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Book online «Zombie Road: The Second Omnibus | Books 4-6 | Jessie+Scarlet Simpson, A. (pride and prejudice read txt) 📖». Author Simpson, A.

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of the hardcore bikers that still rode a motorcycle and liked to let everyone know he was tougher than them. Everything they’d done, he’d done it too but twice as good. He was one of those guys that talked big and liked to have everyone paying attention to him. He tried to push Gunny’s buttons, tried to get a rise out of him but went on to insult someone else when the new guy just stared at him calmly over his coffee cup. Maybe he shouldn’t mess with him, he decided when the icy eyes didn’t flinch. He looked like he knew how to handle himself.

Gunny finally had enough and stood, tossing his empty breakfast plate on the ground like everyone else. The slaves would clean it up.

“Where you off to?” their leader said, pushing aside one of the girls touching up the four vertical red stripes on his face.

Gunny’s first reaction was to tell him to shove his nosey ass up his ass but that didn’t sound right, even in his head so he answered truthfully.

“Gonna take a look at the cliff top. See if I can come up with any ideas on how to crack it.”

“Let me know if you do.” Python said. “All the war chiefs have a meeting with Casey before the feast, it’d be great if I could give him some new ideas. That would look good for all of us.”

Gunny nodded. “Will do, Chief.”

Griz stood to join him and there was a yell and a scream from the workshop they were using as their club house. Everyone turned to look but weren’t too concerned. Just another fight. Three big men from another tribe were dragging one of the Human Hunters out towards the firepit. One of them had a half-naked girl and pulled her along, his grip firm on her arm. They weren’t dressed in the usual raider attire, they had on slacks and blazers, they were clean shaven, had swarthy skin and wore their black hair slicked back. The Mobsters. They tossed Bobby Rose on the ground in front of the Hunters war chief and one of them planted an Italian loafer across his skinny chest to hold him in place.

Python waited along with everyone else. It was too early for a brawl, most of them still had headaches and Bobby had probably brought this on himself. They’d defend him if they had to, he was one of their tribe, but for now they watched.

The man with the foot on his chest pulled out a deck of cards. They all recognized them as Bobby’s, he was always shuffling them and doing tricks and wanting to play poker. He started pointing out tiny little black marks nearly hidden in the designs on the backs.

“They’re marked.” he said in an accent right out of New Jersey and eyes got wide. No wonder Bobby always seemed to have all the luck when there was something in the pot that he really wanted to win.

“He won this girl last night from Frankie Four Fingers. She was one of his best. Frankie don’t like to be cheated.”

The raiders looked on at the little man squirming in the dirt, unsympathetic.

Nobody liked to get cheated.

The big man with the tight blazer pulled out a pair of wire cutters from his vest pocket and Bobby Rose started protesting in earnest. He swore he wasn’t cheating, he swore he was sorry, he swore he’d make it up. The man with the cutters ignored his pleas and nodded to the other men. More expensive shoes stomped down on his arm, held it firmly in place and they heard the snap of the bone over his yells when one of his fingers was cleanly snipped off. The man stood back up and carefully wrapped the index finger in a dirty handkerchief.

“Frankie Five Fingers thanks you for your patronage. Please come back to gamble anytime you want. Your debt has been paid.”

He slipped the grim little package into his pocket and turned to leave. “But don’t cheat anymore or he’ll be known as Frankie Six Fingers.”

Bobby Rose held his bleeding hand and nodded, trying to hold back the tears as he sat up.

He smiled at the grim-faced men around the fire, men who where thinking about every bottle of booze, every handful of pills and every thing else they’d lost to him over the months.

“Come on, fellas. You’re my tribe. I wouldn’t cheat you.”

“I need another finger to finish off my chest piece.” Switchblade Jay said and flicked out his blade.

“I could use a thumb to round out my necklace.” Billy Kill said and stood up.

“Can I have his pecker?” one of the girls said and unsheathed a wicked looking blade.

Others remembered their losses and stood, joining the chorus of voices. Some wanted toes, others wanted ears.

Bobby Rose back pedaled away in the dirt then ran as the men started laughing and sat back down.

“Somebody go find him and let him know we ain’t really gonna cut him up.” Python finally said when he stopped chuckling. “But it can wait a while.”

The laughter erupted again.

Gunny climbed into his Chevelle and Griz hopped in the passenger seat. They had some scouting to do. Most of the camp was just waking up, groggy men and women gathered around fires while their slaves cooked for them. Most of the prisoners weren’t kept in cages and only a few had any kind of restraints at all. They were easy to spot, though. Ragged clothes without any of the grisly trophy adornments and unpainted faces. Tribeless. They were in the middle of the desert with no where to run. They could steal a car but they wouldn’t get far. The Raiders were probably hoping some would try just to give them something to do, a good chase to break up the monotony of waiting for the rest of the tribes to arrive.

They slowly idled by a half full parking lot near the headquarters where Casey’s top brass

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