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the door and stepped out into the hall. “Just a bout with PMS, I think.”

Yes, that definitely worked. The look of horror on his face was almost laughable.

She bit her lip to suppress a threatening giggle. “Shall we go back to the living room?”

she suggested.

“Nah, I’ve got a better idea. Come with me.”

Jake grabbed her hand and led her through the kitchen to the backyard. Lucy gasped

when she saw what he’d done.

Lit candles sat on the ground near the oversized trampoline, where Jake had thrown a

pile of blankets. When she turned to him, he smiled.

“Might be some shooting stars tonight, according to the forecast. Thought we might

relax out here and stare at the sky for awhile.”

When she didn’t say anything, he added, “You know, relax and unwind a bit? It was

a pretty hectic day.”

Just like that, with no mention of her tearful exit earlier. “It sounds great. I’d love to.”

They headed over to the trampoline. Before she could climb on, Jake scooped her up

in his arms and easily lifted her onto the wiggly apparatus. After a few seconds she

managed to balance enough to make it to the center of the trampoline. He jumped on and

joined her.

He’d spread out a couple sleeping bags on the bottom and added a few folded blankets for them to cover up with. She shivered, and he reached under the blanket for a


“Here, put this on. It’s kind of cool now that the sun’s gone down.” She took the offered sweatshirt and balanced on her knees in order to put it on. It hung way below her shorts and smelled spicy clean, just like Jake. She couldn’t resist the

urge to hug his garment next to her before settling in on the blankets.

“You’ll have to lay down to see, otherwise you’ll get an ache in your neck.” Following his lead she lay on her back. He pulled the blankets over them both and settled in next to her.

Try as she might to focus on the stars, the man next to her grabbed all her attention.

She listened to the sound of his even breathing, intensely aware of his warm body fitted

so closely against hers. How would they feel nestled up against each other, her leg wrapped over his, her head resting on his chest?

And how would he react if she threw herself on him like that? Would he bolt, or would he welcome her in his embrace?

How many times over the past couple weeks had she thought about what it would be

like to lie naked next to him? She’d caught glimpses of his strong, muscled body, and

many times thought about that body covering hers in passion.

Why was she even thinking these thoughts? They weren’t even really dating.


she’d come to think of Jake as a friend, someone she felt comfortable around. But as a

lover, a potential partner? No. He wouldn’t be happy in her world, and her family and

peers would never welcome him. And that she’d never put him through.

Not that he’d be interested, anyway.

She laughed at the way her mind wandered.

“What are you laughing about?”

“Oh. Um, nothing. My mind was wandering.”


How would he react if she told him what she’d really been thinking? “I was thinking

about a case I’m taking to court next week.”


Idiot. She had to blast these thoughts of her and Jake into orbit, shoot them across the

sky like the stars they were watching, until the thoughts disappeared out of sight.

And out of her mind.

“Can I ask you a question?” he asked.


“What happened in there? What did I say that upset you?” She knew it had been too good to be true. Hoping that he’d forget about the incident

didn’t mean it was going to happen. Now she’d have to face it.

“You said I reminded you of a kindergarten teacher.”

“Yeah, and?”

“It’s silly, really.”

“Not if it’s important to you, it isn’t.”

Still, she was reluctant to bring up the subject, knowing how idiotic it would sound.

She was an adult, had made her choices in life, and crying about what could never be

would merely show her as weak. The most important thing her father had taught her was

to never show a weakness. To anyone, friend or foe. It could come back to hurt you


“Let’s talk about something else,” she suggested.

Jake rolled onto his side to face her. Their eyes met, his shrouded in the darkness.

“Something happened in there to upset you. Tell me what it was.” It wasn’t a demand, it was an offer to listen. Did she really have anyone else she could talk to, besides Jake? What a terrible thought. After all these years of bottling all

her emotions inside, she’d finally found someone willing to listen, no matter what she

had to say.

“I’ve always wanted to be a kindergarten teacher.”

“Then why didn’t you?”

No condemnation at all. He didn’t laugh at her or tell her it was a stupid idea.

“Because I’m the last Fairchild.”


She turned on her side and rested her head in her hand. “Fairchilds have always worked for the firm.”

“Kind of an antiquated way of thinking, isn’t it?” She sighed. “Yes and no. Fairchild Law is a family business. Founded by Fairchilds and headed by Fairchilds for generations before me. My father had no brothers or sisters,

and I’m his only child. Which meant that if I didn’t go into law, the family business would die out with my father.”

He reached out and ran a finger over her cheek. She shivered and heated at the same


“I think your first responsibility should be to yourself. You deserve to be happy, Lucy. And if that means a different line of work, then you should go for it.” She shook her head. “It simply isn’t done that way. I couldn’t let my father down like that. He depends on me, depends on knowing that I’ll be there to take over when he’s

no longer around.”

“Does your father love you?”

“Of course he does.”

“If he loved you then he’d want you to be happy.” She shifted onto her back again, unable to meet the challenging look in his eyes. “I am happy.”

“Are you?”



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