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talk to you. I have a letter for your husband, MichioKimes.”

She frowned. Letters wereuncommon, especially on Kanai. “Michio isn’t here.” She pressedher hand against the door and it responded to her handprint byswinging open. The sound of children playing flowed into the hall. “Ican give him the message when he returns.”

“I have orders to deliver it inperson. When do you expect him back?”

“Who is the letter from?”

“Queen Koriann Van Marsindi.”

“Koriann sent it?”

Toemeka lifted the letter fromOjoe’s hand and looked at the envelope. It had a gold Van Marsindiwax seal on it and Michio’s name, but no address. Toemeka looked atOjoe more closely and noticed the distinctive Jaiparian highcheekbones and light blue eyes. “You flew all the way here fromplanet Borko to bring Michio this letter?”

“Yes, the Queen’s attendantsaid it was a matter of national security.”

“You can’t deliver it toMichio in person because he’s off-world for an indefinite period oftime.”

His eyebrows drew together.“Where can I find him?”

Toemeka heard a noise behind herand turned to see Keya toddle up to her. The little girl raised herchubby arms into the air and said, “Up.” Toemeka smiled andlifted the child into her arms.

“Hi, Keya. How’s my girl?”Toemeka put Keya on one hip and returned her attention to themessenger. “I’m sorry, I don’t know where Michio is or how toreach him.”

“I have orders to return withhis reply. Perhaps you could read the letter and send a reply.”

Toemeka didn’t think it was herplace to open a sealed letter from the ruler of Jaipar and it wouldbe a violation of Michio’s privacy to read his mail, yet themessage must be important and need immediate attention. She wastempted. What pressing concern could cause Koriann to contact Michio?She set Keya down. “Go play, sweetheart.” Keya ran back into thepod.

Still standing in the hall whereshe knew it would be quieter, Toemeka broke the seal and took out thehandwritten letter.


Iam writing to seek your advice as a friend and Ahimsa warrior. Over amonth ago, Samrat Condor threatened to attack Jaipar if we don’tsurrender. We are preparing for war, but I fear it will not beenough. Our military is greatly weakened from overthrowing GeneralBhandar.

A wave of uneasiness shot throughToemeka, knowing how vulnerable Jaipar was after ten years ofmilitary occupation. She read on.

KingZanton Duborginact, the ruler of Haklute, offered to join forces withJaipar against Samrat Condor if our countries unite. So I haveaccepted his proposal of marriage.

Toemeka thought back on thegeography of Borko. Haklute was a large country on the far side ofthe Purple Mist Mountains to the west of Jaipar. They’d never doneanything to aid Jaipar during General Bhandar’s occupation. Whywould they offer military support now? Another thought popped intoher mind. How would Erling react to Koriann getting married?

She continued reading.

Withtheir Headquarters destroyed and the war raging on Alandra, theCoalition is not in a position to offer much aid, but they did sendErling. He has been of great service in uniting the entire planet andorganizing its defense against Samrat Condor’s air fleet.

MasterBakka said you are the only one that can defeat Samrat Condor. Willyou come to us in our time of need? I fear this time Samrat Condorwants not only Jaipar, but the entire planet.

Yourloving friend,


How could Michio defeat SamratCondor? Had a personal plea for help from Koriann been what broughtMichio to Jaipar months ago when Toemeka first met him? She feltoverwhelmed by all the ramifications of the letter. She lifted hereyes to Ojoe’s. “I wish I had a way to reach Michio.”

“What should I to tell theQueen?”

“I don’t know. I’m aCoalition agent. Since Michio isn’t here, perhaps I could go in hisplace.”

The tension visibly drained fromOjoe’s body. “Could you? I’m sure the Queen would value youraid. Weren’t you part of the Coalition team that overthrew GeneralBhandar?”

“Yes, although we didn’toverthrow Bhandar alone. We worked with the Kameet Resistance andJaipar’s allies.”

“You and the other members ofyour team are celebrated as heroes in Jaipar.”

“I’m hardly a hero, but I’llaccompany you to Jaipar. When do you want to leave?”

“As soon as possible. My shipis ready for a return flight to Alandra.”

“I have to pack a bag and makea few arrangements. Come inside and eat with us while I get ready.”

The family was sitting around asmall table, eating dinner. Toemeka explained that she was leavingfor awhile as she dished up some food for the messenger and herself.They ate sitting on the couch since there wasn’t room at the smalltable. Afterward she put some things in a travel bag. She hadn’tbrought much with her to Kanai, so it didn’t take long.

Once she was packed, she sat atthe desk to write a note to Michio. She twisted her wedding band onher finger, wondering what to say. He wouldn’t like her leaving thesafety of Kanai.


Todaya messenger from Jaipar brought a letter for you from Koriann. Sinceit was urgent and I had no way of contacting you, I took the libertyof reading it. After doing so, I decided to go to Jaipar to assessthe situation and see what I can do to help. Please contact me therewhen you return.

Ihope your training is going well and look forward to when we can betogether again. I miss you and love you with all my heart.



She attached her note to theenvelope containing Koriann’s letter and locked it in a desk drawerwith Michio’s other personal belongings. After putting on herflight suit, she kissed the two children, said good-bye to theirparents, and headed out the door with Ojoe.

“I’ll have to get clearanceto leave,” Toemeka said, as she followed Ojoe to the bank of tubecars that would take them to the main landing bay. “I’m helpingdesign the new dome,” she added, regretting that she wouldn’t beable to complete the project. Fortunately, a competent engineeringteam was working on the project and she was sure they could managewithout her, whereas Jaipar’s situation was desperate. She couldhelp Erling organize Borko’s defense. A smile spread across herface. She was back in action, plus she’d get to work with herformer partner and closest friend, Erling.

Toemeka sat in the cockpit besideOjoe as he wove his two-man spacecraft through Ormezd’s rings,avoiding

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