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Book online «Bleeding Edge: Elliot Security (Elliot Security Series Book 2) Evie Mitchell (romantic novels in english .txt) 📖». Author Evie Mitchell

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intelligent, and friendly, she seemed into Luc, and he seemed friendly towards her.

Personally, I hated her with the heat of a thousand suns. Though, she was so nice she made it hard not to like her.

But still. Heat of a thousand suns.

I looked away. Jarrett, head still on my shoulder, squeezed my hand.

“You could have him. And by him I mean Luc. And by have I mean in both the relationship and biblical sense.”

I extracted my hand and slowly pulled away, reaching for my cane. “I don’t want him like that.”


Yep. My pants were burning.

I struggled to a stand. “Anyone need anything?”

A negative response left me free to make my way inside. After visiting the bathroom, I found myself in the kitchen conversing with Sophia, one of Luc’s sisters. It hurt to hear her gushing praise of Sienna, but I nodded and smiled, calculating how long it would be before I could politely escape.


We both turned, Luc stood in the entrance of the kitchen, smiling. “Having fun?”

“Good to see you, brother.” Sophia wrestled him into a hug. “Your house is a dump, and mum is currently measuring your bathroom for a refit. I wish I was joking.” They exchanged a knowing smile.

“It’ll keep her off your back about the babies for a while.”

Sophia rolled her eyes. “Thank God.” She looked over, inviting me to share the joke. “She’s been on my case ever since Phil and I got married. There is nothing like a French mother wanting grandbabies. She got me a crib for my birthday with a note telling me my eggs were frying.”

I laughed. “Sounds awful.”

Sophia shook her head. “She acts like she doesn’t already have five with another on the way.”

Sienna entered the kitchen interrupting our party of three. She zeroed in on Luc, her hand immediately finding his arm.

“Hey, you disappeared.” Her eyes were soft and dewy as she blinked up at Luc.

“Just grabbing a drink.” He shifted out of her grasp, moving to the fridge.

As Sophia engaged us in conversation, I watched as Sienna teased Luc, bringing forth a belly laugh. The bittersweet knot of regret settled in my stomach.

This was his future. Family, friends, laughter, and a woman who gave him joy.

I slowly backed out of the kitchen, moving down the hallway to the front study/ impromptu coat room. Collecting my things, I took one final look around the sparse interior of the home. Faded floral wall paper, scuffed uncared for floor boards, dirty chandelier in the entrance. This house would be an amazing home one day.

I took out the small wrapped present from my handbag and left it on the entry side table. With a final glance at the chandelier, I pulled the door closed behind me.

Chapter Twenty-Two


“Have you seen Emmie?” I asked, glancing around the party.

“She headed towards the hallway last I saw,” Jarrett said as he brushed past me on the way to the kitchen.

“Thanks.” I headed down, glancing in each of the empty rooms. No luck.

The glint of gold on my side table caught my eye. The tag read To Luc from Emmie.

I slid my finger through the sticky tape, carefully peeling back the gold wrapping paper.

“Captain Dictionary.” I barked out a laugh.

A framed drawing, she’d captured me in superhero pose, a giant D on my chest, a cape fluttering behind me, a red rose between my clenched teeth. The tag line; Captain Dictionary, giving life meaning.

I rubbed a hand over my chest. “Well. Game on.”

Chapter Twenty-Three


The Past

“Sister, come in. Sit, sit! We have blessed news for you.” Sister Anna beamed at me from across the desk. In the corner of the room stood the Prophet Edward and his brother David. They both watched me settle.

Anna handed me an envelope.

“What is it?” I asked, taking it but not opening.

“God’s work in action,” Edward told me, folding his arms over his chest. “God has blessed your efforts.”

I opened the envelope, pulling from it a series of thick papers. On them were pictures, no. Photos.

A man’s lifeless eyes stared out at me from the paper, his body resting in a pool of blood.

I dropped the pictures, hands pressing against my mouth as bile burned up the back of my throat.

“Do you know who this is?” David prompted.

“It’s the policeman,” I whispered, unable to tear my gaze from the pictures on the floor.

“Yes.” Edward came forward, scooping up the papers, depositing them in my lap. “Your plan worked. He did as bid, then killed himself. Another successful mission for God.”

I lifted my head, tears burning as I stared at him, unable to find my voice.

“This is number five by my count. Truly, you are blessed, my child.” Edward pressed a kiss to my forehead. He withdrew, standing and moving to Sister Anna’s side. “God has shown us a vision.”

“Oh yes,” Anna cried, clapping her hands. “You’re to lead us.”

Edward nodded. “You’re going to design the end.”

“The end?” I whispered, my blood freezing in my veins.

“The final coming.”

Chapter Twenty-Four


The Present

“You have a minute?” Paxton asked, leaning against my office door. I sat back, opening my arms in a welcoming gesture.

“Only if you’re bringing me donuts.”

He entered, shutting the door. He sat, tossing a folder on my desk.

“We have a situation.” He nodded at the folder.

Photos of mutilated dolls and letters with threats in thick black ink.

I sobered, frowning. “Who is the client?”

“It’s not a client. They were sent to Emmie.”

“What the fuck?” I re-examined the letters. “What’s our plan?”

“Mailroom reported it. They’ve been coming for the last week.”

“Shit. These are –” I tossed the photos on the desk. “She know?”


“Fuck.” I leaned back, pinching the bridge of my nose. “Sawyer’s been digging up her past. There’s nothing. Literally nothing.”

Pax crossed his arms, pegging me with a glare. “And why is one of my analysts doing that without my permission?”

“I’m her next of kin. Not an actual fucking family member. You ever hear about her past? No. She deflects. All the fucking time. She pushes you away. She keeps

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