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by anything you said,’ replied Jess. ‘He offered you a free round on that posh golf course, didn’t he?’

‘He was taking the piss,’ moaned Calvin, ‘but of course you didn’t notice.’

‘I’ve had enough of this.’ Jess got to her feet and moved towards the bedroom. Calvin got hold of her arm as she passed and swung her back around. Jess grabbed at her shoulder and screamed.

‘Ouch! Calvin, that hurt. Stop this nonsense now, I’ve had enough. I don’t know what’s come over you lately.’

‘Disappointment,’ said Calvin. ‘Total bloody disappointment. I thought I knew you, Jess, but you’re not the woman I was hoping you’d be.’

‘You’re definitely not the man I thought I had met,’ said Jess through gritted teeth. She turned and attempted to walk away, but he swung her back around by the injured shoulder. Jess cringed but Calvin held her by her biceps just as he had the night before.

Jess glared at him, willing him to shake her again. Calvin noted the hostile look and stared down at his own chest, breathing hard. After a few seconds he let her go.

‘Jess, I—’

‘Do that one more time and we’re finished.’ Jess turned and stomped off into the bathroom. She locked the door behind her, sat on the toilet and began to cry.

‘What the hell has happened to us,’ she sobbed.

Chapter 20


Calvin slept in the spare room again on Sunday night. He crept in to speak to Jess at two o’clock in the morning but she had just called out, ‘Don’t even try,’ so he had gone back to bed and spent the entire night staring at the ceiling trying to work out where it had gone wrong.

He heard Jess moving around the flat at seven but he stayed where he was. He didn’t want to risk another argument while she was being so emotional about everything.

He got out of bed when he heard the front door slam. She had left a note for him on the coffee table.

Off to NANA’S. Back this evening. No more arguments, PLEASE!

Calvin ate a bowl of cereal, showered and pulled on a clean pair of jeans, a pale blue t-shirt, a navy bomber jacket and a pair of white Nike shoes. He brushed his hair carefully and rinsed his mouth with Corsodyl.

He picked up his work attaché case and skipped down the stairs. It was a warm day, so he dropped the front windows of the BMW, fired up the music system and set off for town. He parked in the off-campus car park, stooped to check his hair in the driver’s side mirror, then he walked across towards town, aiming his key fob blindly over his shoulder to lock the car.

Five minutes later, he arrived at the door of Tania’s flat. He checked his breath in his cupped palm, then rang the doorbell. Getting no response, he rang it again, then a third time.

Tania opened the door and squinted in the sunlight. She blinked twice and sleepily said, ‘Calvin?’

Calvin eyed her from top to toe. Her hair was messy, her eyes, sleepy. She wore a man’s shirt fastened by two buttons above her navel. He could see her white knickers between the undone bottom two buttons.

Come to bed eyes, thought Calvin. He smiled his best smile.

‘Hi, Tania, I was just passing and thought I’d drop in on you.’

Tania yawned. ‘It’s er… what time is it?’

‘Nine, just after,’ answered Calvin.

‘Bloody hell, that’s the middle of the night,’ replied Tania. ‘What do you want?’

‘I, erm, well, I thought we might carry on from where we left off on Friday.’ Calvin raised his eyebrows. ‘I’ve thought about nothing else all weekend.’

‘You were thinking about something else on Saturday night,’ said Tania, ‘that little blonde with the big tits. The one who waved her knickers in the air?’

Calvin shook his head. ‘She wasn’t with me… not as such. I tried to tell you on Saturday in the restaurant, but you were busy.’

‘Tried to tell me what?’ Tania tipped her head to one side. ‘This should be interesting.’

‘I was asked to make up a four at short notice,’ said Calvin, who had rehearsed the speech in the car. ‘Jamie, my mate, had a foursome organised with his partner and her friend, but the other guy backed out, so Jamie asked if I’d step in. I was reluctant, but he’s a mate, so what can you do?’

‘It looked like you’d known her for ages,’ said Tania. ‘Look, Calvin, I’m not the jealous type and we’ve only just met, really, but don’t tell me you weren’t having a good time whichever one was your date, they were both stunning.’

‘They were okay,’ said Calvin, ‘not my type really. You’re more my style.’ He gave her a lecherous look.

‘Do you know, I think I actually believe you,’ replied Tania. ‘When I saw you at first on Saturday night, I thought you might have been with your partner, wife even, but then I thought, no, this man will never settle down. It isn’t in him.’

Calvin was about to argue the point but thought better of it.

‘I’m not sure that’s quite right, I guess I just haven’t met the right girl yet.’ He took a step forward. ‘You could be that girl,’ he said, winking.

‘Not this morning I can’t. I didn’t get home until two o’clock. It was Sunday, I’m supposed to be home by twelve-thirty.’

‘What were you up to? Did you meet someone?’

‘No such luck. The till was down so we had to go through every transaction until we found the error. I’m knackered,’ she said, yawning again.

‘I know something that will relax you.’ Calvin placed his right foot inside the lobby.

Tania closed the door on his foot. ‘Sorry, luv, but I’m just too tired. Another time. I’ll look forward to it. Promise.’

‘When?’ asked Calvin a little too eagerly.

‘When can you make it?’ She stopped and thought for a moment. ‘I thought we’d settled on Friday morning.’

‘I can’t wait that long. I’m driving myself nuts thinking about you,’ said Calvin. ‘Tell

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