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this, Luc.”

His eyes raked over my face. Whatever he saw there made him sigh.

“Fuck.” A hand pushed through his hair. “Fuck me.” He turned to the wheel, hand going to the ignition. “Drink your fucking tea before I change my mind.”

I hid a grin, lifting the cup to my lips. “Sailor Moon tonight?”

“No.” His eyes met mine. “The last time we watched that I dreamt I was Tuxedo.”

“Hot. I’d totally date him.” I sipped my beverage as Luc backed out of the lot.

“Oh really? Is it the mask or the tux that makes you hot?”

“Neither.” I watched his strong hand move the gear stick, trying to ignore the warm feeling pooling deep in my belly as we spoke.

“Have you ever read Fifty Shades of Grey?”

Luc gave me a look.

“Okay… seen the movie?”

He rolled his eyes and looked back at the road.

“So, no on the Fifty. Okay. Got it. As the story goes, in Fifty Shades the lead male character says to the lead female character−” I deepen my voice imitating Mr Grey, “−I don’t do romance.”

Luc sputtered out a laugh. “What the fuck?”

I nodded emphatically. “Right? It’s okay he redeems himself later, but yeah. Jerk.”

We both lapsed into comfortable silence as he concentrated on negotiating out of my apartment complex.

“Continue,” he directed as he eased the car into traffic.

“Well, I like the fact Tux is a guy who appreciates romance. He doesn’t see it as sissy or silly. He gets that making his woman feel appreciated is a big thing. That’s the kind of guy I’d like to date.” God knew it would never happen.

He laughed. “You’re such a romantic.”

“I know.” I grinned unrepentantly.

“Sooo…” He drew out the word.

“So?” I mimicked, balancing the now empty cup on my knee.

“You like music.”

After a long pause, I laughed. “Well, yeah. And…?”

“You’ve never come to one of my gigs.” True. The first time I’d seen him perform was at the rehabilitation centre.

“And…?” I asked.

We cruised to a stop at the traffic lights. Luc’s blue eyes met mine.

“And I want you to come to my house party next weekend. We’ll be playing. You should at least see us once more before you jet off to London.”

Luc’s house was old, decrepit, and badly in need of a complete renovation. The only thing that didn’t need improvement was the outdoor area. The old owners had created their own little piece of perfection. Luc planned to slowly renovate it himself.

“Okay.” The word flew out of my mouth before I could reel it back.

“Good.” He refocused on the road. We sat in companionable silence for another few minutes.

“Will you drink?”

I blinked over at him. “What?”

“Will you drink? Have a beer? Or a wine. Let yourself have fun.”

“I don’t drink.” The automatic response fell with ease.

“Why?” I watched his profile, the strong jaw with its hot dusting of scruff. His slightly too long dark hair.

“I’m on medication.” The excuse rolled easily off my tongue.

His eyes flicked over to me, then back to the road.

“You won’t be next weekend.”

True. I shouldn’t have asked him to come to my last check-up.

“I… I like to be in control.” I tried to put a seed of truth into my answer.


I shrugged. “I just do. End of story.”

We didn’t talk as he drove the rest of the way to the office.

Chapter Twenty-One


“I love this song!” I yelled at Jetta and Addie, struggling to be heard over the music as we all shimmy-danced on our pool chairs.

We were at Luc’s house party on one of the last good days of warmth. The sun had set an hour ago, and Luc’s house now teemed with people.

My leg ached, and I felt bone weary after a long week back at work, but damn was I glad I’d womaned up and came tonight.

Jarrett arrived back to our little spot, dumping our drinks on a small table someone had dug up for me.

Pax handed over a giant bowl of chips, as Luc and his band flowed straight from a Led Zeppelin classic into a smooth Nirvana jam. I grinned and stole a chip.

“Come on.” Pax led Jetta onto the makeshift dance floor. He pulled her close as they slow danced to “Smells Like Teen Spirit.” Addie and I giggled as Jetta and Pax ignored everything, swaying to their own tune as people rocked out around them.

“I want that,” Jarrett sighed, resting his head on my shoulder.

“Me too.” Addie snuggled into my other side. “If only life would give me a love like theirs.”

Me three.

I lifted my gaze from the sweet couple and rested on Luc yell-singing into the microphone.

He offered me a wink as he strummed his guitar, a heart-stealing grin lighting his face. My heart dipped and my stomach warmed as I grinned back.

Just friends. You’re leaving. Remember?

I was in so much trouble.

“Did you meet Luc’s sisters?” This came from Addie.

“Yeah. They’re lovely.”


From the corner of my eye, I saw her squint in my direction. She opened her mouth as if to continue, then snapped it shut pursing her lips, then turning to watch the band.

“Has anyone seen Courtney?” Kel asked after a few moments, looking around for Jetta’s pop-princess sister.

“I haven’t seen Sawyer either.” Addie commented, referring to another of our hackers.

We all grinned. To everyone’s surprise, Sawyer and Courtney had hit it off following her and Jetta’s rescue. When Courtney had returned to rehab, they’d kept in touch, writing postcards and letters to each other. Sawyer now regularly danced around the office singing Courtney’s pop hits, planting earworms. Her attendance tonight had been a surprise planned especially for Jetta.

“We’re going to take a break,” Luc said as the song came to an end. “Feel free to hit up the karaoke!”

He placed his guitar on the stand, then moved to leave the makeshift stage. A cute brunette hovering off to the side caught his hand. He grinned at her and stopped for a chat.

“Who’s that?” Jarrett asked, nodding towards the attractive twosome.

“Sienna,” I murmured, watching them interact. She’d arrived with one of Luc’s sisters. Beautiful,

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