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Bane and Ram as they explain what happened and how she got past Toxin. If I weren’t fuckin’ pissed by the fact she put herself in danger I’d be impressed by the fact she’d gotten pass the prospect with a roundhouse kick to the head.

I should have made sure to tell my brothers she and Demi are both trained in self-defense. Finally looking down at the note, it doesn’t make sense.

Going out for Scorch’s party. Left what I need at home. Don’t worry I’ll be back soon.

What the fuck? One: she’s never called me Scorch not even when I told her to unless we were in front of my brothers. Two: she didn’t leave anything at home.

Something about the cryptic way she wrote this seems familiar. Then it hits me, Emery once told me her and Demi have their own code for when something happens to each other.

“Demi, want to tell me what she meant by this?” I growl.

Instead of my sister-in-law answering my son looks at me and shocks the hell out of me. “Momma left, leaving me here to protect me. I’m what she needs. She’s never left me behind unless she was on a job. Demi has to track her. We’ve gotta get Momma back before the bad people hurt her,” Stone says calmly but the look in his eyes shows he’s anything but.

“Calm down Buddy, we’ll get your momma back I promise.” I will get her back. This shit’s not happening again. Not two times in my life will I be put through this bullshit. “Demi, I want to know where the fuck Emery is now,” I growl putting Stone on his feet.

“Well if you all would give me a fuckin’ computer I’d have already had her location. This is why I never leave without my own. Why I had to leave it at Sinner’s Cove is beyond me,” she mutters causing a few of my brothers to stiffen at the mention of the strip club.

“What the fuck were you doing at Sinner’s Cove?” Bane snarls.

“It’s none of your business what I was doing there,” she snaps right back at him.

“The hell it’s not. You don’t go into an Irish Mafia’s business. Not with who you fuckin’ are.” Bane remarks and I have to give him props he’s right. Dean wouldn’t put up with having someone there that doesn’t belong unless . . .

“Are you fuckin’ Dean?” I demand. Demi’s head spins to face me, if looks could kill I’d be dead right now.

“That is just fuckin’ gross dickhead. Fuck no I’m not fuckin’ Dean. More like Mitch, his second in command, and I have an arrangement,” she retorts, and I swear my brother's head looks like it’s about to explode.

“I don’t give a fuck what arrangement you have with him. It ends now,” Bane states before grabbing her arm and dragging her off to his office next to mine.

Shaking my head, I let out an infuriating breath. “Church in ten minutes brothers,” I yell while covering Stone’s ears, not wanting to set him off again.

Nodding, my brothers go ahead and start to head for the room.

Removing my hands from Stone’s ears I glance down to meet his gaze. “I want you to go get your art stuff and sit at the table you were at with your momma earlier. Beast is going to sit with you. Listen to him. We won’t be long, okay?”

“Okay Dad,” he nods.

“Good. I’m gonna get your momma back don’t worry. I’ve spent too long separated from you and her.” Ruffling his hair, I send him to get what he needs before grabbing the prospect's attention. “Beast watch Stone. He’s your priority for right now,” I order before heading into church.

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know who has her. The fucker had messaged me this morning. Now my wife is gone. I’m guessing she must have gotten a message herself. “Ram, pull up Emery’s phone history.”

“Already done Prez, she got a call before she’d left from an unknown number. But the stupid fuck doesn’t seem to know how to do anything right because I was able to trace the phone back to Felipe Alcazar,” Ram says before muttering something about technology incompetent fucker under his breath.

“I figured that would be who has her. Now it’s a matter of getting her back.” Banging my fist on the table it resounds throughout the entire room. “This shit isn’t happening again. I lost her for long enough I refuse to let this fucker win yet again. The Alcazars are going to die. I’m putting in the call to Capone the moment we finish. See if they are up for causing fireworks. I know they have their own shit to deal with but we’ll see. Also, what do you all think of calling the Iowa charter to have them on standby for clean-up. This isn’t gonna be easy. We do this, we do it right. Kill’ em all and end them.”

“Let’s kill those fuckers.”

“Blow their shit up.”

“End them all.”

Each of my brothers had their own thing to add as they all agreed the Alcazar Cartel needed to fuckin’ be taken out.

No more playing.

“Just so we’re clear, Javier and Felipe are mine. Javier should never have protected the little fucker from me. He’ll feel the pain I reap on him the same as I do to his nephew.” Just as I finish speaking there’s a knock at the door.

Standing Frost gets up to open the door. On the other side is Beast his gaze furrowed.

What the fuck now?

“Prez we’ve got a situation out here,” he growls.

Getting to my feet, I stalk out of the room followed by each of my brothers. Stepping into the main room, I come face to face with the fucker who shot my wife.

Felipe and the fact he’s holding a gun to my son’s head causes me to see red.

Chapter Sixteen


“You want to get your fuckin’ hands off my son,” I growl, doing my best

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