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Book online «The Heart of Alchemy James Wisher (book recommendations TXT) 📖». Author James Wisher

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the gate looked especially miserable as they huddled around their charcoal brazier, its feeble heat barely enough to cut the chill. Not that they would ever voice a word of complaint where either he or Borden could hear it.

He smiled to himself. If he ever needed a distraction, eavesdropping on the guards’ barracks might be entertaining.

Just inside the main keep, he found Borden waiting for him. The captain of the palace guard looked tense, well, tenser than usual. Otto had never actually seen the man relax, though he assumed he did so in private.

“Everything alright, Borden? You’re looking more tightly wound than usual.”

“It’s the emperor. He’s been up for hours.”

Otto nodded. “And?”

“And as soon as he woke up he went to the dungeon. He’s been sitting there staring at Jade for three hours. He said nothing, either to me or to her. He’s just sitting there. I’m worried.”

Otto understood both Borden’s worry and Wolfric’s obsession. After what happened, it would take some time for Wolfric to get over it, assuming he ever fully did. Otto had hoped that he might wake up and pay a visit to his harem, burn off some of the excess energy the Chamber would have given him.

“I’ll talk to him. Have everyone pull back. What might be said needs to be heard by no one but the two of us.”

Borden saluted. “Yes, Lord Shenk. And thank you.”

Otto waved off his thanks. What he did, he did for the good of the empire. They walked together through the cool halls to the door to the dungeon. Borden dismissed the two guards at the top of the stairs.

“I’ll make sure you’re not disturbed.”

“No,” Otto said. “I’ll make sure we’re not disturbed. You need to go away as well. When we’ve finished, I’ll let you know.”

Borden didn’t argue, hurrying away with almost unseemly haste.

Otto watched until he was out of sight, opened the door to the dungeon, and stepped through. After closing the door behind him, he wove a simple bar of ether that would stop anyone from following behind.

The darkness was eerily silent as he strode through the dungeon. Usually there would be small sounds from the prisoners, but since Otto had sacrificed them all to save Wolfric, the cells were empty. Just as well considering the conversations that were about to happen.

He found Wolfric sitting on a simple wooden stool just a stride from the bars of the final cell in the row. He wore a black and gold soldier’s uniform and had his sword belted at his waist. As Borden said, his gaze was fixed on the prisoner.

Jade was bound to a frame attached to the wall; her arms stretched to either side. She was still as naked as when they captured her. Someone had added a ball gag that kept her from biting her tongue off.

Otto stopped beside his friend and looked down. “Borden tells me you decided to skip breakfast this morning. Shame, I was looking forward to your cook’s fine pancakes.”

Wolfric finally tore his gaze from Jade. “I’ve been sitting here trying to figure out how I could have ever believed she loved me. There was never a moment of doubt in my mind. She twisted me around her finger so easily. If I can be manipulated by her, how can I be trusted to rule an empire?”

“Consider this a learning opportunity,” Otto said, speaking as the voice of experience. “All the mistakes you made with Jade, you can avoid when the next woman comes strolling into your life.”

“How can I ever trust another woman? How can I even trust the women in my harem?”

“As to the women in your harem, you can trust them because one of my agents procured them and I interviewed them myself to make certain they had no hidden agendas. I assure you, given where they came from, living a life of luxury in the palace is a huge improvement. When the next noble lass catches your eye, let me talk to her before you grow too attached. At the very least I can find out if she secretly wants to kill you.”

Wolfric barked a humorless laugh, breaking some of the grim mood. “Fair enough. Now, shall we see what this treacherous witch has to say for herself?”

“Splendid idea.” Otto wove a dome of silence then bound Jade so she didn’t try anything foolish when he removed her gag.

As soon as she finished coughing, Otto set the colored wheel to spinning in front of her. Like any normal woman without magic to protect her mind, Jade succumbed in short order.

When she was fully under, he asked, “Who sent you?”

“The Coiled Serpent,” she said in a dull monotone.

Wolfric looked at Otto and asked, “Who the hell are they?”

Otto shrugged. He’d never heard the name before today. “And who is that?”

“The assassins guild I serve.”

“Who hired you?”

“Eddred of Markane.”

Wolfric’s fist slammed into the cell door, rattling it in its frame. “I swear, if I ever get my hands on him…”

Otto shared that sentiment, though he’d be just as happy to have Eddred knifed in a back alley somewhere, anywhere, as long as he was removed.

“Tell me about the Coiled Serpent,” Otto said when Wolfric had gotten himself under control.

“We contract most of our jobs in the City of Coins. Our agents are all over the world, though most aren’t assassins, just spies and information gatherers. Our leader sets the price of a target and an assassin or team of assassins are dispatched to eliminate that target.”

More out of curiosity than anything Otto asked, “How much were we worth?”

“Two hundred pounds of gold each.”

Wolfric grinned. “At least we weren’t cheap.”

“Indeed.” Otto returned his attention to Jade. “Now that you’ve failed, what will happen?”

“Another team will be dispatched as soon as it becomes clear that we’ve failed.”

“How long do we have?”

“Impossible to say.”

“Having to worry about assassins for the rest of my life holds no appeal,” Wolfric said.

“For me either. I may have to go to the City of Coins and

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