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Book online «Hive Queen Sinclair, Grayson (best pdf ebook reader for android txt) 📖». Author Sinclair, Grayson

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know exactly what we are asking, and the risks involved, which is why I won't hold it against you if you decline. You wouldn't be the first."

I’m sure. I’m sure you’ve sent plenty to their deaths after this fucking McGuffin hunt of yours. Professionals. I’m just a thug for hire, a hammer, not a scalpel. “If you’ve tried in the past, you obviously would’ve hired the best the Thieves Guild could offer. No way I succeed where they failed.”

“I disagree,” he said with conviction.

Something in them had faith in me, despite everything, despite the callous words he had thrown at me an hour ago. He’d told me his truth, that he thought I was unfit to help, yet now he stood there with his knowing eyes that told me I could do this.

I wasn't half as confident.

"Wipe that look off your face. I'm not doing it."

But he still kept his gaze firm and unblinking, staring into my soul. "Even if it could save the world?"

His words hit me like a truck.

"Would you like to help save the world?"

The question that started it all. The one question that brought me to this world in the first place. The question asked of me all those years ago. The question that got me to join up in this crazy experiment. A thousand years later, and I still don't have any clue as to what the point of any of this was. Why are we here in the first place? But I had better questions that needed answering right now.

"I thought you said we weren't in danger?"

"We aren't, not right now, but we could be if we don't do something. You said you wanted to help, so help save this world."

"Save the world. You make it so nonchalant, like it’s just another job."

Magnus shrugged. "Isn't it, though?"

No. No, it's not. What was being asked of me was beyond dangerous, and if I failed, I wouldn't live long enough to regret it. Do I want to save the world? My answer to back then was no. I'd had no desire to save the Earth, only to escape my miserable existence, and now I was being asked again.

Earth was beyond saving—is Nexus any better?

I didn't think so. This world was much the same as Earth, giving humans access to magic and game mechanics didn't change us. As soon as we got our bearings, we set about conquering this world. Killing and enslaving those we thought inferior to us. We drained this word dry as fast as we fucking could.

This world was just as corrupt and debased as the one we left. It didn't care about me, so why should I care about it? Let someone else handle it. I'm going home. You hear that, Ouroboros? I don't want any part of this madness.

I turned to walk out. To walk away from all of this, half-expecting Ouroboros to stop me, but I met no resistance. "This world doesn't matter to me. Find someone else for your suicide mission."

I left them in silence; the only sound in the room was the echoes of my footfalls. I reached the large iron door that would lead me upstairs and away from this. I had the handle in my grasp when Aliria spoke.

"What about Eris?"

My body froze on its own, nothing stopping me but my heavy heart. Damn it all to hell. She knew my weakness and knew exactly how to twist it to her advantage.

The worst part about it was I couldn't even be mad at her. I'd have done the same in her position. I didn't care about Nexus. It was just a place; let it burn for all I cared.

But I absolutely cared about Eris.

I cared for her. For Wilson and Gil. I cared about my friends and my castle. I cared about my warm bed and my balcony view, and I couldn't enjoy any of it if I was dead…but it brought up an important question. Can I live without them? Can I live with the knowledge that the world might be in trouble, and I could’ve done something to stop it?

No. I'd rather die a hundred times than lose my family again.

I huffed, knowing I was beaten. "Fine. I'll hear your plan, but I'm not promising anything."

If I don't have a chance of pulling it off, then I'm out. I'll find another way to save us if it comes to that. I returned to the table with a scowl, only to find Aliria looking quite smug and superior as she plied her power over me. Her demeanor left a sour taste in my mouth, and I needed to find some way to wash it out.

"You know that's your daughter you're leveraging as a bargaining chip, right?"

Her smile fell. Much better, now let's get back to my need to be committed for even thinking about attempting this. I took a look at the map and guessed where Magnus had built his castle. I'd only seen a few glimpses of the outside world, so I had nothing but a hunch. I pointed to an open spot on the map, on the far edge of the Badlands.

Right where I guessed Magnus’s castle to be.

Magnus didn't smile or acknowledge I was right, but a slight intake of breath told me as much.

"All right, so we're about a four-day ride to Aldrust. Is this a time-sensitive job?"

He shook his head. "Not to you, no. I've been waiting for years. A few days give or take won't be an issue."

That's one thing sorted, but I still don't like this. There are far too many unknowns. "Anything you can tell me about the job, any information I might need?"

“A little. I’ve got several teams on retainer in Copper Lowtown. Raven is my point of contact for them.

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