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Book online Ā«Devil's Advocate: A Dark Mafia Romance (Devil's Playground Book 1) Vivi Paige (howl and other poems txt) šŸ“–Ā». Author Vivi Paige

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with a new ladyā€¦ my defense attorney, if you can believe that.ā€

ā€œIndroā€”ā€ he began, but I cut him off.

ā€œI know thatā€™s a dumb play, but what can I tell you, sheā€™s a looker. Smart as a whip and tough as nails. Still, even with all of that, sheā€™s a dame, know what Iā€™m saying? You push her too hard and sheā€™ll crack. I mean, you get that. Anyone would, am I right?ā€

Enzio took a sip from his drink, eyes darting around the room, hoping that someone would be able to help him. No one was paying attention.

ā€œYeah. I hear you. You know, Indro? I actually gotta get going.ā€

He started to move but I put my hand on his chest and pushed him back.

ā€œNah, you got nowhere to be until Iā€™m done talking to you. And Iā€™m almost done, Enz, Iā€™m almost done.ā€

He settled back uneasily against the bar.

ā€œHereā€™s the thing: she told me she got picked up against her will recently. Thrown in a van and taken out to a shallow grave. She said that they told her that if she didnā€™t drop my case, thatā€™s where sheā€™d end up. Know anything about that?ā€

He shook his head, sweat starting to bead on his forehead.

ā€œI donā€™t know nothing about that, Indro. I swear on my motherā€™s grave.ā€

ā€œYour motherā€™s still alive, you dumb fuck. So youā€™re telling me you werenā€™t there? That what youā€™re saying?ā€

ā€œThatā€™s what Iā€™m saying.ā€

ā€œRight. So when my attorney told me she saw a guy with a scorpion tatā€¦ just like that one,ā€ I said, pointing to his hand, ā€œyouā€™re telling me it wasnā€™t you?ā€

ā€œThatā€™s what Iā€™m saying to you.ā€

I looked at him for a minute, nodded and then suddenly grabbed his drink and smashed the glass against his forehead, sending him down to the ground in a heap.

I kicked him in the ribs repeatedly while he groaned and curled into a ball.

Leaning down, I whispered in his ear.

ā€œListen to me, you fucking idiot. Next time I hear that you or any of the Loggias messed with Sophie, Iā€™m gonna come back here and burn this fucking place to the ground, with you inside it. You understand me, you piece of shit?ā€

Enzio nodded weakly. For good measure I kicked him right across the jaw, knocking out a couple of teeth, just as another crash from the bowling alley above hit in unison.

ā€œHow about that?ā€ I said. ā€œAnother strike.ā€

I wiped off my hands on a cocktail napkin and headed out the way Iā€™d come.

ā€œEnjoy your game, gentlemen. May fortune smile upon you,ā€ I said to the staring faces as I walked out the door.

Chapter Twenty-Two


Bad habits die hard.

Thatā€™s something my pop used to tell me. Indro was on his way to becoming a very bad habit indeed. I only saw one way out of the mess Iā€™d gotten myself into.

Indro Lastra had to walk out of the courtroom as a free man. Only then would I be able to continue on with my life. Maybe even then Iā€™d figured out Indro had tangled his tendrils all through me, body and soul, but I wasnā€™t ready to admit it. I was still looking for a way to come out of that mess smelling like roses.

When the prosecutionā€™s case hinges on an eyewitness, itā€™s law 101 to discredit said witness. Itā€™s a lot riskier than you might think and can backfire and blow up in your face. The best-case scenario is when the witness is kind of a piece of work themself. Nobody wants to believe a scumbag, for obvious reasons.

The problem was, our eyewitness, Glen Gilberti, was a frigginā€™ Catholic priest. You donā€™t get much more trustworthy than that in Chicago. Between the strong Polish streak and old-school mentality of the Windy City, Iā€™d have to find something really dirty to cast doubt on Father Gilbertiā€™s testimony.

Iā€™d been bothered by the fact Gilberti had just seemed to spring up from the earth about a year and a half ago. No family history, no credit score, no electronic footprint whatsoever, other than his lame ass Facebook pageā€”which mostly consisted of re-posts of the St. Patrickā€™s Church official page.

Being as Gilberti was cooling his heels in witness protection, I had few options available to me. I wouldnā€™t get to see him until he came in for his testimony, and by then it might be too late.

What was a gal to do but dig out the nunā€™s habit she got for a goof back in high school? I think I wore it for Halloween after my ā€˜sexy nunā€™ costume got nixed by my pop. Anyway, it still fit, and looked legit enough to pass muster.

An added plus to the ankle-length habit: it was plenty warm. That little facet came in handy when I stepped out onto the street into the biting wind. Even my neck stayed warm, though by the time I made it into old St. Patrickā€™s Church my cheeks had turned bright red.

I timed my visit to coincide with Wednesday Mass. Parishioners packed the pews in neat little rows as altar boys strode past with incense. I made sure to make the sign of the cross as I stepped over the threshold. Some folks smiled at me, and I smiled back.

Rule number one for snooping around where you donā€™t belong is act like you do belong. I imagined my pop was rolling over in his grave on account of me cosplaying a nun, but a girlā€™s gotta do what a girlā€™s gotta do. I wanted Indro out of my life before things got too deep. Unexpected van rides and death threats are not the reasons I got into law. Exactly why I never took on mafia clients before Indro blackmailed me.

When you see the outside of St. Patrickā€™s, it looks like a frigginā€™ medieval castle. Ominous stone towers, thick walls, and a sense of ancient history. Inside itā€™s a lot more modern than you might expect, particularly the rectory.

I strode through a set of doors, nodding curtly at an elderly priest

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