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eat before heading directly to the palace. Wolfric would be eager to begin questioning Jade and he wanted to be there to make sure nothing happened until he’d extracted every drop of information from the woman. After that, Wolfric could do as he pleased with her.

He rounded a corner and found Annamaria pacing in the hall as she bounced the crying baby in her arms. She spotted Otto and instead of disappearing into her room, she walked toward him. Surprised by her reaction, Otto stopped in his tracks.

“I wanted to thank you again for saving her,” Annamaria said. As soon as she got close, Abby fell silent and stared at Otto with her big blue eyes. “I know you owe me nothing but whatever happened between us, Abby is an innocent child.”

“She is, albeit a rather loud one.” Otto let his expression harden. “Let me make one thing clear. I didn’t save her for you. I saved her to make an example out of anyone that would think to use my family against me, even a fraudulent family. Just to make sure no distractions like this happen again, I’ll have Axel put some of his scouts to work augmenting the guards. Clearly they are not up to protecting the mansion.”

Once again her response surprised him. “Thank you for that. Your brother was quite concerned when he learned his supposed niece had been taken. He seems to have a kind heart.”

“Yeah, how that happened in the Shenk family is beyond me. He must take after Mother. Excuse me.”

He left Annamaria and before he reached the ground floor the wails started up again. Otto failed to restrain a small, vicious smile. It was worth saving her even if only to deprive Annamaria of sleep.

After a quick but filling meal, Otto was out the door. When he reached the castle, the guards on duty opened up for him at once. Halfway across the yard, he spotted Borden walking on patrol. He had mail on under his tabard and a sword belted at his waist. Clearly the commander of the place guard was still on full alert. Probably not a terrible idea all things considered.

Borden paused as Otto approached and offered a salute. “Lord Shenk, good evening.”

“Is he awake yet?”

“Not as of fifteen minutes ago. Frankly, I’m surprised to see you up and about. You looked like death warmed over last night.”

“I’m much better now. Best let Wolfric rest as long as he needs to. I have several other matters that require my attention. If he does wake up, please tell him I’ll join him for breakfast.”

“As you wish, my lord.”

Otto turned on his heel and marched back the way he’d come. Anxious as he was to interrogate Jade, it would keep until Wolfric woke. Otto seriously doubted his friend would appreciate it if he started on his own.

Since he couldn’t work at the palace, the next closest location was the baron’s villa. If Hans and Corina followed his orders, they should have a prisoner for him to question.

Otto strode through the street, unconsciously using the ether to keep himself comfortable in the bitter evening air. He thoroughly pitied all those that had to be out on a night like this with no magic. The people of Gold Ward, it seemed, had more sense than he did and were staying inside tonight. That suited him fine as he had no desire for more distractions.

Ten minutes later found him marching up the path to the villa. Cord must have drawn the short straw as he stood outside in front of the door. Bundled up in a heavy cloak and wool mittens, his hood up and covering his face, only puffs of frozen air gave away the fact that he hadn’t frozen to death.

“Lord Shenk.” Cord saluted. “We weren’t sure when to expect you and Hans wanted someone out here to greet you when you arrived.”

“Thoughtful of him. Did you do something to make him mad?”

“Maybe won a few too many hands of cards.”

Of course, it would be something to do with the card game. “Well, I’m here now so you can come inside. Did the baron give you any trouble?”

“Not a bit. He was expecting us when we arrived and immediately gave himself up. Seemed eager to talk to you.”

In Otto’s experience, not many people were ever eager to talk to him. “Then let’s hear what he has to say about his ‘niece.’”

“Master!” As soon as he stepped through the door Corina came running and greeted him with a hug. “Are you okay now?”

“More or less. I see you delivered my message and completed your task. Well done.”

“It wasn’t very hard. He just gave up.”

“So I heard.” Hans and the rest of the squad came around the corner and saluted. There was no sign of Sin. “Where did you stash him?”

“The baron is in the living room. He’s been reading while we waited for you. The man seems remarkably calm given his circumstances. Do you want me to start a fire so we can heat some irons?”

“I don’t think that will be necessary. And if it is, we’ll bring him back to the warehouse, so we don’t disturb the neighbors.”

Otto led the way into the living room. Baron St. Croy looked up from his book with the most hope-filled expression Otto had ever seen. “Lord Shenk. Thank heaven you’re here. They have my family. Please, you must save them.”

Otto stared at him for a moment. “Maybe you’d better start from the beginning.”

Baron St. Croy did so. Apparently, Jade, Ahmed, and three others showed up at his modest castle in the middle of November. They explained that he was going to help Jade meet with the emperor so she could seduce and murder him. He would also provide a cover for Ahmed who would find some way to deal with Otto. Should he refuse to help or fail in any way, his wife and two children would be killed. With no other choice he agreed and

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