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Book online «Cyclone of Chaos E.C. Land (debian ebook reader txt) 📖». Author E.C. Land

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taking hold of me. Rain begins to fall. The wind is whipping around me. Knowing I’m at least safe for the moment the realization hits, I need to get off the beach and to high ground. I’d been hearing for the past week about Hurricane Dolly coming in and fuck if I want to be a sitting duck for the waves to catch me, better yet a riptide.

I’m a strong swimmer but not that strong.

When my feet can finally touch the ocean floor I move as fast as I can up to the sand. Falling to my knees I take a moment to gather my strength.

I simply need to get up to the top of the dunes. If I can do that, I can hopefully wait out Scorch and Demi finding me. By now I’m sure they have figured out my location.

Getting to my feet I hurry, falling along the way as I head for the dunes. By the time I get to the top the rain is coming down harder and the wind is whipping around me making the droplets of water feel like knives coming down with its powerful force.

If you think about it. Ten years ago, I was fighting for my life during a hurricane that caused my life to turn into a force of chaos. Now another cyclone of chaos is coming in at a time my life is spinning out of control.

Only this time I truly hope that things turn out differently and that I can finally have a life with my family.

My son and husband.

Collapsing to my knees, I’d have done a face plant if I didn’t roll to my back.

Blinking up at the darkening sky, letting the rain beat down on my face, I let out a defeated scream of agony as ten years’ worth of pain comes forward. In all these years I’ve never once allowed my agony to show. Right now, in the midst of the chaos coming my way it feels as if the perfect storm is coming to take my pain away.

However, will it leave me living in peace?

“Please hurry,” I whisper up to the sky, but who am I wanting to hurry.

Samuel, Scorch, or Death.

Two out of three of those is better than the other, but which would I be able to handle.

Chapter Eighteen


Fuckin’ rain. It’s bad enough getting soaked but adding the high winds to it and being on an island that is surrounded on both sides by water. Yeah, no thanks. I fuckin’ hate hurricanes. They’re a symbol that reminds me of what I thought I’d lost ten years ago.

As I pull into the marina my brothers following, I hit the brakes and put the kickstand down. I pull my phone out of the pocket of my cut, checking to see if Demi has any new messages for me. I normally hate seeing people who are driving and texting, let alone riding on the back of a bike. Today was an exception. I needed to have access to my phone.

Demi: Location for Emery’s tracker. Click the link to access.

Swear to fuck that woman sometimes thinks men are stupid and incompetent with the way she talks.

Clicking on the link she sent, I find the little dot showing me where she is.

“Prez take a look over there,” Bane says nodding his head to the dock.

Glancing up from my phone, I tilt my head to look.

“That’s fuckin’ Javier Alcazar. I don’t know who the men are with him, nor do I fuckin’ care. Let’s get this fucker so I can grab Emery. The locator shows she’s not in this area,” I growl, putting my phone back in my pocket as I climb off my bike.

Nodding their heads my brothers follow me down the docks. Pulling one of my guns out of the holster I aim it straight at Javier’s head. “Dickhead you’ve fucked up for the last time,” I snarl.

Chuckling, Javier gives me a menacing grin.

“You’re too late, Scorch. Your little perra is gone.” Knowing I have her location I have a hard time believing him.

“Doesn’t stop me from taking you out,” I mutter, keeping my focus directly on him. In my peripheral I notice my men stiffening as Javier’s men surround us.

“Don’t lose focus Prez,” Bane murmurs.

“You seem to take me for a fool Scorch. That’s one thing I’m not. You and your club have fucked with my business for the last time. That child was meant to go to a major client of mine,” Javier cackles as if this situation was funny and he was going to have the last laugh.

Yeah don’t fuckin’ think so fucker.

“Where’s Emery?” I demand even though I have the coordinates. I want to hear what he has to say.

“Told you she’s gone. The ocean has her now. The sharks can have her. I hear they have a number of bull sharks in the area. She should have stayed a ghost instead of popping her head out of the sand. She screwed up and her sister is next.”

What the fuck did they do?

“You don’t know, do you?” he chuckles at my silence.

“Doesn’t matter if I do or not. All that matters is your death,” I seethe.

“Now that won’t be happening,” he says, stiffly.

Before I can respond, gunfire surrounds us, and Javier is taking off for the boat.

“Go after him Prez we’ll handle these goons,” Pyro yells.

Taking off after the fuckin’ coward, I catch up with him, tackling him to the dock before he can get on the boat. I slam my fist into his face, knocking him out. I’m not ready to kill him yet. Not by a long shot. He needs to suffer, and I intend for that to happen back at the clubhouse.

Around me I watch as the last of the men with Javier drop.

“Prez, you good?” Bane asks.

“Yeah, I’m good. Put this fucker in the van and get these bodies cleaned up. The last thing we need to deal with right now are the local

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