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Book online «Twisted Steel: An MC Anthology: Second Edition Elizabeth Knox (cheapest way to read ebooks .txt) 📖». Author Elizabeth Knox

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my hands and I’m at a loss of what to do first, take the bags to the car or bring the car to her. Or carry them both? I wonder if she’ll sit on the bench and I can go buy a few towels for the seat?

“Hey asshole,” she yells, “I know this is a bad time and everything, but stop thinking about the seats and get me into the car!”

I want to kiss the angry woman away. She can read my mind and I love that about her. “After you, love.”

“Fuck you.”

“That’s how you got here, Angela.”

“Call me that one more time and I’m having this baby alone.”

I maneuver the bags into one hand and wrap my other arm around her now that it seems the contraction stopped. It takes a little longer than normal to get to the car and I can’t help the smile on my face. I’m going to be a dad. I open the door for her and pull off my sweatshirt for her to sit on. Then I toss the bags into the back before I help her into the seat.

Minutes pass before another contraction comes, and I keep my cool driving across town on the freeway. I call Jazzy and let her know what’s going on. She shrieks into the car speakers and guarantees her she’ll be there as soon as possible, but she’s stuck in the middle of a tattoo. I groan because Jazzy could have helped me with the beast Angie is turning into. I got this shit, at least that’s what I keep telling myself. I park in the emergency zone and toss the security guard my keys on my way through the front doors. Nurses rush us, including one familiar one.

“You two can’t seem to stay away from this place.” Nurse Jessica smiles as she approaches with a wheelchair.

“This time, it’s for her.” I point out and get a scowl from Angie. I kiss her forehead and set her in the chair. “It’s all good, lil’ momma.”

Jessica wheels us to the OB floor, asking several questions along the way. She gets us to our room, and I help get Angie into a hospital gown then onto the bed between some gnarly contractions. Watching her whole body contract with pain sends a sharp ache to my chest with what she’s about to go through. This is only the beginning.

“I’ll grab your nurse and notify your doctor. I’ll be back to check on you later.” Jessica pats Angie’s hand and then waves on her way out. I rub her shoulders and back to help lessen the discomfort.

“I’m scared, Colt. Holy shit, this is way harder than I thought. Way more than I can handle. What if I can’t do this?” She gasps and waits for the next contraction to hit.

“You’re not doing this alone, love. I’m here for my girls. I can’t take the pain, but you give me everything you can, and I’ll take it on. Yell at me, break my hand. I’m here.” She leans to her side, wraps her arms around my waist, and holds onto me.

Her nurses swarm in and check her. It’s all looking good and when they get the doctor, she tells Angie the same. Angie was dilated further than we knew and for a first-time mom she’s progressing really fast, so they can’t give her an epidural.

The look on her face is pure terror. “You bring down the house, love, if you have to. We are bringing her home, focus on that. Seeing Hope’s little face and hands for the first time.”


The pain is constant and there’s no time to rest. The machine dies down, but constant aches tell me the next one is coming right after. All my muscles feel tight and tense, it’s agony. Sweat drips down my forehead and I wail out with the next hit. I jackknife up in bed and hold my stomach with a roar. “I’m going to push,” I threaten. “She wants out,” I warn with a growl.

“One more check before you push,” the doctor orders. “When you can, lie back down and I’ll check one last time, okay.”

“Oookayyyy,” I holler, and then wait, gritting my teeth. My molars should have cracked. Colt helps me to lie back. She checks the position of the baby and then how far dilated I am.

“Okay, Angie, the next one, show us what you got.” Quickly, the bed is changed and stirrups slide out, then a tray is wheeled over.

A few deep breaths and the devil of a contraction hits. I grip Colt’s hand and pretend I’m crushing the bones. His face reddens and I focus on that, not the burning inferno in my uterus from her tearing her way through my body. The pain and agony in his face encourages me to push harder and longer. “Fuuuuuck,” he drawls when I finally release him.

It seems like hours pass in blinding agony before I hear what I’ve been waiting for. Hope’s cry pierces the air and I deflate back into the bed. My body relaxes when she’s brought up to my chest. A pair of scissors is handed to Colt and he cuts the cord as I hold her tenderly to my skin while she raises holy hell with her lungs. “I hear you, Hope, that wasn’t any better for me either.”

“Hey, lil’ bit. I’m your daddy.” His eyes have a glassy look that he quickly blinks away.

This day was the end result of a twist of luck in our lives. I didn’t see it coming. I didn’t want any of it either, but now that we’re here, I wouldn’t change a single thing. This journey was fate, and both Colt and I had to see it through. We learned to hold on through the tough times and recognize and appreciate the good ones a whole lot more.

May your lives be filled with a little bit of twisted luck . . .

The End

End of book stuff

Thank you! I

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