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Book online «Amber Heather Burnside (that summer book .TXT) 📖». Author Heather Burnside

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pick out any sentences, just the odd word and her mother’s glum tone of voice.

Then Loretta slammed down the phone and dashed back to the kitchen, her head bent forward. Amy didn’t know what to do at first. It seemed that her mother was upset over something and she wanted to find out what, but she was wary of being rebuked again. She looked across at her brother who was staring fixedly at the TV screen, oblivious to what was going on around him.

Amy knew there was no point in conferring with Nathan so after a while she decided to venture into the kitchen to find out what was wrong. There she found her mother sitting at the dining table. It was as though she had never moved except that this time her chin was nestled on only one of her hands. The other was clutching a tissue, which she was using to dab at her eyes.

Amy dashed towards her and placed her tiny arms around Loretta’s shoulders. ‘Mum, what’s wrong?’ she asked.

Loretta began to sob, and Amy could feel her shoulders juddering with the might of her sorrow as she clung on, not knowing what else to do. When it seemed that Loretta’s sobbing would never subside, Amy became distressed. ‘Mum?’ she asked, pleadingly. ‘Mum, what’s wrong?’

She watched as Loretta raised her head, then she let go of her and stood back waiting for an explanation. Loretta dabbed at her eyes once more and blew her nose into the tissue before squaring her shoulders.

‘I’ll tell you what’s wrong,’ she said. ‘That bastard Dale’s gone back to his wife and kids. That’s what’s bloody wrong!’

Amy was shocked at her mother’s bad language and didn’t know what to say. For a few painful seconds she hovered close by, watching as her mother’s head slumped forwards again and her sobbing resumed. Then the implications of their new reduced circumstances hit Amy and thoughts began to crowd her mind; it was goodbye to presents and abundance, and a return to making do and going without. She also feared that it was goodbye to her happy, affable mother.

Amy succumbed to the sheer despair of it all and her own tears surfaced. Her mother reached out and pulled her towards her again and for a few minutes they remained locked in a sorrowful embrace. Nobody spoke but Amy shared her mother’s sadness. Dale had made such a positive impact on their lives and with him no longer around she dreaded to think what lay in store for the three of them now.


September 2015

Amber hadn’t been at her usual spot long when Kev Pike pulled up in a black BMW. Despite herself, she couldn’t help but be impressed. With his smart gear and good looks the flash car seemed the perfect fit. He wound down the window and called her over.

‘You OK?’ he asked when she approached the car.

‘Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?’

‘Well, I know what you girls have to put up with. You seem a nice girl, Amber, and I wouldn’t want anything bad to happen to you.’

Thinking he was offering protection, she responded sharply, ‘I told you, I’m fine. I’ve been working the streets for years. I’m used to it. I can handle the punters.’

‘OK, suit yourself,’ he said. ‘But the offer’s still there if you want it.’

Then he drove off, leaving Amber wondering again about his motives. For somebody with such a hardman reputation, he seemed to be taking a soft approach with her. Was it because he genuinely liked her or was he just trying to lull her into a false sense of security?

Later that night she noticed Cora in the distance. She was heading towards her accompanied by a male. As they drew closer, Amber saw that the person with Cora was big, scruffy-looking and wearing a hoody. It was the youth who had robbed her. Her fight-or-flight response kicked in and Amber took to her heels. She could feel rapid footsteps coming from behind, and her heartbeat sped up as she was consumed by fear.

In her haste to get away, Amber turned off the main street and into another road where she dashed into a lengthy railway tunnel. It was dark and dreary, its grimy stone walls and moss-covered pavements exposing years of neglect, and the place was deserted. Amber cursed her choice of footwear, a pair of high heels, which slowed her progress. As she sped through the eerie tunnel, she could hear nothing but her own shallow breaths and the sound of running feet drawing closer.

Once through the tunnel Amber rounded the corner into the next street. It was one she recognised through her work. She was no sooner there than she felt someone grasp at the hair on the back of her head. Still she carried on running, shouting for help as loud as she could and hoping somebody would hear. But there was still no one around. This street was more deserted than the last, which was why Amber sometimes took clients there. But this time, its abandonment worked against her.

It wasn’t long until her pursuer caught up with her again, grabbing at her shoulder until Amber was forced to a stop, sensing the pointlessness of carrying on. She swivelled around and looked into the scabby face of the youth who grinned in satisfaction as he gripped on tightly. Amber’s lungs screamed in pain as she panted for breath. At the same time, she became aware of his offensive body odour and the sight of Cora a few steps away, running to catch up with them.

‘Hold on to her, Jack!’ she shouted breathlessly.

While Jack’s attention switched to Cora, Amber made a last attempt at escape, tugging against his grip, which had now slackened. But she didn’t get very far before Jack had her in his clutches again. He thrust her up against the wall and Amber felt the back of her head slam against the bricks, the impact making her dizzy.

Before Amber could recover,

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