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Book online «Hive Queen Sinclair, Grayson (best pdf ebook reader for android txt) 📖». Author Sinclair, Grayson

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simply not true. Wilson and I can do it quite easily," Evelyn interrupted.

Gil looked from Evelyn to Wilson. "I call bullshit! We spent nearly two years making sure this place couldn't be infiltrated, and you're telling me the both of you can do it without a sweat."

"Pretty much."

"Of course."

Gil let a groan and buried his face in his hand and reached for his ale, only to realize once again that Wilson had drunk it.

He grumbled under his breath and went to fetch another one, though as he walked passed me, he flashed a kind smile to the children and me.

He came back a minute later, new mug in hand, and immediately started debating with Wilson and Evelyn, with the others swiftly joining in. They got louder and louder, but nothing was getting accomplished.

"All right, all right…settle down, you mongrels," Wilson said, and amazingly, everyone got quiet. "This line of questioning is getting us nowhere, and the answer doesn't matter right now. What is important is that our guild leader has been abducted to gods know where, and we're here bickering like high schoolers."

I didn't know what a high schooler was, but I had to agree on his points. Sitting here going back and forth was stupid.

There was nothing more that I wanted to do than immediately rush off and scour the entire island to search for him, but I couldn’t. I didn’t have the first clue as to where to start, and I wasn’t strong enough to go off on my own regardless.

I hated it, hated my own weakness and inability to do anything to help my bonded, but if I couldn't help Sam…I’d only be a hinderance, and even if I could, I can’t leave the children by themselves. I can’t help Sam. I knew he could take care of himself just fine, and I had to trust that, had to trust that my bonded would come back to me, or I’d never get a moment’s peace.

"We can't help the guild leader. Even if we knew who has taken him, we don't have a single lead to follow."

Silence draped over the room as everyone realized how powerless we were to help him. Makenna looked up from her meal to join in. "Who do we like for this?"

"An excellent question," Wilson said.

"I think we all know the most likely suspect," Gil interjected.

I shot my head up, and everyone was nodding in agreement. The answer was so obvious to everyone but me. "Who?" I nearly shouted. I can't begin to guess who it could be, so how could they?

Evelyn just stared at me. "Magnus. It has to be."

"Oh," I said. It was obvious.

"Duran killed quite a few of his men, so he's getting his revenge," Wilson said.

Gil thumped his large hands on the table, causing me to jump. “What are we going to do about it?” he asked, looking at all of us.

I sighed, trembling as I stood, my heart in pieces. I knew the correct answer, knew what we had to do.

“We do nothing.”

Gil’s eyes went wide. “What? You should be the first person busting down the gates to get him.”

"That's exactly what I want, but what good would it do? We don't have the faintest idea of where to look."

"We could at least ask our informants. They could have a lead for us," Wilson said as he stroked his beard.

"And how well did that go for us the first time around? Might as well be a ghost with how difficult he is to pin down,” Evelyn chimed in. “And you can bet no one is going to spill any secrets, not to us. Magnus has too much money to throw at his problems."

Wilson sighed into his hands before his head shot up and he slapped himself on the forehead. "Gods, we're stupid." He motioned with his hand, his eyes staring at something I couldn't see. His interface, I guess. He moved his hand for a few moments before growling in anger. "Of course, it wouldn't be that easy."

"What?" I asked.

"I tried to send Duran a message, but his contact card is grayed out," Wilson said, his face distressed, full of anger. He slammed his fist into the stone above the fireplace and cursed as his skin tore and blood oozed out of the wound, which he ignored.

Wilson threw his hands up, which only caused flecks of blood to fly in the air. "Godsdamn it! What the hell else are we supposed to do?"

Evelyn's eyes turned to me with a curious smile. "I think our little queen has an idea."

I had to frown at her. "It’s an idea, but I'm not happy about it."

Gil took another drink of his ale. "Well, let's hear it."

"From what I see, there isn't any way to help D. There is too much we don't know, and it would be nothing more than a wild goose chase to try…much as that hurts me to admit, I don't see a way to help him right now. So I don’t think we should even try.”

“He can take care of himself; I believe that, but I have to do something other than stay here, or I’ll be sick with worry. I’m going to take Cheira and Tegen home.”

Evelyn perked up at this. "Back to Slaughter Woods?"

"The Silvanus Darkwoods, yes.”

She smiled wide at me, her bright white teeth and golden eyes lighting up with anticipation, her whole body awash with the energy of adventure. "I’m so going with you. It’s been ages."

I happily accepted her offer. There was no way I could go by myself, and I was about to beg the guild to help me anyway. "Of course. I was going to ask you anyway. I can't go alone; I'll die by myself long before we reach the woods."


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