. He was tall and broad shouldered, though bent over some. A lock of white hair fell across his unshaven face, but there was no doubt about it, this man was a Snyder. He had Merrick’s square jaw and stern eyes.

Elle drew back, sudden fear overcoming her. She could barely get the words out. “We were told that this house was abandoned.”

“Uh, and we’re thinking of buying it,” Todd added.

The old man’s hand shook. “It ain’t abandoned, and it ain’t for sale.” He stared at the rifle, and Todd lowered it to the floor. “Who are you?”

Elle patted the air in front of her. “Put your gun down, too. We aren’t here to buy your house.” She shifted her weight from one foot to the other. “Are you, by any chance, a Snyder?” He drew his head back, as if she had discovered a dark secret. “The man we thought owned this house took my daughter.”

His eyes widened. “Merrick?” He lowered the gun. “Nah. Impossible. He’s in prison, right where he belongs. And why would you think he’d take your kid?”

“Three days ago, my daughter disappeared. Someone broke into our cabin and took her away.” She broke down into tears. “I’m Elle Heard. Merrick kept me captive for—”

“You’re that poor girl he abducted.” Anguish swept over the old man, and he sank onto the couch. “Oh, my.” The gun fell to his lap. “And then the missing girl is . . . Sally.”

Elle drew in a sharp breath. “You know her?”

His eyes were weary. “She’s my granddaughter.” He wiped a tear from his eyes. “Malcom’s daughter, not Merrick’s.”

Stunned, she blurted out, “You’re Winnie’s ex-husband?”

“Yep. Name’s Marvin . . . Marvin Snyder.” He shook his head. “Wasn’t much of a husband to her, had my own demons to deal with.” Laying the gun on the couch, he continued. “Spent most of my life in prison, didn’t get out but a year ago.” His eyes filled with tears. “Found Christ in there—I really found him.”

Elle’s voice softened. “I don’t understand. Merrick never mentioned you.”

“Didn’t know about him until I read it in the papers. Winnie never told me we had two of ‘em,” he added, with a grunt. “’Course, I was in the slammer then.” He looked around the room. “And then, a few months ago, some lawyer guy contacts me about this house, wants to know if I want it or not.” Marvin shook his head. “Never even been here until a short while ago, but the papers were all in order, so I signed them. It’s a quiet little town to get lost in.” He patted his wallet. “Had some money saved, so, I’m set for a while.”

Elle moved closer to him. “You never knew Merrick at all?”

“Nah. And he doesn’t know me. After he murdered a cop, the house was placed in forfeiture, but when they determined the house wasn’t used in the crime, I got it, coz, I’m the next of kin.”

Elle grimaced. The crimes that Merrick committed were all in Taunton. “But what about his wife?”

Marvin scratched his chin. “Wife? What wife?” He shrugged. “No one mentioned a wife to me.”

Maybe the gas station attendant had his facts wrong, she thought, but, why would he make something like that up? “Does Merrick know you’re here?”

“Nope. Doesn’t need to, does he? He ain’t going nowhere.”

She nodded, relieved that they had Marvin on their side, someone who knew the town better than they did. Someone who might be able to help them decipher Merrick’s madness.

But, why had Merrick’s deception led them to Elkmont, and how soon would it be before his partner on the outside came forward—the one that had planted the clues and abducted Sally?

She looked at the old man. What if he was lying? What if Marvin was Merrick’s accomplice? No, Elle, look at

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