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am so sorry. I didn’t know you were in here.”

“It’s quite all right, Miss Sims,” her father said with a straight face. “And who is this

gentleman to see Lucille?”

“Uh, a Mr. Jake Dalton, I believe he said his name was,” Maggie stammered, then threw Lucy a panic-stricken look.

Lucy hid a smile behind her hand. “Thank you, Maggie. Would you show him in?” Maggie made a quick exit and Lucy stood, her hand on the door. “If you’ll excuse me, Father.” She hoped he’d take the hint and leave before Maggie brought in Jake.

“I’m not leaving.”

“Yes, you are.”

Too late. Maggie arrived at the door, Jake behind her. One look at him and Lucy’s heart pounded and her palms began to sweat. He must have come right off the job site.

Construction dust clung to his jeans, and his work shirt bore dark stains. Wow. Did he

look hot.

Maggie stepped aside to let Jake in the office. Spying her father, Jake leaned over and pressed a light kiss to Lucy’s lips. Her feet melted to the floor.

“Hey, babe,” he said with a wink before turning to her father and raising his hand.

“Mr. Fairchild.”

Lucy looked to her father, who ignored Jake’s outstretched hand, shook his head and

stormed from the office.

Jake shrugged and stepped in.

Maggie hung at the doorway, her mouth hanging open. Lucy told Jake to have a seat

and then looked toward Maggie. “That’ll be all, Maggie. And close your mouth.”

“Oh. Sorry. But, wow, Lucy, he’s fine.”

Lucy couldn’t help but beam, knowing exactly how Maggie felt. “Yes, he certainly is. Hold my calls, please.”

With a vacant nod, and a dreamy smile on her face, Maggie walked away and Lucy closed the door.

“Hi,” she said as she sat in the chair across from Jake, her mind stuttering for something to say. Just looking at him occupied every brain cell.

“Hi, yourself. Nice office.”


His gaze traveled the length of her. “Sexy as hell little suit, too.” She looked down at the navy blue pinstripe, wondering what he found sexy about a

basic two-piece suit. Though she warmed considerably at his compliment.

“Thanks. Sexy as hell jeans and T-shirt, by the way.” He laughed. “Thanks.”

Why was he here? And why couldn’t she manage to open her mouth and ask? She was way too old to be rendered tongue tied by a guy, wasn’t she?

“What brings you here today?”

He shifted a bit in the chair and stretched his legs, then glanced at the door. Was Jake

Dalton nervous? That had to be a first.

“You ran out the other day before we could talk.”

“Yes, I know. Sorry.” What was she supposed to say? That she’d been too scared he’d tell her he didn’t want to see her again? Sheesh. It really was time to grow up.

“I wanted to ask you a question.”

Gulp. “Okay.”

“There’s a thing coming up next weekend.”

“A thing?”

“Yeah. Kind of an event.”

A thing which was an event. Now that was vague. “Could you be more specific?” He was nervous. He lifted and lowered his shoulders and sighed. “Uh, every year the

contractors host a barbecue, picnic kind of thing. All the company owners attend.”

“Okay.” She was an expert at pulling information out of witnesses, surely she could

do the same with Jake. “And?”

“This year it’s at my house.”

She crossed her arms and tried to hold back a smile. “Which means?”

“I’ve never hosted it before, since I was never a company owner.”

“You must be very excited.”

He rolled his eyes. “Hardly.”

She wasn’t a rocket scientist but she was getting the gist of where the conversation

was going. “Would you like me to help you?”

With a dramatic sigh, he nodded. “Would you? God, I hate to ask, and if there were

anyone else I wouldn’t.”

“Oh, gee, thanks a lot.”

“Ah, hell. That’s not what I meant at all.” He jammed his hand through his hair.


not handling this well, am I?”

“You’re doing fine, Jake.” She found the entire conversation endearing, and more than a little eye opening. He needed her help.

“Okay, anyway. I have no idea what to do. I mean, I can barbecue, but the whole entertaining thing is way out of my league. There’s going to be husbands and wives and

kids and we can’t stand around staring at each other all day. I’m not good at planning

entertainment. I don’t want it to be fussy, but I don’t want everyone to be bored, either.”

“Relax.” She leaned over and laid her hand on top of his, feeling the sun-warmed heat of his body. “I’ve been handling social affairs for my father for years now. I’ll be

happy to help you.”

“Thanks. I really appreciate it.”

She stood and grabbed her pad and pen from the desk. “Okay, first things first—



Chapter Seven

The party turned out perfectly, even if she said so herself. Lucy stood outside under

the tent they’d erected this morning, watching the crowds mingle at the food table. She

mentally checked off her list, trying to figure out if she’d missed anything.

Not a thing. There were ribs, burgers, and hot dogs for the main food choices.


they had potato salad, fruit salad, corn on the cob, jello salad and coleslaw. Buns, slices

of bread, and all the condiments. And drinks, from soft drinks to beer and wine.

She’d passed on the wine. Iced tea for her today. This wasn’t a day for a repeat of her previous performance.

Jake had told her to keep it simple. He’d warned her this group of people wouldn’t

find caviar and pate to their liking. She’d sneered at his laughing face, telling him she

knew how to plan a party to fit the guests.

Although she had to admit to having experienced a bout of nervousness before everyone arrived this afternoon. Worried about every little detail, wanting this party to be

successful for Jake, had her pacing the yard like a caged tiger.

Jake finally had to tell her to stop obsessing, that everything looked perfect, she’d done a wonderful job, and she could relax and enjoy the party.

Little did he know. The hostess never really enjoyed the party, they were too busy making sure everyone else had a good time.

They’d gone with

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